CDC4 .

When the invites/matches coming online ? :((((

i wanna knew against who we need to paly paly

btw. klick me for 2000

ye thats true wanna know it too :)

And teams should remember/realise that not every signup is guaranteed a qualifier spot, due to the limited slots and the volume of signups we will have to leave a significant number of teams off the list...
a time pls :D
lol, dont cut the hand that feeds you ;P
It was the same at CDC2 - you really think we can run a qualifier setup for 30+ teams in 3 days?
Why is it 3 days ? CDC4 if like 2 Feb :< ?
well, you had enough time to make a really nice schedule to fit in all the teams.

i think the error is actually 40 CoD4 teams, cause there are no way in hell 40 teams that are really highskilled, maybe 10/12, so 24 or 30 teams would be much better for CoD4, and an increase in ET slots to 16, and if more teams can come 20 = much less retarded schedule for @ WZZRD + it still will be a guaranteed succes for both games.

and i think ET is still the main game for Crossfire, so thats why the dont cut the hand that feeds you is there. Please remember that the ET scene is keeping this site running. Not CoD4 or QW.
I'd agree, but as Toss has stated previously, we offered tournament expansions based on early signups. As of just before Christmas the signups were something like 46 teams for CoD4, 17 for ETQW and 11 for ET (I can't find the exact numbers, I had them somewhere...). Thus ET didn't get the expansions.

The 3 day thing is, I would theorise (and this is only guesswork), again linked to the size of the tournament - we've got so many teams we're expecting a relatively large-ish number of dropouts, so we need to get payments early, see which teams aren't coming and then arrange substitutes.
true, but Toss isnt blind afaik and he can see that ET has a large amount of signups. I still think that even with dropouts you can get atleast 16 teams, and i highly doubt that CoD4 will get 40.

I have the feeling this is more about a new game and making money then organizing a nice LAN for multiple games. I hope its not true, and i apologize already if im wrong, but ET still is crossfire's main game imo, its US that keep this site running, not CoD4 or QW. And i think a small reward for that is in his place.

(btw im not blaming you if it looks like it ;P )
you really dont have 30 teams, all fake/died/retired clans should be taken off this first before making that comment
^^ im with stupid <3 :)
I know of 4 teams in the ET signups which are definitely (I believe) no longer interested in attending. If you know more it would be extremely helpful!
randomly or will some pick the clans?
I'm the head of the ET and ETQW tournaments, so I have final say, but the entire crossfire crew contributes to the team selections for both invites and qualifiers.

(Thank god I'm going to Portugal in a couple of days so won't have to endure the flame!)
eloping are you?
Ok, well have fun in por ;)
gD direct invite because im in it :p?
acab for qualifier!
I'm the scatman

Ski bi di bi di do bap do bap
Do ba do bap

Everybody stutters one day or the other
So check out my message to you
As a matter of fact
Don't let nothing hold you back
If the scatman can do it
So can you

Everybody says that the scatman stutters
But doesn't ever stutters when he sings
But what you don't know
I'm gonna tell you right now
That the stutter and the scat is the same thing
Yo, I'm the scatman
Yeah the scatman, I'm the scatman

Why should we be pleasin in all the politician heathens who would
Try to change the seasons if they could
The state of the condition
Insults my institutions
And it only makes me crazy and my heart like wood

Everybody stutters one day or the other
So check out my message to you
As a matter of fact
Don't let nothing hold you back
If the scatman can do it
So can you

Everybody stutters one day or the other
So check out my message to you
As a matter of fact
Don't let nothing hold you back
If the scatman can do it
So can you

I hear you ask all about the meaning of scat
Well I am the professor and all I can tell you
Is while you're still sleeping
Saints are still weeping
Cause things you call dead haven't yet the chance to be born
I'm the scatman.

Repeat after me
It's a scoobie oobie doobie scoobie doobie melody
Sing along with me
It's a scoobie oobie doobie scoobie doobie melody
i thought the same tbh :)
i love that song
3 days time for qualifiers is ridiculous

some of us have exams etc.. :XD
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