New Mouse?

Hey, i need a new mouse cause my old Razer Diamondback stopped working ;)
I'm interested in: Logitec G5, Razer Lachesis, Razer Boomslang, Razer Copperhead and Microsoft Habu.

Please tell me your experiences with those mice. Maybe you know some other good mice, but please don't tell me about the Logitec MX518, I really hate this mainstream noob mouse ;)
diamondback ftw i replaced my mx518 with her :P

lachesis = shit.. only the laser is good -.-
Why not try the Diamondback 3G? Same sensor as the deathadder thingie.

I ordered one :p
I'm using log.g5 + exactmatXspeed mousepad and yea i rly like the tracking. You just need some training to get used to it (yesterday i managed to get 55 acc with smg in a random scrim (49 overall)
55 reloads? <3
Diamondback g3? Whats Tür different between g3 and not? And what between deathadder and db G3? Thanks for help
same sensor, but different shape
Death Adder + qpad.
mx518 ftw best mouse forever!
being interested in logitech g5 and not mx518, just doesn't make sense...
diamondback or deathadder
I just dont like mx518. Have yopu some Infos about habu?
I would not recommend to buy any laser mouse when you got better alternatives such as a mx518 or the DeathAdder.

G5 - Does not perform any better than the mx518, rather worse. Only "advantage" might be the weightsystem and built in 1000hz in the drivers. The laser is not exactly in the middle which leads to a strange feeling about the movement (atleast for me)
Copperhead: When I tested it, it had the same laser issues as the G5 (random flicking at high speeds). Drivers are good, built in 1000hz. The shape is a bit bigger than the DB, so if you're used to that I'd recommend you to buy the DB G3, as it uses the best optics at the moment.
Habu: Probably the same laser problems as all the other mice.
Lachesis: Supposed to have a good laser engine. Didn't test it.
Boomslang: Some ppl like it, others (majority) hate it. I can sell you an old Boomslang 2100 for 10€ + shipping ;-)

Conclusion: Don't buy overprized laser crap, go for optical mice. Mx518, Razer DeathAdder, DiamondBack 3G or any older MS mouse (1.1, 3.0) will not cause you any trouble.
lugia said ms 1.1 / 3.0 cant handle 270 / 55 sens is that true
You will notice some negative acceleration with such a ridiculous low sens. The cursor/crosshair won't go crazy though, compared to the laser mice.
with mx518 mouse goes wtf if i move fast
I have used 180 degrees @ 55cm :P
thats ez in ET but not in cpma..
huoh I just said that because we have same mouses.
ive played with windows optical, mx310 , mx 510 , diamondback ( x2 ) and now the razer deathadder

without a doubt the deathadder is the best of them. Im sure its got the same technology of the diamondback but the shape is FAR friendler to a right handed player

*my 2 cents
for sure - dont even think about copperhead or any other laser mouse.

go for DeathAdder :)
try new diamondback 3G it's so nice <3
deathadder or diamonback 3G or mx510 imo
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this one :P
Razer Copperhead & mx518 ownz.
thanks 4 help i'll pm urtier later at Home causa of thw Mouse but i will Buy db g3 of da
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