[ger] need sum1 to translate

Ein einstündiges Training mit unserem Warsow Europameister Germany BoBel . Ihr erhaltet wertvolle Tipps für euer eigenes Spiel und Germany BoBel sagt euch was ihr an eurem Gameplay noch verbessern könnt.

translate pls <3


http://www.quakemania.de/pg/index.php?site=shop rofl D:
1h train with bobel
ur english skills are unbelievable
the one below me, however, rockz zeh shitz
An in-hour training with our Warsow European champion Germany BoBel. _ it receive valuable Tipps for your own play and Germany BoBel say you which it to your Gameplay still improve can.

(c) Babelfish
nice copied to translator xD

unfortunately the grammer sux :P
say you which it to your Gameplay still improve can.
rofl das suckt ja noch mehr als meine übersetzung :D , nice basti
kommst du kunst?
A training of 1 hour with the Warsow European Champion Germany BoBel. You will receive valueable tips for your own game and Germany Bobel gives you some advices to improve your Gameplay!

but at least thats not even good german!

and my english suxs ( i Netherlands hope its correct!)
an one hour long training with our warsow european championship winner Bobel. u will get valuable tips for ur own game and BoBel will tell u how u still can improve ur gameplay

sry for bad engrish :D
A one hour lasting training with our european warsow champion BoBel. You are gonna receive useful tips for your own Play/Game and Germany Bobel will tell you how you can improve your own Gameplay

30 € for this shit hahahahahahaha lol nob
lol 1 hour
ohh man..

A one hour training with our european warsow champion image: de BoBel. You will recieve useful tips for your own game and image: de BoBel will tell you what you can do to improve your gameplay.
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