my new toys!

noice :d
age: 20

why do you buy toys for 6 years old kids
its not like ill play 24/7 with it, i just dont know, how to waste my muniez otherwise
use you money for the gym-
haha owned^^
actually im going to gym already
lol if there really is electricity, they own!
They look like fun :XD
plz thats like u play with WH so nofun...
can be funny with 220V :D
lol :DD hf
:D würd ich net kaufen
seriously... one of the teacher on my school has that in his classroom and we also played a couple of times vs him. btw wear the thing around your wrist or else the controller will surely fall on the ground :DD
hahaa.. liked it :b
hah your as bad as me! I bought walkie talkie watches like in scrubs for me and my mate! Also age: 20 :P
as much as we become older as childish we become aswell!!!
who the fuck is it that says "ohhhh, you cant have fun, you're too old?" what a lot of bullshit. personally, i will NEVER grow up, but then again, im rich and can afford to be a big kid :P

those rc tanks are great fun, link em up to involve a drinking game and youre sorted. slow reactions with booze + electric shocks = hours of fun :D
germane habs doch gewusst
20 vs 20 plz
Tesla tanks? (RA2 ;) )
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