need french help! (fr, de, ch, es, gb)
9 Dec 2007, 18:04
1) SOLVED[/u] Gardon
how to call the fishes that look like this, in french?:
in german they are called "Rotauge" (redeye), in english "Roach".
Is there a french word for those red skys in the morning?:
hint: i'm talking about the red, not the sunrise
Do you know any Proverbes, that include the word red?
je ne vois que du rouge
il est rouge comme une tomate
need help!
how to call the fishes that look like this, in french?:
in german they are called "Rotauge" (redeye), in english "Roach".
Is there a french word for those red skys in the morning?:
hint: i'm talking about the red, not the sunrise
Do you know any Proverbes, that include the word red?
je ne vois que du rouge
il est rouge comme une tomate
need help!
but i have to make a speech in french :E
red = rouge
Colors come after substantives :D
Just use the english page you linked, and search for the same page in french, and oh surprise, you have your translation.
ok, now i understood the joke and it made me smile :D
2/ L'aube
3/ Si la rivière qui coule est rouge , emprunte le chemin boueux
or not?
nice pervert you are!
and well, its not a proverb, its a PfP
"Ciel rouge le soir laisse bon espoir
Ciel rouge le matin, pluie en chemin."
"Soleil rouge en août,
C'est de la pluie partout."
Métaphores :
"un coup de rouge" "être dans le rouge" "agiter le chiffon rouge" "être rouge comme une cerise, un coq, un coquelicot, une écrevisse, une pivoine, une tomate" "fil rouge" "dérouler le tapis rouge" "être marqué au fer rouge"
you just won a place in my buddylist.