what about OoOooooOo

what about asian people here (kk no turcs and russian ppl)? There are like over 2 billions of them and in japan and south corea (i heard) they have a lot of people who play computer games, but why the hell is no one of them registered here. K instead of them we have 75 % dutch people here

image: zombiefish
they dont have time to spam because they play 24/7 hours.
and pls nothing against dutchies. they r just lovely :DD
i didnt say anything against dutchies, i just find they have a cool language

oki bibuy gotta go
prefer germans :D

hej sweetie:) How are u? Long time not seen :(
well yermans r nice too..especially some of them... :p

im fine jola. but my job.. aaaah im so busy atm... hope u r well too?? <3
jaaaaa:) i am rly rly good^^ u know what i mean my lovley Saskia:P
hope u will have more time to talk Sweetie. Missing u:(
can i take that as a compliment (a)?
ofc dutchie!
i think im in loveeee *gay romantic sound*
i prefer any eu country than those yellow fatkids...
and fuzz is from japan now, its more than enough.
I have some of them in my class they are playing counterstrike every single day :P
aren't they playing starcraft ?
No, most of the time counterstrike or playing on their PLAYSTATION PORTABLE (watching anime) :P
they don't play ET !
if u join warcraft 3 scene then its 75% koreans, so be thankful for having now 75% dutch ppl @ et scene
there are some asian guys registered here! but afaik the W:ET community isnt that big there...
dutchies ftw,
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