sony vegas prob ://////// (ger allowed)

hm getting emo ..rly

i have to make a movie for school and i finished 4/5 of it.
tomorrow i want to show my mates what i ve done.

i wanted to render the file as wma and after some % there came this error:

image: h6ahj5ri

this was in the details :

Sony Vegas 7.0
Version 7.0d (Build 192)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0x0 IP:0x7814507A
In Module 'MSVCR80.dll' at Address 0x78130000 + 0x1507A
Thread: ProgMan ID=0xCA8 Stack=0x1D9F000-0x1DA0000
EAX=002a3000 CS=001b EIP=7814507a EFLGS=00010212
EBX=00000000 SS=0023 ESP=01d9f524 EBP=01d9f52c
ECX=000a8c00 DS=0023 ESI=00000000 FS=003b
EDX=00000000 ES=0023 EDI=7da200a8 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
7814507A: F3 A5 FF 24 95 94 51 14 ...: 78 90 8B C7 BA 03 00 00 x.......
Stack Dump:
01D9F524: 00000000
01D9F528: 12F4B958 11CB0000 + 129B958
01D9F52C: 01D9F8A0 01CA0000 + FF8A0
01D9F530: 3A106D87 3A0F0000 + 16D87 (wmfplug3.dll)
01D9F534: 7DA200A8 7DA20000 + A8
01D9F538: 00000000
01D9F53C: 002A3000 00280000 + 23000
01D9F540: B2623564
01D9F544: 04762E58 04740000 + 22E58
01D9F548: 01AD4E5C 019F0000 + E4E5C
01D9F54C: 01AD4E28 019F0000 + E4E28
01D9F550: 33564D57 334D0000 + 94D57
01D9F554: 004D11D8 00400000 + D11D8 (vegas70.exe)
01D9F558: 00000001
01D9F55C: 00000007
01D9F560: 00000500
> 01D9F594: 00500000 00400000 + 100000 (vegas70.exe)
01D9F598: 00000000
01D9F59C: 00000000
01D9F5A0: 00000064
01D9F5A4: 00000000
> 01D9F5E4: 7C92B5F4 7C910000 + 1B5F4 (ntdll.dll)
> 01D9F5E8: 7C92B686 7C910000 + 1B686 (ntdll.dll)
> 01D9F620: 7C92056D 7C910000 + 1056D (ntdll.dll)
> 01D9F654: 00A20002 00400000 + 620002 (vegas70.exe)
01D9F658: 0000015E
01D9F65C: 00000000
01D9F660: 0C825080 0BF30000 + 8F5080
01D9F664: 00156758 00140000 + 16758
> 01D9F67C: 0075A9D6 00400000 + 35A9D6 (vegas70.exe)
01D9F680: 00000001
01D9F684: 00000080
01D9F688: 01ADBB60 019F0000 + EBB60
01D9F68C: 00140230 00140000 + 230
> 01D9F6C0: 3973ACB8 396A0000 + 9ACB8 (vegas70k.dll)
> 01D9F6D8: 00D9F854 00400000 + 99F854 (vegas70.exe)
01D9F6DC: 00000000
01D9F6E0: 00000000
01D9F6E4: 00000000
01D9F6E8: 00000000
> 01D9F714: 3973ACB8 396A0000 + 9ACB8 (vegas70k.dll)
> 01D9F72C: 009F3D80 00400000 + 5F3D80 (vegas70.exe)
- - -
01D9FFF0: 00000000
01D9FFF4: 00519950 00400000 + 119950 (vegas70.exe)
01D9FFF8: 00A82370 00400000 + 682370 (vegas70.exe)
01D9FFFC: 00000000

why i cant save this file ? :(

i already tried to save it many times and there was always this error....

need ur help :x
how much space you got on your hd?
184 gb free
gl and dont get busted again because of moviemaking :PP
:P i dont use moviecfgs anymore xD
dont compress anything with vegas

if u wanna do so, use .wmv only

if u wanna compress the file afterwards, compress @ huffyuv from vegas and then code it in external program (vegas sucks @ coding)
i didnt...i compressed the files at first with some other progs...then i put them to vegas and edit them there
source avsi should be uncompressed
file > render as > uncompressed then

code with megui or vdub

When finished open Vdub and compress with huffyuv
why compress then ? i just want to burn the movie on a dvd + watch it then on windows media player 9 ( school hasnt 10 or 11 :x)
Cuz of the size?
so i m getting an error because of the size :o ?
No, just fucked up settings imo, try my ones
get ver 8.0 pro
Play it and use your digicamera to record, volá :D
lol :P i can watch the vid in this small windows of sony vegas...but i cant render it to wma...
dont render .wma, render .avi :xxxxxxxx
its to big :o ... i need to put it on a dvd :/

1 file which is 1,5 min long is already 2 gb omg
use huffyuv, movies will only look good if rendered in .avi imo, wmv sux hardd
o if ure finished, and i finished my downloads tell how the fuck that program workz razzah :>
your config will suck i think
try to reinstall ur .wmv( wma-sound) encoder and if it dont work save it as an avi uncompressed or with huffyuv and then encode it with any other extrneal .wmv encoder
use windows moviemaker
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