uni entrance exams

ololo, im waking up @ 4am tomorrow to get to an university where im to participate in the first round of entrance exams. ololo

I'm so doomed as i rly didnt do all i should've done and i started preparing too late to succeed.

So I guess I won't make it to the second round and I wont study industrial design the next (few) year(s).
own3d by lazyness
lazyness is the biggest owner among us though
hmm but when i want to play ET...i own lazyness by actually playing ET! so ET owns lazyness?
no cause lazyness is the cause why you play ET

if you wouldn't be lazy you wouldn't play et and fucking study
Best of luck to you, I will have the same in May..
muha i passed until now 2/4, 2 to come and one of these i wont pass
They most of the times test on how your concentration is in exercices, not on real knowledge, so you can still make it dude, just make sure you take some sugar with you so your brain is top at all time
just take some crack itl make you fly in
Crack actually brings you DOWN.
Take LSD to fly.
im studiing industrial design too :) good luck!!
yell at them:
"omg stupid polish work!"
"this work laggz!!!"
"fucking noob work!"
and then you
/quit job?
sounds like a plan!
i will study something without numerus clausus at an uni without entrance exams for sure!
Working hard pays off in a few years time...

Lazyness pays of NOW!
probeer in de horeca iets te krijgen man :P barman ofzo...beter betaald + fooi...
Horeca wordt keislecht betaald kerel.
ach...als je 9 euro per uur verdient + 20-40 euro per avond fooi...dan vind ik dat beter dan de 5 euro per uur achter de kassa van een supermarkt...

+ gezelligheid
+ gratis bier rond sluitingstijd <3
gl <333
eviL pLaN
my sister did entrance exam for medicin 4 years ago oO

sux imo
ahah interesting!
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