paintball and balls...

i want to present my bf one day paintball.
the prob is i dunno how long is the duration when u got 500 balls?
i can choose between 500 and 1000 balls
so if anybody have experience with this sport pls tell me all about.

which clothes, does it hurt (:p), balls, guns and so on...

thx in advance, greeetz
well i did it twice, cant rly help u with the bullets, we got an ammount from the company cant remember.
Better wear some clothes that'll protect u, and still give u enough movement since those balls can sting you :D
i played with 2500 balls in poland once (it's not forbidden under the age of 18 for some reason) and it wasn't pretty long...

so i'd say better go with 1000 since you want a long pleasure for him :)

take smg weapon in any case :D pistols suck
2500 balls :O

israel we had a strike at schools so the city gave paintball for free ^^

so we went every day :P
fought against arabs and owned them :O)
well lucky you...i have to go to poland to do it :(((
no paint ball in germany?
weapon will be this image: piranha
yepp thats what i used too and what i meant :)
how fast does it shoot???
des is so halbautomatik, feuerrate is je nach "klick-geschwindigkeit" des fingers :D

auf max. druck tut's aber weh wie sau :(
1000 shots extra cost only 10€ here
mmm im going to play with 200 balls :\
gonna paintball with some mates in the vacation.
Quotei want to present my bf one day paintball.

Shattering news for he 15349 members of crossfire :'(
I've been quite a lot of times so my 2p ...

If you want a decent day then you'll get through more than 500 paintballs. Where I go in the UK it is £6 for 100 paintballs (or slightly less if you buy in bulk) ... or £5 for 100 if you get more with the starting deal, i.e.

£9.95 for the day, 100 paintballs
£14.95 for the day, 200 paintballs
£19.95 for the day, 300 paintballs
etc. etc.
[I think those are the prices anyway]

The majority of the cost of the day is paintballs tbh. You can go and buy 500 paintballs but the chances are you will have to buy more on the day. I would guess that an 'average day' will be 700-850 paintballs - but this is only from my experience.

- paintballs hurt a bit when they hit you, and you will wince and maybe shout some words but it is fine after 10 seconds. You should have some nasty bruises after the day is finished though.

- guns they should provide.

- you can wear more clothes if you want the paintballs to hurt slightly less, but you will be running around a lot so you don't want to be restricted and sweating. Also, you will get overalls provided so your clothes don't get messy.

Hope this helps.
Played it once. There was this bunker where some mofo's were camping. Eventually some smart guy managed to sneek up on them and shot random bullets into this bunker thing.

If the ammount of screaming was an indication: these paintballs do hurt like hell at close range :)

ps: Am I the only one who gets these RTCW flashbacks when playing paintball? I tried strafe jumping but it didnt work :/
Yeh, paintballs are weird. It's the spin on them. Sometimes they can hit you from 1 metre and it doesn't hurt much. Other times from 15 metres and they fucking hurt. My mate got shot in the neck, right on the Adams Apple, that cut him really bad. He was in pain :P
A friend of mine got hit to the temple from a meter away: he got KO'd. His teammate didn't realize friendly fire was on... :)
Yeah well Finland is crazy :P
You played too much shrub :D
thx for infos!!

tbh im bit afraid of the pain. aaaaaaaah. :D
Yeh it's not so bad. You don't feel it sometimes because of the adrenaline - or if you do, not much.

This time of year can be more painful because its a lot colder and the paintballs don't always break. If they hit you and don't burst then that will bruise quite badly!

If you wear gloves you should be fine, it doesn't matter if you get hit on the torso, but a finger shot is quite painful.
tbh "torso hit" is gonna hurt HER quite the same as "finger one" ;)
Girls can be tough cookies :O
phh you too :O
Either way, wear gloves! :D <3
i think 500 is enough, and it doesnt feel so much
500 is enough I think.

100 bullets is like lol wtf no bullets in 5mins!
Unless you just spray them all over 500 should be ok ! wear gloves and long sleeves as they hurt your hands :)
to give him a REALLY good time, he will only need 2 balls ;)
haha nice... 500 soon goes, but you think exactly the same after all 1000 have gone so you cant win either way :D wear gloves and a few pairs of underpants! getting hit on the knuckles or right on your arse hurts like hell o/
if you are a wussie, yes.
oh please o/
don't you remember me ? o/
of course i do o_O
we got like 300 :<
PERSONALLy you should get 1000 paintballs because when your with friends etc. you get carried away and start spamming paintballs even your team mates xD...
turn friendly fire off
improve your reply skills
hmm i dont want to reply anyone so su
500, I go through that amount so quick. Paintballing can be expensive, but damn great fun so it's worth every penny :>
500 balls for a whole afternoon!;)

If you don't think that you are a soldier with mg42 this is more then enough.

I shoot always 2 balls for each target and ~100 are enough for 2-3 hours...

For this more then 10.000;)
play it like we do

outside with short pants and a t-shirt and at the end just stand in a circle and shoot the crap out of the others and try to avoid the other balls xD
ouch :D
but nice idea
indeed ouch but if you hit somebody at his "spot" it's like super (aslong it's not your spot xD)
Sounds pretty retarded lol :p
but funny as hell xD
i did it once , used 400balls/6hours (first 100balls were shot in 10minutes, just kept shooting brainless :d)
I shot to my classmates head once after that he didnt want to play anymore : PP.
But ye it kinda hurts if you shoot from like few meters.
We got like 250 or 300 bullets , it was too few imo , especially when you are a beginner , then you miss alot , but paintball is rly fun :)
think i shot 2 bags of 500 when i played. And i was busy for a few hours
just give him 500 bukkake shots 4 free =o]]
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