
I am truely sorry for what I did in the past.

I busted myself without even knowing about a fusengate so dont think I did it to look better while knowing I was getting busted.

I love the guys who still want to play with me but goddamnit stop blaming them when they know I am clean and im in deep regret of my actions .

I TRUELY AM SORRY and I am clean and have been banned at 8 december and will be unbanned at 8 march.

stop flaming :Z

there are far worse cheaters out there than me ..

Pl0X dont delete !

Need I say more ?


sup3r fuck off, once a cheater always a cheater..
+ you were way too obvious when you were cheating :)
Quote by olbaardsup3r fuck off, once a cheater always a cheater..

thats so not true :|

and yup I was
dude, that is.. even you played against us ( hMg ) like plenty of times ( with cheats and all and still getting owned... how did that feel ? )
getting owned as in asking 2 highskillers including 1 guy who has been busted several times, that felt okay knowing we would beat you if only you would use your normal lineup :A
who is that "busted" guy ? if you mean me ? ive never got bsted, only 1-3 avi's.. wich is not bust.. "normal lineup" we only had once a 1-2 mercs, we had all other games normal lineup where we beated you 4 - 0 :) but that when we used merc's, 4 - 2.
I am talking about lunatic and you stated that we have played plenty of times against eachother which is untrue so I am reffering to that offi

2 highskillers including 1 guy who has been busted

thats not you , sorry
ehm, sup3r... lunatic was busted true idd but the fact is he got unbanned :] so he was ex you cant use that excuse :P
Oh so being unbanned means hes clean ? so after my ban is lifted people will shut up and glady play with me ?
well, atleast he wasnt NC customer using private hacks like you did to be good..
Quote olBaa on 20/01/08, 01:55:18 GMT

sup3r fuck off, once a cheater always a cheater..

wow you're one big retard
how did u feel getting owned by my old clan (nF) wich was 2 days old?
Quote by olBaaonce a cheater always a cheater..

So awesome.
is it true cheaters have got small dicks ?
think so wait ill go ask my friend GentL
no need just check your own
hahaha wait .......... yer it seems pretty decent side really mate thx
;_) okidoki btw nice skill boost since i played you long ago on FDNL
lol yer and the bad thing is i quit for like a yr or so like off and on and only been back for like 5 - 6 months properly at nights :x
i know i played you on uk pub and i did z same thing only i did not quit the basterds disconected my internet. btw wat happened to z clan you were starting with razzah i pmed him but got nothing back.
well i only joined it cos of chr1zz i played with him a lot and thought i aint that active but they are so they'll play a lot of wars but i never played 1 with them :P

i tj'd with razzah thats it :P
yer sorry but i got them from your brother :o
I has big penis
you sir, are sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you sir, ain't funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
see, the funny thing is that i don't give a fuck about what you say...i have a guy like you in my class and tbh i lol @ ppl like you :) so don't reply to me.
i just replied HF and i act diff here than rl tbh i have fun in rl here's it's just funny [=

and dude!!!!!!!! chill [=
kk, but rly what are u doing here @ this time --.-- OR u just got home OR w/e :D
i was about to write what i was doing but earlier i told a person off for it on crossfire actually fuck it :P

was on msn girl webcam flirting then on ts and now hi

short txt :D
didn't understand anything what u just said but OK :]
basically was on msn talking to a girl and she put on her webcam and i was flirting so then i noticed omg it's late and she's getting boring now

and now on ts to gentl and sirius [=

what you doing on so late? :D
just got back from a club...don't want to act like every stupid prick here that makes a journal just to prove they went out so i'll leave it here :P was quite OK, you won't know the place but most belgians do: it's called illusion :>
coooooooooooooooooooool :D
lol, on what ts are you?!
none now on vent and there playing a final omg? :x
lol wadafack? playing what final?!
erm 2on2 or 3on3 ? :x
my acc will be about 5% so no :) thx
no i meant thats what there playing :D sorry :d
haha oké lol :D gonna go to bed now! goodnight :]
good night sleep well!
Your dumb, playing the "I have a rl so I am cooler than you" that early in the argument. You my friend, are a true Belgian.
so you have to come home @ 5am to prove ur cool?
No, what the fuck, I was up all night playing WoW, why would I be outside wtf.
gtfo cheater :)
plz delete.
i normally dont post it but, damnit...

Its not like you have any idea of how much hatred I get.
You have no idea how much you deserve it.
depends if you know how much I despite what i've done
I don't care.
You bought a cheat, and enjoyed using it against others, to ruin their game.
You deserved the flame, and still does, goddamn.
YOU ARE THE VICTIM HERE as lovely mvk mans would say
Delete pls.
says loekino :A
BAD Loekino!!! toooo far omg :D
Loekino says the true. Just kill urself :o/

I will not agree, nor disagree.
your too harsh!!!!! :<
sup3r i had fun the times i played with u and ur a ncie guy, but u do kinda deserve it as all cheaters do.

and ur new team boeie really aint helping ur cause
i'd forgive if you cheated in publics only, but you played cb-offis etc so you just give up already, no-one will believe you
You wrote that, but didn't press "OK".
We almost believed you!
I have an other screenshot on my brothers laptop where you can see the account removed or atleast my access to the priv. forums. I was chatting with bulld0g at the same time and he confirmed that my account got removed.
Okay, so now we should forgive you?
Cheaters should die in hell, specially those who say the regret everything and is clean now and bla bla bla.
I don't get what you're trying to say.
Then you're dumb.
Oh wait, I knew that already.
Quote by zodiacYou deserved the flame, and still does,

oh well, enjoy your definition of dumb.

I'm going to bed.
My definition is you.
GLHF with going to bed.
so what? i didn't say you are still cheating since you werent that good today when we played you. cheating in clanwars is just beyond my tolerance hence i will not forgive you (oh no)
I know what I did was a bad thing, I even tried to cancel the bot & get a refund but that just led to panse blocking me on MSN and I didnt want my bot to be removed cause that wouldve been a complete waste of money.
well in that case..
yes, not everyone knows my real side of the story and just flame without knowing anything else.
tell the real side of your story
one day I was calling an nC customer names on irc cause I hated the fact he cheated. I then asked why and he started giving the reasons which for some reason convinced me to buy the bot ( woot im naive ). I then ordered the bot with mixed feelings, after having sent the money I tried to get a refund but that ended up with panse blocking me on msn so I figured if things would get worse I might have payed money for nothing.

I cheated, I was too obvious, I fucked up my rep. together with phans rep.

After phan folded I got banned from cF with the reason : cheater. Even when there was no valid proof yet. I then decided to go to a server, mess with the ETBOT settings and get kicked by PB. I spammed my own pbbans link in #crossfire in an attempt to get it posted on cF ( attentionwhoring , I love it ).

I then gave my nC account with access to the private forums to mens0 & bulld0g. I tried busting some guys in the nc.prv IRC channel and I sent my ETBOT to SGL anticheat & punkbuster.

By bringing this to the public I'm sure some nC guys will be pretty mad but yeah.

After some time people just couldnt believe that im clean since I still had access to the nC forums so I decided to get my account removed. I was talking to bulld0g at the same time and he can confirm the removal of my account & etbot auth.

so its rather impossible for me to cheat

Weee thats it .
the most ironic thing is that you and your teammates were flaming us with that 'once a cheater always a cheater' stuff because we have pubcheat history and now you are asking to be forgiven
I can't remember that and if I did such thing i'm sure it was a joke since I dont believe in it :)
ofcourse you dont believe in it now
cause I know its not always like that, having experienced it myself?
I love it how you tried to justify to me that you had just gotten "better" over the summer because you were playing a lot and that all of the people were talking utter nonsense, was quite amusing when I saw your name on that list
you naab, you should have giving it to me, plz die
He doesn't, he will just close his Firefox instead of press OK.
No worries.
everybody makes mistakes, I forgive you!
I forgive you but don't try to speak spanish pls :|
that hurt :D

unfortunately youre not mAus, so i dont want to try to flame now:<
for a start you shouldn't have deleted your bot(if you have done that, who knows)
Good for you!
give z link plox
i belive sup3r! :DDDDD
cheaters like u are slowly killing ET so plz fuck off
oke I forgive you (K)
u busted me :<
It's too late.
did u have just wh or some other stuff as well?
Didn't you quit ET for real life success?
sup3r fuck off, once a cheater always a cheater..
+ you were way too obvious when you were cheating :)
who idiot buys hacks in a FREE game? LOLZOZL
I dont even know him, but he seems like, that he blames himself.

He was a cheater, thats a fact.

But he stopped it, and you see, that his ET - Friends are very important for him.
If they would not be, he would never write a Journal like this.

It's not nice to cheat @ official matches - thats right.

But he's really sorry imo! And saying things like:
" Cheater, - Once Cheater ever cheater - busted " or some shit like that, doesn't help anyone a little bit.

So please behave :d
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