R.I.P. perfoheisers

Dear Crossfire,

after 1 year and 7 months of good service, my microphone finally died on me after me being so stupid to answer a phonecall and walking away with the headset still hanging around my neck.

image: sennheiser_PC150_27185

All parts are still Estonia intact, I just think it\'s the wire connected to the microphone that's pretty much broken.

Are there any cheap ways to perhaps fix the microphone without screwing my whole headset up (e.g. can I open it to see if the wires still connect), or should I just look for some random 5euro microphone somewhere in a store?

possible to fix that
R.I.P. sign it and sell it on ebay
truez he will get a lot of monez for the real perfoheizer and could buy 10 new onez!
we've all done that :<
Ducktape fixes everything! And if it still doesn't work apply another roll of tape! gl hf!
It's a problem in the wires, nothing broke down or something. :p
Hm Im no expert but doesnt oxygen in the wires cause crackling static noise and even the failure of the whole mic?
and "wtf" , dont you have sponsors? :)
cut the wire on the point where you think its broken and put a new one in!!
ducktape does miracles :PPPP
image: ducktape

Duct tape, fagg0ts
"Is it Duct or Duck? We don&#8217;t want you to be confused, so we will explain. The first name for Duct Tape was DUCK. During World War II the U.S. Military needed a waterproof tape to keep the moisture out of ammunition cases. So, they enlisted the Johnson and Johnson Permacel Division to manufacture the tape. Because it was waterproof, everyone referred to it as &#8220;duck&#8221; tape (like water off a duck&#8217;s back). Military personnel discovered that the tape was good for lots more than keeping out water. They used it for Jeep repair, fixing stuff on their guns, strapping equipment to their clothing... the list is endless."

Some claim this is false though, I don't know what to believe, I use "duct" anyway
ask perfo
Its duct tape , I r half american, I knows
omg perfoheisers ='(
buy a new one
Buy 500e headset and make every fanboy cry blood from their asses when they are buying the same headset XDDDDDDD
If you had just pulled out the microphone wire and it's not connected properly atm you should open up the headset and try to solder the wire so it will be connected properly once again.
Ok, I will try that later I suppose. :> thanks
i thought u go inactive :DDD
I thought I would get some sponsoring when I joined overdose?!?!?!
if u go polak/english and learn to play cod4/css, i can give u sponsoring... in foonr kisses!
I thought the same!
to solder or not to solder... that's the question!
waar zijn die bouten!
Caremus Maximus
ask perfo
get wirelessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
I heard KiVeM would get Sennheiser as sponsor, so np.
just open them, check wires, do some cutting and reconnecting and you should fix them till someone calls you again (next year?) :D
Perfo @ low now? :DDDDD <3
my speedlink medusa 5.1 is broken so pls stfu with ur shit!
Speedlink Medusa?! Wtf is that, is it made out of wood?

luul its the fucking best out there + it has a fucking long cable so u can go everywhere in ur room!
Thanks for telling us that you live in a carton box.
3 meters are more than enough to reach my couch!
oh...noez...pls tell me more
it has its own powersupply
skulcandy > *
u need to buy a new wallhack now
Demand that your Anonymous brother buys you a new pair, it's the least he can do!
2nd that ;D
big carepackage to:

nederlands, perfo's house.
if u dont have experience with cables and electric things...dont do nothing pls...u will ruin them
ask someone with experience...it would be best if he would be some kind of electrician...this is a minor problem
but remember...
image: Reparo

use this
(13:14:26) —› sennheiser is "sennheiser" ([email protected])
(13:14:26) —› sennheiser opped in #haat
(13:14:26) —› sennheiser using *.quakenet.org (QuakeNet IRC haat Server)
(13:14:26) —› sennheiser authed as "sennheiserhaat"
(13:14:26) —› sennheiser has been idle for 9secs
(13:14:26) —› sennheiser signed on 17hrs 28mins 1sec ago
(13:14:26) (( /whois end ))
same happened to my sennheisser. I tried to open it up as well to see if I could simply fix the wiring, but trust me, simply get a new one cuz wiring in that thing is so anal and micro.
News on this one please.
rip :( hope my sennheizers wont die so soon :C
sell the headset to some moron fanboy, like kill3rb0y or something
I'll buy it
u mean ur hacks broke or are detected now ??? OH SRY THAT WASNT U , ITS UR BROTHER XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

ugly tard
perfo without original perfoheisers isn't the real perfo anymore
"me being so stupid to answer a phonecall and walking away with the headset still hanging around my neck."

rofl, done that a gazillion times and they never broke down
First time someone called you? Or why did it happen the first time?
ever thought of perfosound v2? .)
ask your nC buddies if they got a lifetime support for you and your headset...
look whos talking, its MR. NO-WALLS-NEEDED
walls are overrated
you must to know that ;)
jup, i am mr obvious cheater! After 4 years of playing et i got 1 wallshot. BEAT THIS!
finaly you reply to my flames, but nvm i was bored :/
Send it to me and I'll fix it to ya :D
Quote so stupid to answer a phonecall and walking away with the headset still hanging around my neck.

I also did that :X

walking away from pc with headset still on my had ;<

sorry perfo, but thats really dumb :DDDD ...well, at least unlucky.
You just need to fix the Estonia interface between your Sweden mic(k) and the Finland wire. Don't be Germany weak and follow the United Kingdom sheep, thinking it'll just be Finland mystically fixed - that's Slovenia insane and only happens in your Spain dr3ams!
Well Netherlands I would normally use my Europe warranty, but seeing as Europe MediaMarkt is a Belgium BiatcH considering things such as Europe warranty and I don't even know whether or not I still have it, I am not in the mood at all to use my Europe warranty.

It would be a Netherlands Goodie idea though to Germany F(l)ixX my Estonia InterFace, although I am not that much of an England Engi...
image: 14151-1

Owns your sennheiser! (HS-2600 Trust :DD)
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