ET - problems

After I have played a map, a new map get loaded (sherlock). When I want to click "OK" to enter again I get an error, this is it ( in dutch ):

Enemy Territory: ET.exe - toepassingsfout
De instructie op 0x7e4200f0 verwijst naar het geheugen op 0x7e4200f0.
De lees- of schrijfbewerking ("read") op het geheugen is mislukt.
Klik op 'OK' om het progamma te beeindigen.

Or in engrish

Enemy Territory: ET.exe - Error
The instruction on 0x7e4200f0 refers to the memory on 0x7e4200f0.
The read or writeversion ("read') on the memory did fail.
Press 'OK' to end the program.

And then, when I closed ET, I get this on my screen:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ExceptionReport Version="4">
<Application Build="29828" Command="&quot;c:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe&quot; +connect"/>
<OperatingSystem Type="2"><Version Major="5" Minor="1" Build="2600"/></OperatingSystem>
<Exception Code="C0000005" Address="20DB2D12"><Module Section="0001" Offset="000A1D12" FileName="c:\progra~1\wolfen~1\etpro\cgame_mp_x86.dll"/></Exception>
<Registers EAX="01FDFA7C" EBX="01FDFA60" ECX="00000000" EDX="00000000" ESI="00000008" EDI="244C18EC" CS="001B" EIP="20DB2D12" SS="0023" ESP="01FDF2B0" EBP="244C1340" DS="0023" ES="0023" FS="003B" GS="0000" Flags="00010297"/>
<Frame ProgramCounter="20DB2D12" StackAddress="01FDF2B0" FrameAddress="244C1340">
<Module Section="0001" Offset="000A1D12" FileName="c:\progra~1\wolfen~1\etpro\cgame_mp_x86.dll"/>
<StackHexDump From="01FDF2B0" To="01FDF330">f0 f6 fd 01 60 fa fd 01 10 f5 19 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 ec 19 26 00 80 e5 c4 00 00 b3 43 00 00 de 43 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3f f0 84 1e c5 c5 81 76 c4 b9 04 0f c4 00 00 00 00</StackHexDump>

What do I have to do?

Please help me,
thanks in advance.
must be hax?
must be the read or the writeversion on your memory...
i think you have to fix it
how 2 fix it ?
<3 your name. 2much2read.
actually its not much 2 read ...
De lees- of schrijfbewerking = The read or writeversion

re install et? format? buy new memory?
exactly in that order! but before buyin new one, change it to test!
yes, it seems stupid to go and buy new memory and realize it was the et-installation that was broken :D also, stop using that rifle it was rly annying :< (at least I think it was u playing? with hype)
played some mixes the last days...could be :)
then it was :>
click ok? i never have to click some oK button!! :???
u can have limbo to show everytime a map is loaded
so he just have to turn this off in it should work !!! :DD
file cgame_mp_x86.dll is destroyed, try reinstall!
pinfi virus can cause this, ram, cpu or damaged dlls/executables.
pb update= no more pro players anymore XD
hi2u homer
Do you got I-net already ?
@ march they're putting cables
I'll say finally when I'll finally got it ^^
Idd, you were always saying next week, next week
...It never happend :(
he got internet !!!!
as w0nd3r said cgame_mp_x86.dll is damaged

Reinstall ET (download from other source)
lovely name ;D
n1 nick
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