UK needs new captain

recruiting 1 med+/high captain, preferably experienced with flamers


Quote by eVoA lot of people last night asked me, why are you even bothering to be UK captain after the community behaves like this, well they are right and so I am hereby standing down as UK captain.

edit: np, found one

image: malczik
what do you want, with kamz in the lineup ....
you can't say "you" like that!

it was evo that picked kamz, not us
I meant "you" at like all the people, we say it like this in dutch atleast. Anyway, then it's retarded from evo :(
omg chosing kamz to team uk is not like inviting hitler to african nations cup

dont blame always him :(
you have to admit, it's really close, it's like inviting Hitler to a casual bar mitswa
well it was a fucking shame to loose from some sith lord and laggers... maybe i m just angry coz i lost all my e-money and e-life. ask that black sheep to be captain.
Pssst... I want a good .hu team for Find me a captain, please :)
cant help u, i know the community less than you. maybe its rofl, but true
this means he failed i guess....
wow, interesting
i'm fit for the job
sorry, taking malczik instead
wise decision,

Meez you got it going on,
not in gay way
just a "hey mate"

this nation cup thing is overrated anyway, causes more drama than excitement
drama is much more interesting than excitement!
drama == excitement
Drama = fun = important.
ill do it np !
ET IS NOT but etpro is
You imo.
You dont need to be manager or serious business "i-schedule-games-so-im-important" captain. Just the guy who talks with cb and shit, some people get too excited for being "TEH_CAPTAINZ", and thats always hilarious. Always.
NC captain serious business1!!!
plz its nice being the chief nazi in charge
lol, but the caption always get most of the flame just live with it or don't apply
i can be a captain m8 !
I think eVo should stick with the team through the competition and do what was said in linked forum: Dont log on to any of the communities until the competition is over for you if you cant handle the flame. To be a captain is about taking the hard decision and to be able to stay focused and to do that you have to ignore what other ppl say. You are there for a reason and that reason is that the players and the community trust in you and believes in the fact that you will take the right decisions from your point of view. Ignore all bullshit, stick with the team and believe in yourself. hf and gl
There is "," and there is "ENTER" with which you can use to make your text look more clean, use them.
thnx I'll see if I can find something to write wich is quite long and annoying wich I could write to try them out and mabye make my text look a little bit cleaner but I'm not really sure that it will worke on my computer since my computer is a bit odd and just wont use those two characters + I cant find any key on my keyboard that says ENTER so I dunno wich one that I should rly press to reach the purpouse of that button but rly thnx I'm gona try to see if I can fix it 'til next time I post something here
Pick me, I've got some brilliant ideas
hitler said the same!
So did einstein... such a pointless reply, stop comparing everything to hitler pls... :X
to be honest , my cat with his head looks like hitler !

image: hitlercat-731433
Look how far Hitler went though ;)
you just need some decent propaganda :D
i bet his ideas went (flew) pretty far when the bullet entered his mouth....
You sure the bullet went in his mouth? ;)
guess so, it's a yerman thing
i think evo just shouldnt play anymore
it was cool one year ago but now its just like childs play
gotta love this drama Uk can generate for such an important cup
uk lost because crmbs didn't play, simple as!
Should have had Andeh as rifle then.
Poland/United Kingdom malczik for captain!!
hmm, med+/high skilled player for the position of a NT captain?! u should search high imo -.-
scorch gtfo, no one cares what u think about this topic or for that matter any other topic concering et.
imo, if he rly got that much shit from any1 I think he should step down..I wouldn't put time into a disrespectful community aswell so wp, let them handle it on their own and see if they can make it and if they can't u have proven ur point, if they can then u didn't have to put ur time in it :>
I'll do it and issue some fake passports
hhahaha nice1
Sad to hear :\ Though, I've always known that the whole ET community is just fucked up...

Good luck with searching.
Meez for uk captain.

+ nev to the roster and its np 4 uk
This is the problems you get when picking backups who are busy elsewere (mainly rifle)

Sheep was away and this shows how poor you are without him, shouldve wildcarded...

sqzz, sheep, w3st, andeh, griim, mud, would be my ideal lineup, w3st and andeh engys... 3 good medics and sheep as multiclasser... with that lineup u wldve raped usa =)
no mystic = no win
no griim no win => SPREAD IT
damn was writin the same...weird
no griim no win


totally agree^^

unbelievable how you uk-guys can make such dramas out of losses (likein football too)
ha, yea. Bit pathetic really.
Think its a bit unfair to lay all the blame on the captain. Don't think the amount of flame he got was very fair either. The whole team never pracced once and you can't completely blame the captain for that without knowing all the facts. Evo is/was very experienced in and I feel its just kids thinking they could do better.

Takes more of a man to stand his ground and stick up for his actions so was little disappointed to see him resign but on the other hand he is volunteering and not being paid so doesn't deserve the amount of crap that he got when the team is of at least 7 people not just 1.
Its his fault for not picking the right players.
His fault for not practicing.
And loosing to a dire team like usa with there 150-200 pings, with him playing as rifle and no backup with hentai in the uk et:qw team ? :S
And he expects not to get stick? His the captain and rage quiting only shows how bad he is doing.
(1) I'm sure he weren't the only one in picked players, I'm sure he asked the others in the team esp sheep on their opinions.

(2) There are another 7 people in that squad, it only needs 2 or 3 to meet and get the rest to play. Do you know for a fact that evo never tried to get those players to practice? Are you aware people have lives away from et?

(3) He had to play, there was no one else who could play.

(4) See (1) and wouldn't say USA were dire they have a fair few good players with most of them having experience at high level competitions.

(5) Yes he should get stick but it was the amount and some of the things said that were out of order. He was not ego quitting, he felt it weren't worth him being capt with the amount of people out there ready to jump on his back.
They both made a bad decision then.

Yes ofc they have lives but i was told by one of the members the only time they practiced was the night before the game. I would blame that on the captain for not picking active players then. Im sure alot of the other nation teams will be practicing.

Why didn't he pick a different backup than hentai? Theres a few decent uk rifles left and im sure one of them would of wanted to have the chance to play.

And wanting to quit after one game? thats just made the whole situation look a whole lot worse.

I cba to go on im gunna go get stoned bibuuy
We'll agree to disagree then. (should be in xfires rules imo)

okies hf :)
are there drugs in spacecake?
uk is the only country who could ever take nc this seriously :d.
and still they fail :D
Its my favourite time of the year :)
Tosspot rox
reading the flame on gamersnation and that topic made me laugh
edit: ngotie is a moron.

i wonder why evo didnt wildcard the match
i mean it would have been understandable
couldn't give a fuck (tosspot for captain)
fuck off and come back when you hit puberty meez
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