When you leave crossfire

Do you actually click all the adverts everytime (day)?
ABP, no adverts, woohoo.
2 times a week maybe
ABP, no adverts, woohoo.
Remember that those adds give real money to Crossfire. Money that help sponsor LANs, tournaments and other events.

I think clicking a few adds a day (you don't even have to buy or do anything, just click) is a small price to pay for this community.
i prefer to pay for a lan than click on those ads tbh.
I never leave xfire.

never!! but sometimes i click it without purpose!
What adverts? Where?
No cause I don't have em. Tho I would maybe click em if they weren't in such a nice place as between journal and comments.
what adverts :D ?
AdBlock Plus <3
Once in a while :D
i do, once a day
Blocked. Never even thought about it until now...
do I want to support this crap lol?
jij hebt tog nix te doen :D
1 time per day
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