snd vs visualise

So this is the story;

CDC 4 Qualifier match

#sndgaming vs Visualise

around 19h00 CET Visual`Impulz told me visual wouldn't play, because they hadn't 6 players.. I told it on ventrilo, so Belgium cherry, Sweden savage and Norway Lakaii went away.. (cherry to doctor, savage to his pstar girlfriend)

1 hour later visual told us hey we WILL play tonight, so we needed to look for 3 mercs to play the game and we lost...

Sad story imo.. If we would have lost with our original lineup being: Norway Lakai, Sweden savage, Belgium cherry, Belgium Prydz, Belgium Player (chry's older bro); I would have no offence..

Btw during the evening some random visual members joined our vent so they could obviously see who was online and who not ^^

Don't tell me I can't stand losing, but it's just how we lost ^^

I'm not emo crying about a computer game.. But this is ridiculous

PS. During whole the evening not one crossfire admin who answerred me @ mirc

I feel like ripped of in this time of college exams when gaming should bring you some fun


gl hf all in Enschede
seems unfair idd
cherry will take care of this one
if this story is true, team visual can fuckoff.
seems unfair idd
seems unfair idd
sounds pretty lame
seems unfair idd
quite naab action from visualise, i like most of the guys from tht team, but this is outstanding lame, get some good irc logs, and let visualise gtfo
seems unfair idd
Impulz told that we probaly wont have 6 members so we looked and then we did. It was a mistake by impulz but u accepted to play and we won. done
Rematch tbh
seems unfair idd
pfu muz deed nog niet eens mee
muz online only
Yeah maybe A BIT unfair? :)


nice coverage imo ^^

>< This means not i dont appreciate tosspot's and everyone else helping to organise such nice events
seems unfair idd
So you lost? You pm'd the admins your server IP, not to tell us your problem. Maybe if you'd told the problems we could have helped, but keeping quiet until after the problem occured didnt help you
U even didnt answerred.. none of the admins..

no offence but should I ask to no one?

U never answerred me the last 3 days toss

no offence
If you only pm me with a server IP, you'll only ever get an ignore, I get too many pm's to reply to ones that arent informative
Like you would type the whole story to a person who nevers answers to your PM's.. (could be some or more useless than others..)

I Pm'ed you & adacore & xrio.. none respond..

so I didn't typed whole story to all of you

What could we else do than except (allthough 3 players of our main lineup went AFK for hours..) when no CDC admins were responding.. we couldn't ask any opinion from a supervising person..

Impulz clearly told they wouldnt play today ! And then afterwards (when savage & lakai were out) they came & told us hew we will play ! And then they asked for tomorrow.. Player said OK.. and his brother cherry went to the doctor for his work..

and then afterwards they said O NONO tonight 21.00

and with no admins responding we couldnt risk to lose our spot by refusing to play..

but yéé result is the same :X

Lame anyhow
You should have said this in a pm whilst the problem was happening, not after the fact, we could have helped then, im not sure what we can do now.
True.. I should have said it in a PM to one of the admins. But as I stated before, you wont type much stuff to people who never react to your pm's.. + in those moments ur busy with other things as the players from your lineup who might have to go, tax, maps,..

If I read all those reactions, most say: rematch

It's not that I lost and can't stand losing..
just write it once and copy it to all admins - its difficult as a leagueadmin to take care of all "hi" or "hey - are you here" qries...

but still unlucky for you - next time ask to reschedule (i thought matches can be rescheduled to tomorrow or before start of 2nd qualifiers...)
every query I write to a pretty unknown person starts with "hi, are you here" =]

ik d8 bull pmmed mij voor een cod4mix omdat ik known ben >:D
so what your saying is okko, lakaii and savage are in your CDC4 line up?
If you'd won against us and the match after that they would have been in enschede to play at LAN for your team snd?
they would have arranged a flight and stuff?

anwser please and be nice..
You replied to the wrong person :x
And you didn't replied at all ^^

so no chance I could ask if we could reschedule the game to 9 january due to the very rare circumstances

snd-gaming , change it to randommix plz
But you lost the game I thought this was all about? How do you reschedule a game you lost?

If your opponent will replay you before the 2nd qualifer match sure.
It's about the fact no admin respond me.; so I could not have asked before 21.00 if we were allowed to reschedule the quali to another date/time before 10 jan.. Due to the circumstances our oponent first said they wouldn't play.; Then asked for tomorrow.. so few us went out for real life stuff & afterwards they said oh No, tonight!

If we just didn't accept to play, could be visual said FORFEIT win (how lame they are..)

It's just odd to lose a match like this in this certain way
Do you not feel you're repeating yourself? :)
Sometimes you have to when something 'unfair' happened to you..

I had an exam law yesterday, rules like any invalid agreement is being followed by absolute vanity is not known in this scene :D

deception & deviation ftw!

Btw now that you're responding me for this one single time, it's so hard not to repeat myself, especially in this certain case :XD

anyway <3 respect
your own fault
sounds pretty lame!
#haat going for Q
seems unfair idd
come on.. you told me before everything started when i joined your vent that lakaii was about to play but for some reason he couldn't so please... we also have something like HLSW were you can see your server + players on it so figuring out how is playing isnt that hard... (also can see who has xp...)

backstab more Belgiumbelgium boy
You were just FUCKING FRUSTRATED because CHERRY ABONDONNED YOU and your team, to play with us !

Allthough you could see our lineup for about 5 days in sndgaming clanpage at crossfire

that's why YOU BACKSTABBED us in such a lame way

and btw calling every flamish guys "VLAAMSBELANGER" doesn't make sense at all
you know i said that "vlaamsbelang" with another meaning to it.. i said it like you can fuck your self up even more by voting "vlaamsbelang" not that everybody from vlamingen = nerd/racist/hooligan or that everybody from vlamingen is voting for that party... I did even explain it to you on IRC so why bother? who is stressed? am i the one making such a big point out off something that's not ment the way you normally would think??
savage @ cdc4? lolZ
why did u accepted to play then?
because they didnt expect to lose ofc ;p

now that they lost its unfair :(((
they were like low- fullhold flag @ supply eZ bash
wize words from vis!
never seen that happen before :o
if you dont accept a match 2day, then the other team need 2 confirm with a match 2morrow. if they dont then its forfeit for visual
not really, if they didn't accept and waited for a admin to respond to his pm's, he would have gotten forfeit IF the date was accepted at the time visual couldn't play imo
own fault
Welcome to ET.
ik weet neit wat er gebeurd is en shit
Maar ik weet wel rematchis meest fair maar dan wel met beide line-ups voor cdc en zonder merc en shit dat lijkt me
wtf doet chry in die andere team
lol we accepted.. what could we do, the match was at 21.00 so we have to play then we're not lame and... but nvm the story is getting better then after they known who was on vent ...

They first said vizual' target: let's play tommorow then... So i said then ok cause we didn't had the line-up anymore.. and then at 20.25 they bitch said: no we play today cause we can't tommorow!!!

to lame :s
Indeed.. Fucking lame

+ all matches are forced to a certain date by TosspoT so it's easy to say WE WONT PLAY, oh no WE WILL PLAY, oh NO TOMORROW??


were pretty sure now 3 members of ur lineup are already offline ^^
zagen ze dat ze qualifier moeten krijgen

en dan heeft dit zon dramatisch einde

mjah het is wel ontzettend unfair wat hun tegenstanders deden he
they could have played tommorow, but they were expecting to win
ontken ik niet
OMG maybe... play tomorow ?
ja we waren aan het zagen voor qualifier en we waren al aan het praccen vanaf 18u voor match om 21u pas enja toen zeiden ze forfeit, dus zei de rest van als we nu tog niet moete spelen gaan wij door...

Derbij verliezen op een eerlijke manier heb ik gn enkel probleem. Maar dit is lame en oneerlijk
En impulz backstabbing??? Lol jij dat altijd met ons meedeed deed dit tege ons dus zeg niet backstabben, jij backstabber!
Lol jij dat altijd met ons meedeed deed dit tege ons dus zeg niet backstabben, jij backstabber!

heey wakker worde! je broer dwingen met jouw mee te spele... je broer naar cdc4 met jullie... prydz die persoonlijk wordt in een normale discussie enz enz

[22:03:28] »» [k]ick> [Visual`Impulz] was kicked by [snd`player] [zwakke jongen] [#sndgaming]

kijk naar jezelf man...

ik verspreek me door te zegge we hebbe geen 6 man jullie zegge oke 20 minuten later blijken we 6 man te hebbe en opeens is chry naar de doktor om 8 uur in de avond en savage is merc en lakaii zou niet eens meedoen (dat zei je al voor dit alles gebeurde tegen mij weetje nog? "je hebt nog geluk dat lakaii niet meedoet.."
this is always fun

- first of all i wonder why the hell you are allowed to play with 3 mercs
- you shouldn't have accepted to play the match
- you don't even state what you want.. a rematch? why? i can understand you feel quite fucked but it isn't really your opponent's fault

i don't think any admin can do something for you unless you aren't allowed to play with 3 mercs.. maybe a rematch would be fair then
i think you can only blame yourself for this since you've accepted to play them
Jammer, maar boeieeee
touching story :o
omg nub emo crying over a computer game

1. u lost
2. gtfo
seems unfair idd
seems pretty fair to me
Didn't even know I was supposed to play :D
Ye, i told you visual told me they hadn't 6 man indeed ^^
xD I thought that qualifier was in like two weeks or something
lol u lost vs visual :p
seems unfair tbh, but hey, admins are always full of bullcrap, you have to take care of your own shit and whine alot
so TRUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Admins are crap cos they made huge lan and are trying to organise everything?

and those guys cant even play one qualifier match without admin, so think twice before u say anything.
ît's not I dont respect their work.. But anyhow, in some point every person can fail..

a lot of changes in short time & no admins available

was in this case a bit of a failure in my eyes ^^

n/o organising CDC is a superbe initiative
Oh plz, admins are not god, im not talking about some admins in specific, am i? But they cant supervise everything, you have to take care of ur own shit. think twice again before you reply to me
altijd leuk om squall uit te lullen
Lol mijn broer dwingen om mee te doen? Ik denk het niet hoor, hij wou zelf spelen met ons, hij is gn nerd dat gwn zegt oooh ok grote broer ik zal met u meedoen. Komaan seg en ik backstabben ik wou nooit bij visual spelen wat zit je te lullen man het was jij dat 3o3 squad wou bij ons met chry mijn broer dus doe normaal lul. En dat ik je kick???
Tuurlijk zo iemand lamezor moet niet in ons channel zijn, dat zouden er meer moeten doen tege zo'n lamerd zoals u!
Iedereen is elkaar hier aan het backstabben
heel crossfire zijn backstabbers
mooi bloedbad hier :D
wordt maar weer boos.. laat wel je kracht zien...

"Lol mijn broer dwingen om mee te doen? Ik denk het niet hoor"

hij zei tegen mij: als ik niet met snd speel kom ik niet op LAN hij wil me niet meenemen anders..

"Komaan seg en ik backstabben ik wou nooit bij visual spelen wat zit je te lullen man"

ik bedoel dat niet denk na (wij hebbe jouw nooit gewilt)... je verliest en gaat ons zwart maken op crossfire.. regel je zaakjes goed of stop(figuratief bedoelt prydz net als vlaamsbelang! hier bedoel ik: stop met whine snapje?)

"het was jij dat 3o3 squad wou bij ons met chry mijn broer"

klopt dat toen chry zei kom wij gaan voor snd 3on3 ladder pwnen dat ik zei ja... idd maar is heel iets anders dan 6on6 ivm CDC4 dus ik weet niet waar het op slaat dat je dit zegt..

"dus doe normaal lul"

goedzo.. grote broer van chry.. klein kind man is niet gek dat ik chry ouder achte of wel? man leer met mense omgaan..

"En dat ik je kick???
Tuurlijk zo iemand lamezor moet niet in ons channel zijn, dat zouden er meer moeten doen tege zo'n lamerd zoals u!"

nou poe poe wat heb jij een gelijk jonge! ik kan hier niet tegen in gaan...
je durft geen rematch
dammit that's fucked up :\
geeks,play rematch
majority says rematch but yé.. :X
it's unfair, yes. BUT you accpeted the challenge of playing them with 3 mercs.

ask them if they want a rematch with your original line-up and hope they are fair enough to give you another chance
what could we do??

no admin respond me.. RISKING NOT TO PLAY AND LOSE OUR SPOT?

so 3 mercs..

result was the same imo ^^
agreed, admins not responding is a bitch.

you could have sent admins an email with screenshots of both parties agreeing on postponing the quali
Somehow shit for you as you had beaten them with your normal lineup. Somehow your own fault for being so "arrogant" to believe in still winning them. Somehow lame of them. Somehow a tough problem, which I don't need to judge luckily.
just replay lol...
lol,wtf moeste we spelen?
lol ^^ GG Jimini
just ask for a replay -- if they are fair players they will agree, if not they suck boobs
i like sucking boobs:)
good for you meight!
sorry for u prydz , but u should never have played, or maybe asked me to standin?! :)

but if visualise is a nice team they could offer a rematch, and show some good sportsmanship ?! :p
Should've waited until time had passed before going out

or reschedule if possible
Not unfair at all:

If you don't have the same line-up as the one for cdc4 you're not even allowed to play so I don't get it why you actually concidered and played with mercs.

2nd thing you did wrong was letting your team go before you had the confirmation of an admin concerning the reshedule and you had a set date & time for the reschedule
--> yes they don't answer, just do your story and they'll respond to you later, adacore was/is taking care of the tournament too btw

If all this was done correctly and then visualize would come and say: "hey we do have a sixth now, we play tonight" you would be right, then it would've been unfair.

Just my 2cents... (nothing personal, just an objective pov)
there are 12 players knowing on one day they have to play, so its ridicilious to to say u have to play with cdc4lineup. its like people doesnt have a real life or job to do :x

i agree with this guy whos whining now but not why they accepted to play lol
because NO admins respond me.. So I couldn't ask them before 21.00 if we could reschedule to the day after 8 jan :X
gogo sndgaming !
seems like they outsmarted you, learn2think.
Not fair what visual did, but to be honest no rematch should be played. snd accepted to play... If they couldn't play anymore they should've said that 3 guys were allready gone.
Simple as that.
Rematch imo, thats ashame...
yea, we shouldn't have played, but it was my fault cause i just thought that we coudn't say now at that time "20min before 21CET" so i accepted, why i did it?

Simple like i said we didn't knew what to do, and no admins was responding to the calls of prydz.

But anyway they don't wanna give a rematch let it be then, they try to make that i'm the backstabber and impulz with you big mouth.

What you said about my brother. I know: he came to me and said that you guys otherwise would be to angry at him. So that's the true story retarded lame boy.

But ok goodluck in cdc4 for the rest of team and for impulz hope you get raped @cdc4 :).
Impulz > fair game
wat doe jij nou man?

"they try to make that i'm the backstabber and impulz with you big mouth."

ik zeg alleen backstabber, tegen jouw, omdat het een lage actie is om je broer te dwingen om met je mee te spelen door te zeggen dat hij anders niet mee mag rijden naar enschede...

kom alsjeblieft naar enschede..

Quoteso what your saying is okko, lakaii and savage are in your CDC4 line up?
If you'd won against us and the match after that they would have been in enschede to play at LAN for your team snd?
they would have arranged a flight and stuff?

anwser please and be nice..

geef daar trouwens ook nog even antwoord op ;)

QuoteBut ok goodluck in cdc4 for the rest of team and for impulz hope you get raped @cdc4 :).
Impulz > fair game

cdc4 ga ik heen om visualize te ontmoeten en stel we mochten met veel geluk van TAG winnen dan om te spelen maar ik vind het niet erg om op een LAN te verliezen van gasten die kennelijk beter zijn..

gl player
Stupid of you to play.
But on the other hand SND are nice guys so I'd like them to get a rematch, jup biased.
no admin that respond / dont want a forfeit lose ?
Lol hear him sayin, it was savage that wanna go to cdc to show that he isn't cheating and okko???===) French

And savage will take airplane if he want's to that, it's his business now plz shut the fuck off lame boy.
kijk gozer ga je weer :( ik vraag het heel normaal.. ga je je weer zo gedragen.. ik had gewoon niet verwacht dat ze zouden komen meer neit slechts een vraag
you have forgot to say that Visualize have told us (to sNd gaming) that they were ok to play tomorrow, so I have post it on #crossfire.
And 10 min before the match they have said ho noes we can play tomorrow we play now.
Nice :'D
imo both teams made a mistake, visualize for the bad communication and snd for the fact of accepting - playing the game ....

rematch would be fair \o/
lol wat zijn dit voor grappen
Lol, a bit late, but I also don't answer people just saying 'h3ll?' or 'h3ll are u there', just state your question/problem so admins can reply fast :P (however on ppl like fusen this doesnt work either :x)

Sorry prydz, you're a nice guy but you should take the blame for this :P
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