tonighttt (dutch gangsta, no bijlmerboys)

Loekino party

and guess what?

he invited me !

what should i give him? dont have any idea, maybe some bottle with sambuca and i will design a spiderkino on it? cool c00l? help me plox
niet spieken!
een schop onder zun billetjes moneyzzzz
hF @ LoeKiNo PaRtY
give him aidz!

no, give him money to be able to actually BUY games instead of steal them
im not invited wtf?
log + dutch = ban ;)
delete hem maar
oh im sry then
i like the loekino xmas tree in your profile so you can come, np
How about a book for some education.
Loekino and a party? what you gonna do? sit around and talk about computergames with some guys?
hmm no , gonna sit with nice music and play poker
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