NetCoders to be SUED!
7 Jan 2008, 20:38
They want to sue us for breaking in on their website right? Let's think of as many things as we can for which we can sue them.
I'll start:
- They threatened Fusen with death, SUE!
- They sell hax, and with that contradicting the terms of agreement of a game, thus illegally use the source-code of a game, SUE!
- (Twinzzy) They aren't registered as a company, while they should since they earn too much money now to not be registered.
- (Kipster) Not paying tax on the money they earn.
Post more things you can think of and I'll add 'em to the list ;)
I'll start:
- They threatened Fusen with death, SUE!
- They sell hax, and with that contradicting the terms of agreement of a game, thus illegally use the source-code of a game, SUE!
- (Twinzzy) They aren't registered as a company, while they should since they earn too much money now to not be registered.
- (Kipster) Not paying tax on the money they earn.
Post more things you can think of and I'll add 'em to the list ;)
edit: they sell ppl hax and treaten to /kill their pc's ?:o
That's false information.
I know who hacked, and I know who got and still have those passwords, and he is _not_ working for nC, and he didn't give the passwords to them.
If I make shirts in my sparetime and sell them on ebay for some extra money, I don't need to be registered as a company either...
and cF didnt hack there website, pleas let it be clear,
they hacked a database i think its more serios as hacking a website..
so stop acting funny, ffs you think about things to "sue" them but you dont have the balls to do:
And what your going to do: go to the dutch goverment and say, i want to sue these guys, they make hack blablabla,
they will do just 1 thing.
But nice post,
sorry rfki that i put it as comment @ you its not ment to you but its just fun to post it (or else ill get the error: you cant post to mutch comments in a row)
f.e. in Germany:
- when you buy a product on a medium like a CD a EULA is not legally binding (you signed the contract in the moment you payed for the product in the store; the EULA wasn't known to you at that point, hence it's not legally binding)
- EULAs for (free) programs you downloaded from the internet are legally binding, but: local law > EULA
- reverse engineering is only allowed in special cases
Well, if I remember correctly some part of the ET code is closed, and so is PB and ETPRO, which they all break.
they will show up at cdc with their steeled bodies and beat the shit out of you guys, sry but i won't be there to help you :<
It's not your birthday!
schon pippi inne augen oO
we all know why now :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
keep making that mistake, don't even think about it ^^
u dont even know who _they_ are + u dont know how much _they_ earn, so how you want to sue them for this?
and who threatened fusen with death?
maybe the same random tard that said that he will kill me and all my family... ah now i remember.
And about the hax0ring part with the source code and stuff, everything is reversed and hooked on the clientside so there is nothing illegal.
just my 2 cents.
If they want to cheat they cheat.. as easy as that O.o
Its just a screen with guys running around shooting each other :D
And as i see certain people say they are ready to beat people up at cdc4 :DDDD
its just LOL reading all stupid comments from stupid people :D
hf facing the ninja-friends!
Would it be ok if a cheater won the Eurocup and won money by doing so?
Was talking about people preparing 10 people to come and kick some cheater's ass at CDC :PP
For some reason, I don't think he's entirely serious either :P
mikään mikä sisältää loekinon tai hänen kavereitansa (tai spreen) ei oo siistiä!
youre wrong.
But i still claim that ur wrong and that i am right! :<
xzz 219219 times more normal than you.
Real Name: already been posted
haha :DD
serious business
Afaik this is not allowed
already listed all my opinions in another thread, not gonna repeat it.
there are a lot of 13 year olds here who don't know how to use
their brains. nC doesn't have to pay TAX, nC has nothing to sue
cF. End off story.
Government can do them all for tax evasion if they do not pay tax.
Police can act about the "death threat"
Learn what "sue" means nexttime...
useless, cuz (maybe someone should translate this to english) Dit zijn onrechtmatige koopovereenkomsten, ze bestaan voor de wet niet eens. Laat staan dat er dan belasting over kunnen heffen. Even kort samengevat =p
BUT, we can SUE them for being a criminal organisation.
That's illegal for sure,
cuz the company has to be publisher or distributor to do that.