New Epica Drummer

Knew the news a while already (talked to him personally), but 6 days ago the news came out officially, Ariën van Weesenbeek is the new Epica drummer.

It's awesome he joined Epica, since he's one of the best drummers around.

Here a few vids from him:
His style of playing doesn't fit in Epica. That's mostly why I don't like The Divine Conspiracy that much.
:D trust me, it does!
cmoooooon, admit, it's a fucking awesome combination, take for example death of a dream, that song gives me a boner!
thats a way too much information.
death metal drummers are crazy
btw you should only have posted the last one :))
no man, the first 2 are actually better technically-wise ;)
too bad they suck
too bad you have absolutely no clue of what you're talking about :'-D
good choice. their another livedrummer (koen) sucked :<
Well, he didn't quite suck, but he was average. Nothing special about him. Ariën on he other hand, is in my opinion one of the best drummers around. His speed, techniques, solidness, feeling, and above all, ability to improvise, make him one of the best drummers around.

I'm very proud to be teached drums by the same teacher as he has been teached by a few years. Also, my drums teacher says that if I keep on going the way I am doing now, I can even become better than Ariën :D
what drums you have? I had Pearl MMX, but had to change to roland td-6kx because of noise :l
:< have all kinda mixed shizz, since we don't rly have a lot of money. but that's np4me, @ concerts I just lend a good drumset from my drum teacher (a special made lignum)
well I don't have that much either. took four years to buy mmx-set with decent cymbals and with a rack (4000€).
yea but it's nice man, rly :D
depends what "mixed shizz" there is. I never want to play with bs anymore again. it just takes away all my motivation.
was talking about yours ;)
oh ;p yes they WERE NICE :<
;o why did u stop?
and while u stopped now, fancy selling your drumset for a friendly price? ^^
like I said earlier, I needed to change my acoustic kit to electric -,- later in the future (say, in 3 years) I'll buy an acoustic set again.
aaaah, ok, well, that isn't that bad (even though it's waaaaay more sux than acoustic)
Ariën on he other hand, is in my opinion one of the best drummers around. His speed, techniques, solidness, feeling, and above all, abil *SPLURT*
Who cares that you spoke to him personally so that you knew the news even longer? urgh
you know the 'you replied so you must care' thing is pretty fucking retarded and isn't true.
get over it faggot, no one cares about you even if you do keep replying with 'YOU CARE ABOUT ME' 30x
yep. of course its good that i can train every day in home without limits, but blaaaaaa acoustics are so much cooler :/ so probably i just keep the electrics and just buy acoustics later and use them in our musicplace.

cant reply with a mobile xd
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