fakers r here!

http://img206.imageshack.us/my.php?image=beztytuumt6.gif check this... fucking noobs faking plan-b :-(
zamknis na chuj polska chujka
i guess they are rly in plan-b.. cause laguna asked me.. but not sure
mmh i am pretty sure n2y wouldnt take ex-cheaters in plan-b!
haha fucking retards, get a freaking life
u'r hide all the prOn
i thought kenta is the fake at pic
kill them

on the split-public there's always one guy that is fakenicking people

so far i've seen him fakenick

mAus (like a million times)
dAv1d / d4v1d

and some more
it's quite funny that you are mentioning it, since you were using tags of Team-ND team that competed in EC while you weren't even in the same mgc :P
what do you expect from people playing with kenta 8D
rawr et is dying?!
afaik it was team-austria, they prolly just took the tag for phun
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