
So me and slasheh are thinking of doing a eurotrip this summer but its still in the early stages so we need your help! Has anyone been before, any advice? Where is good to go and whats there to do etc. Even any info on the city you stay in and what there is to do there would be good, thanks =)
I went to Belgium, travelling from Wales, through France etc.
Also went from Wales > France > Amsterdam > Germany etc
u need to go to amsterdam
i like rome, prague and vienna
most dutch cities aren't _THAT_ amazing I guess, and Bruxelles when I visited it was a complete mess
who the fuck would go to holland due to the cities?
well that's true
You gotta know bruxelles to be able to like it, i can imagine that its a mess for a tourist...
i've been there a lot of times :p
But always as a tourist...???? You might have seen a lot, but have you been there with locals, cause thats what makes the difference you know, if you are fameliar with the city it isnt that chaotic at all...
u rly need to go to prague, very nice city, cheap Beer ( 1/2 liter 1 pound or less ) nice food and restaurants its just good!! and Berlin is cool asawell
afaik 0.5l was 0.3e or 0.7e
its normal price for east europe.
yes i recomend prague so much went with a few mates few years ago fucking awesome. cheep beer u see.
shit beer:/ like a water almost bleh :D
hit barcelona tbh, best city of europe
Certainly an awesome city, if only a bit out of the way if you want to see other places.
Czech Republic girls are the best in Europe so i think it is an easy choice
couldnt agree more
Rome is awesome, Paris is very beautiful, Barcelona is definitely worth a visit. I also enjoyed Milan, Vienna and Berlin. A place I also recommend is Luxemburg, beautiful country, nice people, good beer.
Amsterdam is not that special, unless you're looking for drugs or hookers. Brussels is not worth it at all imo. If you wanna visit a Belgian city, take Antwerp.
Stormeh you should know to ask the lads from #bux and remember to visit danL! :P
haha i've already got their one from last year saved on my pc just getting ideas :D
Don't even think about coming to Finland =D
barcelona - football
rome - culture
paris - frogs
amsterdam - drugs
berlin - mieke!!!
prague - AIDS
prague - AIDS + nice skatespots :)
dont forget bratislava - absinth+gettin rich by excange rate;D
I drank absinth once, never been so drunk while drinking so little alcohol ;(
once i drank 12 absint shoots.. = hospital!
only drank the white one so far:(
MIEKE :DDDDD fuckn hot girl :D
Done it quite a few times, well worth it.

I found that the best way to plan it was to simply look at a map and point out a couple of places each that we wanted to see, then try to work out a feasible route based on how long we intended to go for, not forgetting to account for the time it takes to travel between them of course. I found that three days per city was sufficient.

The problem with the likes of Rome, Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, etc. is that they're slightly more isolated and out of the way. While Rome (for example) is cool, the time it takes to get there and back may not be worth it if you're hoping to squeeze in a lot of places. I suggest you head to central-eastern Europe (like Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, etc.). Firstly because it's cheaper than western Europe, and secondly because it's more different to the UK than western Europe is - it's somewhat more of a culture shock. Thirdly because there's a lot of cities (in different countries) in close proximity.

If you've plenty of time the Balkans might also be an idea.
u are after gypsy meat or what?
this comment made my day xD
amsterdam duh!
barcelona is very nice too! and ofcourse rome and paris...just do all random city's
amsterdam all u need... and stop in meinheim for the Timewarp 2008 and its a gg
Amsterdam - the hague - rotterdam - breda - eindhoven
And then go back home.
me + friends are buying a buss - kitting it up - then going to turkey + back in a zig zag hitting all the countrys!
best movie eva<3333333

so london->paris->crans sur mer->amsterdam->bratislava->berlin->rome
Have you seen Hostel?
If not I recommend slovakia
Cracow!! wonderful square, clubs and girls :) and poland is also cheap(beer for 1,5 euro), train station is near to the square (10 mins by foot) so I think u would enjoy this trip :P
1,5 € for a beer ain't cheap.
In the club? For me it's kinda cheap
Croatia is nice over the summer...especially in the southern part.
go to Seychelles :D<3
im there soon HAHAHA <3
I want to live there for a couple of years in my life !!
:) i'll send you some pics maybe^^ HAHA
Ok, i'll hold u to that.
we go in april for 2 weeks
so dont forget it^^
I'm going Netherlands -> Belgium -> France -> Spain -> Portugal after being in Dublin for a few months
Go inter railing man I plan to do it this year to! Can't wait to travel more.
come and visit me bitch, Amsterdam all the way!
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