sd last stage defense

i`ve seen 4 ettv games the last few days and every game i watched on sd ended with the same result:

every attacking team set a time on allies side and thus was close to end as a champion (due to the fact that it was 95% the decider map).

ok now they set a time and they just have to hold it.

all seems good - 4 minutes left and the dyna @ depot gates just got planted some secs ago.

the axis side sets up a downleveldefence (2-3 east 2 main 1 spawn or something).

3 minutes left - the truck is close to the cranestation but the axis team still tries to defend the downlevel with 3-4 players outside the spawn.

and on every shit game 2-3 of the outsided axis managed to get a very nice 10-12 sec spawn.
thus: you got a 3vs6.

the remaining 3 axisplayers pushing forward as well trying to grab a last frag before their respawn and guess what the allies run through -> up and are building the controls with 1.30 or something left on the clock.

3 axis got spawnkilled this spawn and 2 of the remaining rushing out the spawn trying to prevent all but impossible.

summary: the allies win the map.

my question is: why teams are not trying to defend with 2 ppl outside on the downlevel and 3 up/stairs + 1 window...

i mean just go up and hold 1 more minute - fucking 60 seconds...cant get it why teams try and try and try to get the control over the downlevel back if its not urgently needed ...

ok have a nice week
2nd that
That's because most of the teams' tactics are based on an offensive playstyle. You will never hear [flag=retard] Toxic or Anonymous Sheep scream "go up guys" while it might be the better option.. just depends on the guy-in-charge.

In some situations I disagree with the decisions made on comms by the 'leader' but going my own way then will be even worse for my team since they will be defending 5v6 then and I will be the only guy up.. :P
you have to make quick decisions!
mulsu used to scream always "dont go up" and main point was to defend normally, whether theyve got a crane or not.. it worked ! many times allies change style when getting a crane and then its much easier to defend if you are keeping same positions and not doing something by yourself alone in the up for example!
That's true, you have to keep playing as a team at all times. :p
Mulsu was a great leader according to screenshots I have seen :D
it doesn't look that good or elite to defend up :p they want to make it look flashy
better to win than to look very "serious" and get raped in the last few secs...

the result counts imo ;)
tell the teams that do it that ^^ i like playing to be sure... but well as a spectator it looks nicer to see them push out. if it works it's actually a great play. i remember when u96d started doing stuff like this noone knew how to counter it quite effectively.
maybe they dont have tacs for any other defence!
bad stats
Imho once you go up you lose control of your spawn and you give the 'momentum' to the other team. I prefer to defend with 6 down and use the rushing out to keep allies away from spawn. At least that way you can keep abusing the allied spawntime and rape them, instead of you having to fight your way out of spawn.
Case of preference indeed.
But it sucks having a sneaking-calibre engi in the opposing team
True, but in that case he would prolly come trough west (mines at main and east + east is blown and trickjumping is impossible). West takes ages and unless they sneak (which takes even more time) they will be heard easily as any team keeps a guy at west.

west = wast of time
i agree 50%

if you have good medicwork you can easily revive your teamm8s up + if you got 2 players respawning just wait 4 secs in spawn and push out (you will not get killed by a nade and you might can backrape them...)

players are often nervous and too abrupt - sometimes it is better to take some time ;p

and btw once up you should be able to defend 1 attack or atleast kill the engi to get some more important seconds on the clock
Agree about most ppl not having the nerves to wait. Its my most common mistake as smg eng, having +10 secs left to defuse and just rush in instead of doublechecking :'(
image: serious
Damn, that you actually pay attention to that :S
seems that you are the one paying attention @ my journal...
Jou muzt bee sjerlok hoolmus!
Member For: 1 year, 8 months and 5 days....

ye, i am a sherlock
trust me, I play ET longer than you could ever imagine
beta day 1, so gtfo low-
you got big mouth for such a performance @ cybergames and other publics :D you are just a fucking lowball :) and before you say you dont play publics "seriously" (wtf this even means) i have to say that I havent seen you playing war either _D
I > u, pussyfart
Teams today are just public hero mixes.
hicimode off
how many weird germans can u fit in a mini?
4 boys and 1 small girl ;DD
we made that mistake against murso few ECs back
in one4one i called when to go up, stay down, push up or push down
wow, you made them do push-ups?
yeah, whilst i was sat on them... not even master lepari could do ONE!
now you're plain full of shit
yea true... he did 7 :(
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