CDC Payment

If there is someone that hasnt paid for CDC yet and is just about to, would they mind contacting me? For CDC5 I want to use Google Checkout and wouldn't mind a test run now.

So any replacement teams who are just about to pay pls msg me!
will there be wsw at cdc5/6?
no but maybe a emo look-a-like contest !
funny ngr!!!!!! :D
lolz phate!!!!
I'm almost med in wsw :(
mazz paid?

gl loekeno
Avi for CDC5!
i thought there will be a bigger lan and stuff and no cdc anymore :S ?
eh, ok for the next lan, things are changing on a daily basis on that project, hense why i deleted everything i posted on it
but keep ET on your next lans tossie :(
all inside infos
we need a updated payment list... wanna know how much ET:QW Teams are coming and if at least 8 ppl payed @ w§w -_-
theres cod5 @ cdc5?
CDC 5 :)
ok gl tosspot
Tell us more about the next wolf part and this mystic new LAN event I didnt hear anything about =(
Well, I've heard that there will be a big LAN in May. ( prolly in Netherlands not sure ) you dont have to play qualifiars to make sure you can attend, If you wanna go you with your team you can pay & paly!
Thanks mate :) Anyone remembering further parts of the column or article? (dunno what it was)
say something more about the next LAN then polish clans can start to find new funny excuses right now!
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