Best of the best 2007

Who would you nominate for the following:

- Best game event 2007
- Best Enemy Territory Player 2007
Best aimer, best medic, best Fops, best Allround
- Most Hated Enemy Territory Player 2007
- Best Admin on Crossfire 2007
- Worst Admin on Crossfire 2007
- Best (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007
- Worst (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007
- Best Enemy Territory War 2007

Note: Max 3 on every Best or Worse :)

Just an idea... maybe there will be an award for the winners :o
But for now im just bored :)

Flame on!
Worst admin would be them all.
hi slajdan, I always thought you are living in Sweden. :S How's life in Finland?
Vi blir dissade från CoD4 QCup pga av hentai.
Best Enemy territory player 2007 - > Norwayaxel
worst admin 2007 - > PetriP&WEsBo
I just finished playing need for speed most wanted, the game still sucks after 1 year :P
best admin sol (not sarcasm)
Make that list longer :D
i hate smokej the most
worst etplayer is banaan
best me ofc
best game event: de twinz en triflip nerd duo lan
beunhaas dushi pic
gister was je best etplayer :D
- Worst (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007 mmf

no, cwg !!!!!
Best Game Event '07: Netherlands CPC2
Best Enemy Territory Player '07: Belgium mAus (with his LANs performances.)[/b]]
Aimer: image: cup_gold Belgium mAus / image: cup_silver Belgium mAx or Germany butchji / image: cup_bronze Poland wiesiek or Finland mystic
Medic: image: cup_gold Wales sqzz / image: cup_silver Germany senji / image: cup_bronze Netherlands kris
Fops: image: cup_gold Spain Winghaven / image: cup_silver Germany butchji / image: cup_bronze Poland uf0l
Rifler: image: cup_gold Italy XyLoS / image: cup_silver Switzerland gifty / image: cup_bronze Croatia aCoZz
Allround: image: cup_gold Spain Winghaven / image: cup_silver Estonia Night / image: cup_bronze Netherlands kris
Kindest: image: cup_gold Israel sensy / image: cup_silver Poland uf0l / image: cup_bronze Ukraine Gr3ma

Most Hated Enemy Territory Player '07: image: cup_gold Poland malczik / image: cup_silver United Kingdom Hype aka kamz aka b2k / image: cup_bronze Poland keNta!
Best Admin on Crossfire '07:[/u] image: cup_gold United Kingdom TosspoT / image: cup_silver United Kingdom hentai / image: cup_bronze Ireland sol
Worst Admin on Crossfire '07: Anonymous No idea tbh.
Best (known) Enemy Territory Clan '07: image: cup_gold United Kingdom TLR (aMenti squad) / image: cup_silver Europe evolve/j52 (team-pi squad) / image: cup_bronze Germany mgp/pro5
Worst (known) Enemy Territory Clan '07: image: cup_gold Europe T4Ce / image: cup_silver Europe MoD (bSTURZ) / image: cup_bronze Belgium mmf
Best Enemy Territory War '07: Anonymous Wallonie2 against Ré
Why hentai? he removes all my comments when I ask for what reason we was removed from CoD4 QCup...
I didn't know that... I know him and he's really kind, and from what i've seen he seems to be a good admin. But well...
who is Poland keNta?
- Best game event 2007 - etcc lanparty!
- Best Enemy Territory Player 2007 - ruoska ofcourse!
- Most Hated Enemy Territory Player 2007 - Vargen ofcourse!
- Best Admin on Crossfire 2007 - :O
- Worst Admin on Crossfire 2007 - Sol!
- Best (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007 -
- Worst (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007 -
- Best Enemy Territory War 2007 -
the awards are not detailed enough... best aimer best medic best fops, stuff like that... thats what you need for awards like this imo :}
ill edit :)
- Best game event 2007
Netherlands CDC III

- Best Enemy Territory Player 2007
aimer: Belgium mAus (especially @ LAN)
medic: United Kingdom sqzz
fops: Spain Winghaven / Poland Kot
allround: Estonia Night / Belgium lio

- Most Hated Enemy Territory Player 2007
Belgium kiss (and no .. not for his ETskill)

- Best Admin on Crossfire 2007
United Kingdom Hentai / United Kingdom Tosspot

- Worst Admin on Crossfire 2007
Iran Sol

- Best (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007
Europe TLR (aMenti)

- Worst (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007
Belgium moomoofarm / Europe MoD

- Best Enemy Territory War 2007
Europe <[o]> vs Portugal k1ck @ Netherlands CDC3 was intense (for us atleast :P)
Europe TLR vs Europe dignitas @ CDC III (winnersbracketsfinal)

- Worst LAN performance 2007
Switzerland ReavEr !!! =D
- Best game event 2007: CDC3, Gameplay 2007
- Best Enemy Territory Player 2007: mAus, butchji, mystic
- Most Hated Enemy Territory Player 2007: kamz"/hYpe
- Best Admin on Crossfire 2007: TosspoT
- Worst Admin on Crossfire 2007: Combination of sol and decem
- Best (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007: TLR
- Worst (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007: mmf
- Best Enemy Territory War 2007: TLR vs. d.
- Best game event 2007 - CPC2
- Best Enemy Territory Player 2007 - Night
- Most Hated Enemy Territory Player 2007 - twinzzy
- Best Admin on Crossfire 2007 - TosspoT (duh!)
- Worst Admin on Crossfire 2007 - sol
- Best (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007 - TLR
- Worst (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007 - mmf
- Best Enemy Territory War 2007 - duuno
Best Enemy Territory War 2007 for me was @ CPC2, winner bracket final or semifinal vs dignitas. We won a map and lost the other one.

The decider was radar, they set a time of 9minutes, on our attack we got main radar kinda quick but the command one was rly hard to get it, when only 2 minutes left on the clock I throw an airstrike ( random one tbh ) and killed 4 on full spawn, taking parts and winning the map. Was also the best war because when I did that I heared all the cyber screaming and it was so nice xD! :P

the .avi is somewhere uploaded :D
- Best Admin on Crossfire 2007 - Kitty ;)
Me for all ofcourse
Best game event 2007: CDC2
- Best Enemy Territory Player 2007: mAus
Best aimer: mAus
best medic: sqzz
best Fops: Winghaven
best Allround: night
- Most Hated Enemy Territory Player 2007: kiss
- Best Admin on Crossfire 2007: TosspoT
- Worst Admin on Crossfire 2007: Sol
- Best (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007: TLR (aMenti)
- Worst (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007: mmf
- Best Enemy Territory War 2007: Winnerbracketfinal @ cdc3 d vs. TLR
best admin: sol
worst admin: petrip-tnt
- Best game event 2007: EUROCUP ;)
- Best Enemy Territory Player 2007
best aimer: wEAK :(
best medic: too many
best Fops: don't know
best Allround: Night
- Most Hated Enemy Territory Player 2007: don't care
- Best Admin on Crossfire 2007: hentai
- Worst Admin on Crossfire 2007: don't know
- Best (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007: Idle
- Worst (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007: all the random polish ones :p
- Best Enemy Territory War 2007: no idea
- Best game event 2007:

- Best Enemy Territory Player 2007:

- Best aimer, best medic, best Fops, best Allround:

- Most Hated Enemy Territory Player 2007:

- Best Admin on Crossfire 2007:

- Worst Admin on Crossfire 2007:

- Best (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007:

- Worst (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007:

- Best Enemy Territory War 2007:
MegaProGaming vs Impact
Worst Admin on Crossfire 2007
gz sol
Would be cool to have something like "Frag of the year 2007", with a public vote of course. Maybe separate categories for single frags and multikills.
.avi or it will never happen
Frag of the month imo.

You just gave me an idea. in a couple of hours.
This is a littlebit funny question "worst clan"
What do you mean exactly , teamwork? skills? attitude? afaik mmf cant be the worst clan in ET when they got to EC , and this is so stupid that one "pro" writes smth and these random newbs are just replying/repeating him saying the same shit that he said. ( Dont you have your fucking own opinion ? ):D.
And there should be worst CB admin in ET , i think that donex would win that.
Best enemy territory war is also littlebit weird question because like winghaven said , his fav. match was his own match , so basically everyone would vote for their "own" best match? Thats a bit stupid?..
cry us a river ! :'(
Hmm i just said my opinion but nvm , act like a child , thats makes you cooler nowadays.
exactly, don't be too siriouz please x)
Funny to hear that from you.
idd, laughing my ass off !
You are soooo brainless man. :)
anyway dont have time bye.
- Best game event 2007:
Any game involving dtk.

- Best Enemy Territory Player 2007:

- Best aimer, best medic, best Fops, best Allround:

- Most Hated Enemy Territory Player 2007:
zetos enemy, the flagpole

- Best Admin on Crossfire 2007:

- Worst Admin on Crossfire 2007:

- Best (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007:

- Worst (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007:
Team UK

- Best Enemy Territory War 2007:
zeto vs sonic

- Best performance on LAN 2007:
Definitely zeto.
raza hasn't really done much this year!
Best Enemy Territory game event 2007

image: cup_gold CPC2
image: cup_silver CDC3
image: cup_bronze shgopen

Best Enemy Territory players 2007

best aimer

image: cup_gold Belgium mAus

best medic

image: cup_gold Wales sqzz

best fops

image: cup_gold Germany drago

best allrounder

image: cup_gold Spain winghaven

Most Hated Enemy Territory Player 2007

image: cup_gold Finland chmpp
image: cup_silver Russia pulza
image: cup_bronze Spain cid

Best Admin on Crossfire 2007

image: cup_gold Ireland sol
As more you administrate, as more you dissatisfy. He always gives reasons for his decisions in a logical way, also I don`t agree with it every time. In addition, he isn`t the typical asscrawl admin, he also makes unpopular decisions.
image: cup_silver Belgium rafiki
image: cup_bronze United Kingdom tosspot
For the best punchlines. His shit maps taste prevented a better place.

Worst Admin on Crossfire 2007

image: cup_gold Anonymous for the unknown admin, who always makes the shit decisions
image: cup_silver Finland petrip because Finland squall says so
image: cup_bronze Germany swine

Best (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007[/u]

image: cup_gold United Kingdom TLR
image: cup_silver Germany mpg/pro5
image: cup_bronze Finland team finland

Worst (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007

image: cup_gold Belgium mmf
image: cup_silver Italy eXplosion C4
image: cup_bronze Netherlands the netherlands as country ;D

Best Enemy Territory War 2007

image: cup_gold Europe dignitas vs. United Kingdom TLR @ CDC III (winnersbracketsfinal)

PS: Please add the "Most ingame whining player 2007" award, if u make it official. I want to achieve something. :(
Why eXplosionC4? any argument like noob squads, bad manager, cheater squads, etc...?
Wasn`t it the clan of koto & kmt?! That`s the first reason and the second one is that the clan didn`t react, even we have told it them 3248932843289843 times.
It was, but I (as manager of eC4) only heard rumours from the community. You never pmmed me with proofs... oh wait, you never pmmed me to speak about this at all, otherwise I would have done something.
Mmh, I always shared my opinion about them on every journal/topic, which was about them. And there were enough hints...
I'm not 24/24h on crossfire, and I'm not reading every journals even if it's about my clan.

Quote by Keytaro on 26/11/07, 18:20:04 GMT

Private discussion about koto & kMt "
"<eC4`Keytaro> but well, they aren't busted yet... there are no proofs to ban them :P
<rY`mens0> both of them are cheating anyway :D"

He was right! damn...

I am pretty sure I`ve mentioned it oftener, but it`s hard to find now. And I couldn`t share all proofs, because clanbase hadn`t allowed them anyway and I didn`t want to fuck up my source. There were enough hints, also from other sides. I remind the screenshot showing them playing with it on the tracker.
Ok about links

About the private discussion... I thought you were joking at that time... but you were right and I admit it.
Whatever, beeing smarter after it is always easy. Who knows, whether I decided in another way, if I had been you in that time.
Well sorry, but it's hard to kick players by telling them "You are a cheater sorry, bye" if you think they don't.

I thought they were skilled, I was wrong.
I'll steal your layout! :D
I`ll need to change something in my "Worst Admin on Crossfire 2007" list, if you do so!

PS: I didn`t even recognize yet, that you are cf admin. :P
please, you only say that because I wasnt listed (yet) as the worst admin on your list .
Nah, usually I was angry as I missed my chance to asscrawl with listing you on my "best admins" list. But now I am happy about it, after I recognized you also have misspelled my nickname. ;D
bah, okay then menszero
The zero is pretty important for me, as it represents my skill in per cent!
Best Enemy Territory War 2007

-> 6s vs TAG (ego quit on ettv after 7 mins of rape)
-> All team portugal matchs (they lost some even with 4/5 hacking)
-> Kenta matchs (he sucked before cdc3 but then he comes with a new skill).
-> mmf matchs with 1 cheater / phan with 1(more for sure) cheaters
-> ec4 loosing some matchs with 2 (more for sure) cheaters playing
Tell me, in your oppinion, you else cheated in eC4 apart from koto & kMt?
dont want to go by that way ;) koto and kMt got busted.. but they arent alone ;) someday you will notice ;)

After all that effort we put into it.

true. Nice team it was.
PM me with some names please.

-Aimer:mAus Medic:Sqzz Fops:Winghaven Allround:Xylos

-I suppose Hype/Kamz from what I've seen

-Any that don't feel big about being an admin

-Any that DO feel big about being an admin



-TLR Vs Dignitas @ CPC2
Best game event 2007 - Netherlands CPC2
Best Enemy Territory Player 2007 - Estonia Night
Best aimer - Belgium mAus
Best medic - Germany senji
Best Fops - Germany urtier
Best Allround - Estonia Night
Most Hated Enemy Territory Player 2007 - Poland malczik
Best Admin on Crossfire 2007 - England TosspoT
Worst Admin on Crossfire 2007 - Finland PetriP
Best (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007 - United Kingdom TLR
Worst (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007 - Europe bSTURZ
Best Enemy Territory War 2007 - Anonymous dunno
- Best game event 2007 - Netherlands CDC3

- Best Fops - Italy adriano

- Best aimer - Germany vix0r

- Best Admin on Crossfire 2007 - Netherlands Cash

- Best (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007 - United Kingdom TLR

- Best Enemy Territory War 2007 - Netherlands CDC3 118 vs Chill on Fire (atleast for me)
Best game event 2007 - CPC2
Best Enemy Territory Player 2007 - no one..
Best aimer - mAus
Best medic - sqzz
Best Fops - drago
Best Allround - winghaven
Most Hated Enemy Territory Player 2007 - malczik / kenta
Best Admin on Crossfire 2007 - donno
Worst Admin on Crossfire 2007 - donno
Best (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007 - TLR
Worst (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007 - bSTURZ
Best Enemy Territory War 2007 - donno
tosspot with a hacker friend i guess. There is a Articles about team portugal i think
ask tosspot...
I guess it was someone from nC as they leached their accounts. But I am not sure.
Best event 2007 - DJ Umek @ Oldies Goldies
Best player: chudy
Most hated: KAMZ aka hYpe aka b2k <3
best admin: /
worst admin: /
best clan: tlr
worst clan: mmf
war: hmm.... not seen many
Best game event 2007

image: cup_gold Netherlands CPC2
image: cup_silver Netherlands CDC3
image: cup_bronze Denmark shgopen

Best Players 2007

Best aimer

image: cup_gold Belgium mAus
image: cup_silver Finland mystic
image: cup_bronze Sweden feruS

Best medic

image: cup_gold Wales sqzz
image: cup_silver Finland Lepari
image: cup_bronze Germany senji

best fops

image: cup_gold Poland kot
image: cup_silver Germany drago
image: cup_bronze Germany urtier

best allrounder

image: cup_gold Estonia Night
image: cup_silver Poland kot
image: cup_bronze Spain wing

Most Hated Enemy Territory Player 2007

image: cup_gold Germany kenta
image: cup_silver Belgium kiss
image: cup_bronze Sweden pepper

Best Admin on Crossfire 2007

image: cup_gold United Kingdom TosspoT
image: cup_silver Ireland sol

Worst Admin on Crossfire 2007

image: cup_gold Finland PetriP

Best (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007[/u]

image: cup_gold United Kingdom TLR (CPC2&3)
image: cup_silver Europe dignitas (without night)

Worst (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007

image: cup_gold Belgium mmf

Best Enemy Territory War 2007

image: cup_gold Europe Vicious & Evil versus Europe polar @ CPC2

(c) layout stolen from menso
QuoteBest Enemy Territory War 2007

Vicious & Evil versus polar @ CPC2
- Best game event 2007 ---- Lan @ Niki0o's house
- Best Enemy Territory Player 2007 ---- Niki0o
- best aimer ---- Niki0o
- best medic ---- Niki0o
- best Fops ---- Niki0o
- best Allround ---- COCKMONGLER
- Most Hated Enemy Territory Player 2007 ---- Niki0o
- Best Admin on Crossfire 2007 ---- Tosspot
- Worst Admin on Crossfire 2007 ---- Petrip
- Best (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007 --- Loekino's love island
- Worst (known) Enemy Territory Clan 2007 ---- TLR
- Best Enemy Territory War 2007 ---- LLI vs. TLR+ dignitas same time :)

just my opinions ;<
I always give sol a hard time when he does something stupid and trust me: he does stupid things quite alot.
best event : CDC 3
best medic: United Kingdom sqzz
best team United Kingdom TLR
most overrated player: Belgium Fex
best match: United Kingdom Impact vs United Kingdom TLR in the ET-Masters. Was impact's first really BIG challange and I was really hoping they would surprise :)
who is Belgium Fex?
You don't know him? o_O He has more fanboys than wAusheaven
u mean mAusheaven?
something like that, why asking?
Best Enemy Territory Player 2007: Poland doktor
- Worst Admin on Crossfire 2007

Finland PetriP-TNT
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