Bio's Quality


i don't know but somehow one of the bestest pub servers is getting worser and worser.
players with bought skill, players with superman eyes .. and so on..

the worse part of it all though is, that I'm getting permbanned due cheat/botusing accusions..

like, pls ?? ..
Bio'sADMIN1: how much was your bot ME&MYSELF?
ME&MYSELF: u kiddin me, Bio'sADMIN1 ?
Bio'sADMIN1: no
Bio'sADMIN1: 2 months ago, you were lucky to play here, you were so bad
Bio'sADMIN1: now youre hitting 50% regularly
Bio'sADMIN1: acc*
v&efreShhh: agree
lActr(wtf??): prollyy a tuned down human aim
Bio'sADMIN1: so, again.
Bio'sADMIN1: how much was it
ME&MYSELF: a year ago i played even better Oo
Bio'sADMIN1: tell the truth ill let you stay
Bio'sADMIN1: promise
v&efreShhh: ofc he will :]
Bio'sADMIN1: i promised
lActr(wtf??): u know he won't
Bio'sADMIN1: i never break a promise!
ME&MYSELF: ehm.. the truth is i don't use tools, nor am i playin with bought skill
Bio'sADMIN1: i dont bleive a word of it
Bio'sADMIN1: ban him Bio'sADMIN2
ME&MYSELF: alter
ME&MYSELF: i ain't using freakin shit hax or whatso ever
Bio'sADMIN1: <<< lolling
Bio'sADMIN2: i dont wanna mess it up and ban a random :<
Bio'sADMIN1: nono jonny
Bio'sADMIN1: its cool
v&efreShhh: but kevlar fair is fair: if you kick trsi you have 2 kick scatman 2 , (riflecam) xddddd

^cME&MYSELF has been permanently banned from this Game Server via PunkBuster ... [Admin Decision]
^5PunkBuster Client: Banning '^cME&MYSELF' [Admin Decision]
^5PunkBuster Client: Removing '^cME&MYSELF' 66e2 ()

either they were kinda pretty much boozed or i don't know what's going on in
his 35year old mind ..

i loved playin on bio's .. but this is kinda odd ..

bio admins suck anyways =)
QuoteBio'sADMIN1: now youre hitting 50% regular

He can't meant u.
lol, indeed, probably spawnraping some guys who were afk :D
not enough skill for team-ger. capitano
Every topic about bio is saying their admin's are shite beginning to think they do alot :D


famous OMG
no you're not!
oh i think i am.

most know me as "that cunt ref" :)

ps. if it were up to me id of let you stay, but me n gaz have a rule that if one of us is sure someone is hacking, they get banned.

( and they say im the mean one )
dude. . me and buying skill? ..
again, wasnt my decision.

we can still be friends, i hope :[
just don't dig out my names i've used .. ;)

you ain't believin i'm usin crap tools, do you?
i will say that your accuracy was very high indeed, and kevlars reasoning for kicking was 2months ago you were lowskill. thereforeo make such a jump is VERY dodgy.

though i dont know u so cant judge
i wasn't lowskill 2 months ago, never was ..
just haven't had the time to play as much as usual.
every winter/sprimg time my form is better than in fall/summer time..
also other factors coming into count .. but why should i write all that down? ..

i sucked ass 2 days ago .. a week ago i was in good shape .. etc etc .. tss
you are still low!! :D
Slash are you fucking retarded?

I read that and thought 'What the fuck admins did that?!' - thats disgraceful. You of all people Slash? Kuraigu doesn't hack.

What the fuck kind of jobs worth admin are you? Sort your life out and unban him.
lol ur so fuckin retarded.
have a look at his clanlist
most know me as "that cunt ref" :)

True :DDD
isn't that a little stupid? At least do the BiO name some justice and not ban everyone who gets 50% accuracy...
50 acc for example on braundorf is nothing and the ppl on bio are so retarded they rather walk in your line of fire than run away so a pretty retarded ban imo
i was just playing there , i checked yawn , from the 16 players 4 had red yawn ( right next to their name , not even had to click pbguid to find it )

it's sick
and what does that proof, kidfart ?
once a cheater always a cheater, kidfart.
it wasn't a god damn hack, cockroach
we are clean now LOLOLOLOLLOLONEE!1eopn1e
coming of a cheater ;)
you are the one whining here, so..
the fuck are you anyways ?
i got told you were busted several times .. :c
and he too isnt welcome on the server.

now that i know u were busted before , id of banned you too ;)
i never gut busted.. you need to know the full story, mate..
i have plenty time... GO
tomorrow.. it's freakin 5am here and i'm kinda bored of that shit..

besides that, i'm about to watch pirates of the carabean 3 as goodnight movie ^^
this story here is hilarious :D like qraigu would cheat after playing years and years. And the "bust" that mind was talking about is just total bullshit that came up on warleagues about a moviemaking hack for rtcw. (if my memory server me correctly:] )
More like a moviemaking tweak file I believe to adjust some graphics (far from a hack)
Ye something like that but the main point was that it was bullshit.
thanks guys.. there are still sober believers out there <3 ..

as perfo said, to tweak some settings.

alot have done it for their movies .. (matrix effect, hello??)

Q sucks so hard!!!!

i am getting regularly banned there =)
same :<

oh wait, i never hacked ;)
irrelevant, since everytime I've been kicked/banned you've had no way of knowing it was me

think about it, when was the last time you kicked me from BiO? =o)
same :<

oh wait, i never hacked ;)
dont worry its usual to get kicked from bio from low/med skilled admins who cant imaginate that someone is better than they are!
v&efreShhh: but kevlar fair is fair: if you kick trsi you have 2 kick scatman 2 , (riflecam) xddddd

bibuy el capitano
bibuy el capitano
bibuy el capitano
Wtf is fresh saying over there, he is the busted guy here?
pubs are more fun without u anyways

why are you wondering u're getting kicked at all ?
I fully support this kind of bans... Soon we don't have to wait like zillion seconds to connect... :)
retard admins > all
dont worry, Kevlar is just mad because he has no kids at age of 35, and has failed in his life totally. thats the reason he is bullying (?) kids and those who still have opportunities in life. i hope he dies.
well done for taking a computer game too far!

thats why this site is so fun to read.
quraigu you were also kinda boozed at cdc :D was funny! (didn't read your journal sry :p)
boozin everytime ^^ .. (at lans)
if you kill someone, you are a cheater over there >:
poor guy :<
retarded admins anyway
hardly worth replying to this "zomg i cant believe i got kicked / banned just because ive been busted before , came back to et and was low + , but now after 2 months im high++ and hitting 50% acc every single map easily" threads...

sorry, i just dont like cheats :< if thats bad and makes me a bad admin, i apologize :< if you want to play on bio, just go there, dont cheat, dont be a massive arsehole, just play et and have fun, if thats too difficult to grasp, well, theres plenty of other servers you can grace with your ego. have a lovely day. x
well your kinda the person that kicks everyone thats shooting way better then him, u just cant stand it if someone shoots 50%. you would prefer kicking a guy with clean yawn and 50% then a guy with red yawn without good stats, im pretty freakin sure of that so dont denie it

and another thing, you think its ok to kick someone when he doesnt agree with ur opinion? dont say no cos you've done it before, you and that big wnB PoT or whats his nick, pls get a life
that made me laugh. ive never kicked anyone for shooting better than me, please, stop talking shit, id have to kick the whole server! if you actually read, and think about whats getting said, you might actually see my point?

a busted cheat, comes back to et, cant hit anything, regularly hits 30 % acc if hes lucky, all of a sudden starts hitting 50-55% acc 5 maps in a row, with butchji and maus style damage and kills. use your brain :/

and as for kicking anyone that doesnt agree with me? more bullshit, i will however kick someone that is just giving me abuse for no reason other than the fact im an admin. theres just no need for it :/

hate me if you like, i wont lose any sleep, but dont make a big drama out of nothing. its an et server, play by the rules, or play somewhere else, theres plenty of other servers tbh ....
pls dont be so retarded.. you kicked me several times cos i was a 'cheat' in ur eyes cos i shoot 50 acc and a few hs on a PUBLIC? rly very freakin hard kevlar, gotta have skill for that, OR MUST BE A HACKER RLY pls just stfu 30yo nolifer
oh no, i must have no life cos some 16 year old who hasnt even grown pubes yet says so! i might have to go out and get a life now :( damn you!
haha pls get a job instead of being an ETserver admin you freakin retard, you're 35 and still playing ET? get a wife & kids or sth not a new pc set
you dear boy, are very funny. go ask someone who knows me about what i do, i wont embarress you anymore on here than you have already done to youreself :) hf @ internetsss
you cant help it, can you? fucking around is your main hobby
you did get me wrong, did ya? ..

others have the time to keep their skill in shape, i don't have that time while working.

now i have vacation, have the time and refreshend my skill.

like every god damn winter/spring time ..

and i never sucked, always had the same amount of kills.
just abit more nowadays. but as much as mAus or butchji??

im not maes or endranked or these similar hax kiddos
having 10-12k damage ..

(coming from being either as good as mAus or shooting in every fuckin enemy coming in his sight, why? .. i dont need to explain)


.. is nothing
TO BECOME AND AMAZING AIMER YOU NEED YEARS AND YEARS OF PRACTICE OMG U CANT JUST START HITTING EVERYTHINK IN LIEK MONTHIES U BOOGIESFACES. To tell the truth experienced and skilled player who has hit "ok" for years can make a drastic change if he suddenly finds a nice new setting for oneself. Kuraiq or however is it spelled is a faggot face cockeater who I despise, but ur reasoning isnt enough to proof him as a xiitor, thx and goobai
The fact they mention accuracy in their accusations tells enough.
I was just going to say the same :D
When do you guys play at BiO? Because I never see anyone with 50+ acc. :,(
when do you play @ BiO? cuz i never see anyone shooting liek butchji :<
retards in et ? CANT BE
Bio's quality got much better after qraigu got banned, well done admins

(2 bad i dont have priv pw, takes lifes to get there)
200 euros, its yours bud ;)
ive noticed all u fukin little geeks, hackers and ex hackers need a good fukin uppercut. i mean it seems to me all the soft little fukin 2 stone kiddies eg. perfo,meez, etc.... dont get any respect in real life, so they feel the need to cheat over a pc to gain some cyber respect,lolz fukin dicks. id love to be locked in a room with half of u little fannys on her, id rip your fukin ears off and stick my cock in your gob. u twats need to start giving some of your elders some respect
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