the weather ...

what kind of shitty weather is hapnin where u are atm

for me, its pissin it down with rain -.-

nice weather to Anonymousdrift, but dont have car yet. :<
Do you even know how to drift? :D
quite ok here! just a bit cold!
-6 deg, lots of fog, lots of snow on the ground (like 30cm in some places)
its gota be said
United Kingdom is so shit :D
Blue sky, not many clouds. Strong wind. Like 5 degrees dont know for sure.
Probably the same as you right now, it's pissing down with rain, and I want to go out, even if it's in my car, which I now have bald tyres = not good ;P
Australia Australia, melbourne = 32degrees and its 22:30 :)

was 42 or osmething today and going to be 40odd tomorrow :<
u lucky sod :P (kad)

u unlucky sod (Panda) xD
owzo u cunt i havent played ET with u in ages :<

wait .... why am i complaining =\
Same here, yet another reason for being insdie on the computer
8°c /clouded ... but its cold anyway :/
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