HB Hannes!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday honey!!!!! <333333

*ps i wanted my own journal!!!!!! :D
OLD lollololololk ANYWAY HB!
thx my honey <33333333333 now your white'sh and slow

still i <3 u
i wanted my own journal!!!!!! :D
lowlage Hb hannezzzz np ,, satz import some haze now :DDDDD
come to CDC -_-
myyy RL cancel thinks like that ,, but any_wayzz gl @ cdc
too bad ;( else i could have showed you the good places -_-
ohooo der herr hansen, die Nase der ET Szene hat Geburtstag.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch hannes und pass mir gut aufn holger auf!

Achja und drink nicht zviel!
alles gute hannes, ein hoch dem jubilar:)

happy bday and all the best for u, as i promised u i ordered 1.4 as present for u and i really hope, it will arrive in time ;)
HB eventhough hannes is just a bitch,,, but its his birthday! HB HB!
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