icq @ vista

apparently my icq cant connect since i installed vista!
did some of you have the same problem and know how to fix it?
edit: it always stops when it says "Start..."

bad english ftw!
Microsoft: "Talk via MSN or stfu!"
maybe firewall or smth . . .
i have no problems with icq on my vista.

But I use trillian. ( thats msn, icq, yahoo, aim )

try that ;)
Quoteapparently my icq cant connect since i installed icq!

mmh how did you connect to icq if it wasnt installed before?
ups i meant vista
Use Miranda.
doesnt work as trilian doesnt
I use Miranda on my laptop and it works?
for me it does not :(
vista sux
Vista ist wie Deutschland. NIrgends findet findet man ein Arbeitsplatz .

Mit welchen Sinn installierst du überhaupt Vista, weil neuer drauf steht?

Sounds like some wannabe security program or setting is blocking the connection to the icq's network.
fully agree !! vista < X
Its probably a privledge issue, try running as admin, just right click, and run as Admin.
Failing that, run as both Admin, and under compatibility mode for XP sp2. Find it in properties.
your problem is:

you installed vista.

schwerster fehler in der gesamten menschheitsgeschichte...nichts gegen dich aber dafür hättest du lieber nicht dein geld ausgeben sollen. :(
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