American idiot

It's always pretty funny to talk about geography with American people, because they are thinking like they are alone on this planet.

When you talk about Europe, they think about Paris and La tour Eiffel, they say "boujours" "je t'aime" and usualy "voulez-vous coucher avec moi"..

In the following link you will see a nice blond totaly randomised of the brain and powned irl by a child of 8 years old.


Edit :
Added: 6 days ago
That's OLD.

but stiLL funny!
"im HungaryHungary...i need a TurkeyTurkey"
was posted yesterday ?!
I'm sorry I don't read every journals on xfire.
even the leader man pronounces Hungary badly... shes so dumb, but i guess the 90% of people there wouldnt have known either

shame on USA, poor Hungary:)
evryone know such TV shows takes the dumbest personns possible, if you don't then you're as dumb as her :)
I've just performed a small study with people I have on xfire and MSN. I've asked them for the countries which have Budapest and Quito as capital city. Only 5 could place Quito correctly, and only 18 could place Budapest correctly, out of 32 that is.

So basicly, West-Europeans who flame those Americans are for the majority as stupid as them Americans <o/
And I proved that your internet-survey is useless, you can google everything in under 45 seconds.

And that means that even more of those of answered to you dunno anything.
If only 3 persons answered it correctly, I doubt a lot of people used Google :D
And they didn't look like they used google, I trust them all ;-p
she is kinde cute :~>
this is like the 10th journal about this vid...
So you're denying that the average Western-European is dumb, concerning geographical knowledge?

I'm well aware that my little study isn't that representative for the whole of the Western-European population, BUT it should be common knowledge that the average joe knows shit about geography. If you question that, well then I guess you're just having a hard time accepting facts.
ouh yes they r . If you would ask , where estonia lies , most of them will say Russia or other stupid country
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