tv shows ftw

Anybody know when the new seasons of these shows start ? :

Top Gear
South Park
Family Guy

random pic: image: spreecg9
plz explain the pic, english plz.
in the first 2 comments he's saying he has an extremely high IQ and if he told us his iq we wouldn't even believe it

the last one u can read
well it seems he is just a attention whore!
New Family Guy episode is out already.
lol @ pic, ah it wasnt wrong to take dutch in school
2many2say =(
better ask when heroes begins again!
ask the writers on strike ~ bitches :<
I only care about Prisonbreak wich continues today!
i still watch it , but if u have seen dexter u can't like pb s3 more
Family guy episode got aired last night!
South park comes on again in the spring!
the Top Gear producers have said that it'll be back again ''in the summer''. i guess round may then :(
tbh, its a known fact that highly intelligent ppl often perform way under their potential throughout school. So your little picture failed at discrediting spree
I agree :), how were your exams btw?
this one was good, next one is a bitch :/
same goes for me!
so a factory worker who was highly intelligent but who was to lazy to learn deserves to be called intelligent ? no sir , that is still called a RETARD

U cant turn it the other way smartass... Not every kid with bad grades is highly intelligent. But spree not having a high degree doesnt mean he cant be higly intelligent. Because alot of highly intelligent ppl perform mediocre or even bad at school mainly because they are bored etc. INTELLIGENCE =! KNOWLEDGE
"okej" i bet you are one of those who is highly " intelligent" without a degree
well in highschool i was in one of the better schools in belgium and i followed one of the harder educations. They took an IQ test on all kinds of areas and based your scores on the average student in ur class; i scored the highest score possible at every aspect of that test. I never considered myself as "highly intelligent" as u so demeaningly use the term, but they labelled me like that.And tbh the different approach they used on me because of those test actually had a positive affect.

Now i was getting moderate grades at best, raising hell n stuff. They wanted to send me to a easier level of education prior to these tests. Its only now in the second year of the university that im getting interested in what they are teaching me and im actually getting good grades now that i can put my mind to it...

So despite of what u claim to know about ppl pretending to be highly intelligent, its not something u make out for urself, its something they label u with... So yes i am highly intelligent WITH a degree, but getting that degree has been quite a rollercoaster at times, so i know what im talking about (not in the least because i spent some time looking up stuff like this)

And if u honestly think that intelligent or even ppl with e.g asperger (those two go along quite well) that have problems with getting along in society are just being lazy: then u sir, are an ignorant ass

57 days 14 hours 32 minutes 46 seconds until next episode
top gear back in this year.
what a fucking geek, always those stupid emo's..
entourage s4(?) when ? couldnt find from imdb
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