i'm dumb and i have a shit pc

well, on some parts of grush/radar/adler i get 11 fps or sumthing, on the other maps like sd and braun i cant even get a stable 76 fps, and since i'm a complete moron concerning these type of things, i'd just like to ask some basic things that EVEN I can change

please explain it to me step by step and take into account that i probably dont know any of the hard words

thx for any help
buy normal pc
quit gaming
stop crying about fps.
download Tuneup utilities 2008 ...clean there ur pc blabla...then do viruscheck

then download my cfg ( which is fps based) on http://etconfigs.net/downloads.php?cat_id=1&download_id=96

and change name in cfg etc..have fun with minimum 50 fps
what do you mean by cleaning?
just download tune uputilities and open it lol:P then u will see...there u can "clean" ur pc...for example..defrag and write new registry ...searching some stuff @ ur pc which are slowing it down

(lol sry 4 my bad english ^^)
told you i'm dumb and i dont have a fucking clue what slows it down or not:p
u dont need any clue, this programm does it all by itself :P
remove the dust and stuff :)
r_mode 4
not really helping so much... Difference between r_mode 8 and r_mode 3 is tiiiiiiiiiny. ^^
It does help pretty much tbh ;K
take my config and buy new pc
nice buddylist
lol idd :O
fu noob gaywanker hero be quiet if you dont have anything to say

hahahahahahahahhahahaha xDDDDDDDD
"hahahhahahaha.. fuckin noob gtfo with those journals :D:D:D:D oops... i have been also that noob when i started playing... hope these guys cant remember that :("
open console with the ` button ingame

/r_mode 3
/r_ignorehwgamma 1
/r_mapoverbrightbits 3
/r_overbrightbits 1
/r_gamma 3
/r_colorbits 16
/r_texturebits 16
/r_depthbits 24
/r_picmip 3
/r_lodbias 2
/r_finish 0
/r_dynamiclights 0
/r_atmosphericeffects 0
/cg_crosshairsize 46
/cg_drawcrosshair 5
/cg_crosshaircolor cyan

maybe some more but doin this out of the head, from time when I had 1.2 Ghz cpu + fx5200 gpu
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