:< tomorrow's gonna hurt :<

I still have 1 faketooth and a few dead teeth from an accident a year ago. Tomorrow (today actually already :S) the dentist will pull out all these teeth and replace them for stiffteeth, and also my faketooth will be replace with a bridge (causing the two teeth next to the faketooth to be pulled out too). I have to get out of bed already in 4 hours, but I'm so nervous, I can't sleep :S

Wish me good luck! (or aids if u don't like me)

image: man_in_pain
ow come on :|
fking haters
hehe go spree! went to the dentist aswell,mine was a total asshat! :P
Gl, its prolly gonna be more of a nuisance then pain i guess :)

well, last time I got a nervetreatment at my teeth, right after the accident (a little more than a year ago), but they forgot to give me *verdoving (dno the word)*, so it hurt like hell then. Now they are gonna pull like 5 teeth or smth and replace them with all fake shit n stuff. And prolly I'll have to return the 16th of December for another treatment at my bridge, today the emergencybridge will be placed, which will be replaced in two weeks :S
ow ye getting teeth pulled sucks :/
Feels like they are trying to break ur jaw
they didn't pull them, they kept drilling till they were gone (including some teethflesh :S)
brrrr, bet ur glad thats over :o
Cut your hair on the way there please.
the dentist will pull them out
rly original n funny man, no im rly serious, gz and kudo's 2u
No joke....
standard reply to some1 dissing some1 else's failing joke ;/
Stop whining it doesn't hunt
it prolly will hurt though ;/
Promise me you wont cry
gl mate :D
I'm sure you will survive!
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