kick idle from qcup

yep you can read it, fuck them.

a team only playing for money and then leave the scene, shouldn't be allowed in any cup...

other teams in the scene who don't just come back for money, train a lot and try to achieve something and then some oldskoolers come back, pwn teh place, and leave after cup like they never were their before

shit attitude IMO
:DD lol.. XD
candidate for journal of the year
serious business!
you just made me lol rly hard
loooooooooooool, next time they expect interests that they join the cup
everyone should be allowed.

best team wins. im sure thats how it works.

now stfu and dont be a whiney nublet
You're correct
i speak the trueth.
lol slasheh
YOUR WRONG!!!!!!!! u still playing tf2 ?o_o
best journal so far :DDDDD
haha :D:D:D nah ferus is also the guy that comes to get some money everytime there's a lan
but I rly don't care about it because there are not many "skilled and active" clans in ET - is there even 1?
just let them play so we can see some skill
or a big sucking coz lack of pracc
waiting for the "Internet - Serious Buisness" pics!
waiting for the "Internet - Serious Buisness" pics!
klick my profile, np
just get some hacks and fuck them !1111
niggah pls
ban. racist
you can't face it that these "old skoolers" like to play with each other? and they prolly didn't had a ET yet for this cup and wanted to own the last time.

Just like SRP tried @ CDC3
nice story. but "skool" in that spelling would be "new skool"

thus the irony in your sentence, it tastes like chocolatemilk ?

"train a lot and try to achieve something"

it seems like thats not enough.
dont laugh @ him

image: serious_dontyouknow

PS:I lol'd :D
30 euro's each if you win? That's already one brest implanted for reload to complete his transformation
yee , you r that online-only guy . Who whines online , but @ lans is like the shittiest guy ever.
The fact you say that shows how little you know me .
Efax and decem were pretty quiet when i spoke to them.
dno , a player told me , that cZar guys are arrogant online , but offline are like lil kids
That's because you don't get the point... It's not that we are arrogant, the reactions we get by flaming are so funny that we like it.
Ask Ronner, He knows.
Although i met you offline and played poker with u untill u were knocked out, doesnt mean that u arent arrogant lil pricks on the internet. Well basically all the other belgians fuckers but you. You are quite nice, but the other guys are just pathetic. Vila most of all.
Can't wait to hear your shit-talk at CDC4. Idiot.
Sorry dumbo , i'll see you there.

Btw are you flying for free with your Earairline?
Again, feel free to say that to my face.

Quote by vilaThe fact you say that shows how little you know me

Pretty ironic considering the fact that you're talking shit online about people that you don't even know. The only memory I have of you from CPC2 was some short-arse slumped into his seat while playing a game. Why didn't you have so much to say at that LAN? I'm really looking forward to watching you flaming people 'IRL' at CDC4.
I wanted to spec you on Lan but i couldn't see your screen since your ears blocked my view , btw im sure you were looking for me retard. Come in february please i beg you.
Hilarious joke, no really. Continue being a hypocrit, it's highly amusing. Talking shit on the internet seems to be a great hobby of yours, too bad you're not so loud-mouthed when it comes to real life.
maybe he is just trying to ignore people like you
Ask anyone of my friends about me and you'll learn that im not so scared to give my opinion or to flame someone in real life , in opposite of you i have something to do except for my computer life.

Even the people on vent here are laughing so hard with your conclusions that you base on nothing.
What conclusions am I making? You're notorious for mindlessly flaming people online yet nobody I have spoken to has any recollection of you doing so in real life too.

You accuse me of making conclusions about you when I don't know you, but you fail to realise that you're doing exactly that, just look at what you said about RELOAd, you don't even know him but you're insulting him online. I'm entirely sure you didn't say the same things to him at LAN. You did exactly the same to me just now - talking shit about me online, yet there was neither sight nor sound of you at CPC2. If you want to say what you said to both of us at LAN, feel free to do so, until then you're not going to be much more than a perfect example of Napoleon-syndrome.
See when the fight with you started and when cpc2 was. You keep getting that argument whilst there wasn't a problem back then. You really think you impress me with your high quality english? I wonder who you have spoken to about me. I have no further comment to make except that we'll "talk" further on cdc.

In the meantime FLY ON BABY

image: dumbo17wn8
Keep mentioning the ears thing, it really gives your argument more credibility. Notice how I don't need to mention that you're a malnourised short-arse to support my argument.

What 'fight' are you talking about? This whole thing started because I pointed out how retarded you are for constantly flaming people without reason. Need I remind you that you're notorious for talking shit about lots of people online but failing to do so to their face. What fight do you have with RELOAd, or any of the other people you flame? Can you tell me why you're insulting RELOAd now but you said nothing to him at LAN? How do you fail to see that your argument makes no sense?

Also, I didn't realise that being able to speak English properly was such a turn-on for you. Simple things amuse simple minds...
So u want him to randomly come to u and start flaming you just to prove he flames as much offline as online ? I flame alot online & offline but only if someone triggers my buttons , i don't just walk up to retards like you to start flaming him because i want to prove that i'm an allround flamer. If u annoy me offline u'll know it .
QuoteSo u want him to randomly come to u and start flaming

He does it online, that's the point... There are countless examples of him flaming and insulting people (often personally) without any reason. He'd look like less of a joke if he did it offline too.
You flamed acozz online , did you do it offline?
There is no bad blood between myself and aCoZz, from my side at least. I insulted his country as a means of winding him up following his bad-mood after that match. It was pretty immature and distasteful and as I said before I regret saying what I said. It is not even remotely on par with your level of completely random personal attacks.
this is a journal about coming back to play a cup for money
reload is in that team , he flames him ... NOT RANDOM

u flame him ... he flames u NOT RANDOM

QuoteAlso, I didn't realise that being able to speak English properly was such a turn-on for you. Simple things amuse simple minds...

The day u speak dutch like we speak english , i will own maus in a 1v1
Wow, so a journal regarding idle's participation in an online cup gives vila's the justification to insult one of its member's physical appearance? Great logic there chief. If you can't see how that's mindless flaming then I can see I'm wasting my time here.

Also, please read carefully above - I wasn't criticising his English, he was criticising the fact that I can speak it well, apparently.
i dunno about you but when money is in the same sentence with idle everybody thinks about reload , he just looks like he lives in a box. Maybe he wants to look like that and it's part of his personality , then he just has to live with the flame he gets or beat up vila at cdc4.
It must be those two options, no other !
you care too much about internet =)
It gives as much credibility to my argument as your argument has credibility about the fact if i am though or not.

And to get your short term memory cleared up , the fight started when you were flaming acozz . And if you want i can give you some quotes from that.
For example giving numbers of how poor Croatia was.
Now that's retarded and really low.

So don't talk about being malnourised short-arsed to me fucking irish retard. Does your admin status give you a hard dick? Fool.
QuoteIt gives as much credibility to my argument as your argument has credibility about the fact if i am though or not.

What? Care to attach any point to that...? That's akin to saying 'I know you are but what am I'.

QuoteAnd to get your short term memory cleared up , the fight started when you were flaming acozz . And if you want i can give you some quotes from that.
For example giving numbers of how poor Croatia was.
Now that's retarded and really low.

While I'm not going to deny that what I said was out of order, it was intended as a means of winding him up - albeit in a pretty distasteful way. I like how you try to justify your random flaming with something that had absolutely nothing to do with you though.

QuoteSo don't talk about being malnourised short-arsed to me fucking irish retard. Does your admin status give you a hard dick? Fool.

Thanks for continuing to prove my point. Interesting how you've yet to deny that you flame people randomly without reason, even more interesting how you've failed to provide a reason as to why you flamed RELOAd online, but didn't do so to his face. I'm all ears, if you'll excuse the pun.
Again you are wrong , i am not trying to justify my flaming or whatsoever.I am flaming you for basing your arguments on thin air. You keep stating that whilst i flamed online i never did anything on cpc2 , correct i didn't do anything there but i also didn't have any problem with you or with the idle team. Those things changed in the months after. You weren't at cdc3 so you can't say what i did there. If you were you would su.
You really seem to think i need to have some kind of respect for you or your idle team. Respect comes from both ways and since you didn't have any for me / us i don't see why i should for you guys.
You're not trying to justify it because it's unjustifiable. You still have not given one good reason why you just insulted RELOAd's appearance (note that he's just one example out of many people you insult without reason). I really cannot put this more simply so I'll ask you for the last time. Why are you so quick to insult him online yet you said nothing to him at CPC2 or CDC3?

This isn't about respect at all, I don't care what respect you have for me or idle, and I'm not even being elitist - just shocked how you fail to acknowledge that your argumentation has some big holes in it.
I am so quick on flaming him because of his and his teams arrogant behaviour in the past / now vs us.
funny how u and the rest of the edit guys stick up for 1 another seeing as there is 6 of u on 1 team and all of u are "ganging" up on sol. Maybe thats why u flame so many ppl on the internet cos u know u have 5 guys behind u? I dont rly get on well with sol but to see u and the rest of ur retarded m8s all coming together to flame him is retarded. His points are totally valid and just proves what retards u and ur teamates are. Any points about my image that u can flame about because ur obviously the best looking guy i have seen on this website without any flaws in his image.
join him in his club
as stated above i dont have a great relationship with sol but i felt it was right to stick up for him like ur retarded m8s do with u. No flame about my image or how if i come to lan ur going to "beat me up" ?
I don't really care about some noname's opinion. Btw my mates standing up for me , doesn't it ring a bell about our situation vs the idle team is. Their behaviour in the past vs us affects all of us , so they have the right to post something.
i agree that maybe u have a right to post something - but about 1 of their players' image. How mature of u. Here comes the classic flame of me being a nobody - i'd rather be a nobody than an arrogant nob like u who thinks that no1 is scared of him.
The flame originally wasn't really about reload's physical appearance although that is also pretty laughable but about the fact they come back to play for 30 Euro's a person.
actually if you would use your brain a little bit you would really understand that it's just the final push what you need for playing :)
I understand you need the 30 euro's to get the haircut you have wanted for so long.
did your hax?
Ye mr 15 year old i would su already.
fail #3

keep it coming :p
Wa probeert ge hier feitelijk mee te bereiken idioot? Beetje te slijmen bij die retards ofwa? Leg me uw punt is uit mongool.

En gij zijt gewoon 1 en al failure gast.
kvind u gewoon zielig das al :P

en slijmen ? bij wie ? die oh zo coole sol waar ik vriendjes mee wil zijn of met de rosse ? :x
Gij vind mij zielig? swel grappig , beetje slijmen om in team be te komen , nog wa hacken derbij in een free gameke. Gij moet hier juist iets zeggen over zieligheid
::::D/d:d:dD? ik in team be willen ? slijmen om erin te raken ? :Z
Ik heb mijn bronnen. Dus ik zou maar zwijgen.
Nice journal van fiki KUTAAP HAHAHAHHAHAHA
Vila, wanneer word je nou eens oud genoeg om te beseffen dat deze trash-talk over het internet je alleen meer neer zet als een ongelofelijke zielige gast... Serieus je wint er echt helemaal niks mee. Zeker die shit die dat je mensen wel spreekt bij een volgende LAN. Simpelweg pathetic.
nog zonen das
Hoewel ik weinig hoop heb, hoop ik voor jou dat je het weldra door begint te krijgen.
Wat geef ik erom wat iemand van mij denkt als ik iets post op een site van een game community. Ik interesseer me werkelijk geen ene moer van mensen waarmee ik niets te maken heb.
Als het je niks zou schelen, zou je je afzijdig houden en nergens iets op zeggen. Terwijl je nu juist het tegenovergestelde doet
Ik wist dat je dat ging zeggen , wat die kutier doet is zichzelf gewoon baseren op foutieve / onbestaande feiten . Hij insinueert meermaals dat ik dit / dat niet gedaan heb in tegenstelling dat het wel zo is.
Is your pic uploaded anywhere? And when people learn that you cant do personal insults in internet.
just shows how retarded u are and i dont think u are as tough as u think irl.
Good for you , another opinion i give shit about.
ur not the most attractive person either im sure i could find some stuff to flame u about.
I forgive you, only because you fired up some impressive phrases! :XD

I agree with you also, frogs are going to rain tomorrow!
give me a pic of him or yours plx xD I want to get horny
Sol 1 - Vila 0
maybe I should give him this then

image: megafoon
and im really looking forward to meet mr. "i know everything better then other people" at lan. lolled
Who are you quoting?
you tell me janet
You wasn't so brave either!
Do you want to fight huh?
ah you will be there ? :D
lets drink a cup of tea then.
You lost me!
We will think about it.
sozial von euch :)
BUBUB :99999999
taking your win eh :D ?
imo , it's so good to see so good names back @ ET , such as r3vers , reload , night

Would be even better ,if ferus comes back also :P
I hope they lose :)


Well since dignitas and TLR are to stupid to come back its up to these guys!

I wish them gl :)
funniest journal ever :)
never cry a shitwolf

image: 5061
yes let's kick the only clean team out of a cash prized online cup, hahahaha =D
best journal so far
Im sorry , the words of a hacker aren't that important to me
idle won't pwn anymore imo...
Finnish ... no further explanation needed.
belgium, the country which is famous for.....
oh wait can't imagine anything
You don't know shit then. And you're from ?
ahh now I know, it's called "losing their nerves pretty easily"
Fuck you idle. Capitalism sucks!
ez bash for TAG
this is one of the most successful journals ever
All I can say is: Wow!
Couldn't agree more. Damn those lame bastards, playing in a cup and stuff
who is woot???

image: Amazingly%20I%20Don't%20Give%20A%20Shit%20Large

GL idle :)
so unfair

oldschool sucks
vila blijft gaan xD
i need 2 guys for ragefire dungeon i am rogue lvl 19 and i have one warlock here plz help
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