ET legend coming to a school near you

alright so here's the thing:

I'm studying international business and management in Arnhem, Holland and during my third year I am going to have to spend half a year of studying at a university abroad and spend the other half on a placement, also abroad but in a different country than the first half year.

And although I'm sure there's going to be loads of information and help from school when we're supposed to start thinking of where to go, I am bored right now and so I am offering all of you the chance to have an Enemy Territory legend come to the same school you are on!

So if you have studied / are studying something economics / management / business related somewhere around europe and you think your school is the place to be, tell me all about it!

so let's hear it! =D

oh, I've sort of already decided on my placement location, which will probably be in London the second half year, hopefully at McKinsey, which sort of rules out the UK for my study abroad ^^

edit: thanks to everyone who posted a serious comment btw! had some nice input i think! :) shame i cant share this with anyone from my school lol :D
come to my school, 50 % of us play et anyway
as if i'm going to study in belgium for 6 months :P what dyou think i am? crazy? :{
actually the Belgian education system is proven to be the second best worldwide ( after finland ), and on top of that the school that we attend here in tielt is a really decent one ( top 10, or was it 20 don't know anymore, of hardest Belgian schools in a survey of "het nieuwsblad" )
I'm not saying ur school is bad, i'm just saying i cba to stay in belgium for half a year... its the same as holland apart from the bad infrastructre and the chaos in major cities xD
oh yea holland is the place to be when u want safety and calmness .
i dont recall mentioning safety and calmness to be honest..?

also, you seem to have missed the whole point of this journal which is getting away from holland

so stop trying to be clever
need link to the proof!
no need, everyone knows that finland is best !
Please tell me more about this legend, I want to know his name!
now a summary plz and ill let it hear you! =D
WHORU? @_@
dirk linsen <3
Same situation here, going to study in Hawaii for half a year.. just join me:D
hell yeah:D
no studying for you i guess!!
i cant imagine there's a rly good education on hawaii :P i bet ur just going there for the beach the weather and the bikini girls ^^
well... first i thought the same... but i googled around and the universaty from hawaii is one of the best universities around in whole Amerika... so its fucking nice
hopefully it will teach you how to spell America
I CBA, this is crossfire
go to the university where kritos and edge are studying at! altho its belgium:(
you mean special school for retards? oh wait... that was YOUR school

shut the fuck up jonas, or else i backfuck ur fatass
so who's the "legend" you're talking about?
go where u want...
The legend rbnt is talking about is Netherlands perfo
i heard he owns bathcoatboys
agreed on that point.... but bathcoatboys (hi scorch) are so pathetic
harvard pls
currently at the HAN?
that is correct sir! u dont go there as well do u
I do, first year at the ICA :P
Whoa, that tells something of the status of ICT students :[

The ICA is the (former but still used) name of the ICT department at the han;
so ur in the same faculty as abort is :O)
could be, I don't really know him
ye he is :P

and i walk through ur building almost every day because i tend to get off the bus at presikhaaf and walk through ICA/architecture building over the bridge to faculty economy >_<
Josti College in Lillo
i would give everything to go to Yale
actually i would give everything you can see on my profile pic!
London School of Economics wud do u well

that one? do u know anyone who went there?
United Kingdom LSE and Switzerland University St. Gallen are the most reputable universitys of economic so LSE should be fine!
where in switzerland is st. gallen located? =O
as far as i known next to the bodensee! googlemaps
hmm damn that sounds awesome.. :D

also, it might be best for me to study at a 'german' (language wise) university as it's my second language at school right now... it might need some getting used to trying to understand a swiss (hm? :P) speak german
you will get used to pretty fast!
I have friends who went there but its reputation is stupidly good its #4 in the UK.

For all things UK uni's read this;
I know two schools which support international business in Baden Württemberg

BA Stuttgart and BA Mannheim

As much as I heard the BA Mannheim is one of the best economy schools here.

I'm planning to study international business too, so I would really appreciate it, if you could tell me about the experiences you made so far. Is it any good and worth studying?

Edit: additonal HS Pforzheim
i suppose the whole idea of sending their students abroad for studying purposes (or at least for a large part) is to provide them with the experience of foreign education approaches towards economy etc ...

the study itself has so far really appealed to me and it really is exactly as i was hoping it to be... if you really find this sort of thing interesting and you like speaking different languages it's absolutely a good pick... on my school there's loads of different nationalities walking around. currently i'm working on what is called an OPL project in a 6-headed group and there's a girl from brazil, a girl from germany, a girl from canada,a girl from china and a guy from indonesia in my group. Personally i find this absolutely fantastic and exciting :P i enjoy going to school each day right now very much unlike my highschool period

i was actually considering a school in Vienna for study abroad too... perhaps stuttgart might be good too though =)
Sounds good to me :)

Yeah Stuttgart is a great city, I'm living here and I really can't tell anything bad about it. I'm sorry I can't tell you about that school, since I'm still in higschool.
yeap, come to stuttgart, you can have kerans room xD
orly :D is that hax-inclusive? :D

(jK ^^)
acutally you have to have hax to life here :D
Maybe im switching over to IBMS next year.
what is it you're studying right now?
Trade management asia but it's kinda crap + I didn't pass 1 module so If I decide to go on i'm 1 year behind with that subject.
you are dutch right ? :o

is that actually a study? trade management asia? :O) never heard of hehe

well i can only encourage u for as far as ibms is concerned =P only downside i can think of is the fact that most of our lecturers have an awful dutch accent =(
some do speak proper english but at current i have three of my courses being given by a lecturer with an obviously small vocabulary and lack of proper accent :P. As a matter of fact my english course lecturer actually expressed his annoyance with his colleagues' english just this friday :P

it doesnt really bother me as much as some others because my english is good enough to be able to understand what they're trying to say (although it doesnt feel right to be correcting those who are supposed to teach me all the time:D) but i can imagine how hard this might be for foreign students who are having a hard time with english themselfs
Cardiff university is very good, great city too
I'd recommend Helsinki School of Economics (HSE)
haha well thanks for the tip... I've thought about going to scandinavia and HSE would probably be one of the best picks there.... but really, as short minded as this might sound, it's too damn cold up there for my liking haha :D hope i dont offend you but for studying/working purposes scandinavia doesnt rly attract me much...
has actually been too warm here for the last few winters, haven't been able to play almost any ice hockey outdoors as the temperature doesen't stay under zero :(

and no, you don't offend me at all, I really wouldn't come to Finland either for working purposes atleast as the finnish tax system takes care that you can't really earn that much money. for studying purposes Finland should have the best quality of studies tho
I miss ice-hockey as well :(

are u going to study at Helsinki School of Economics btw?
there are universities in poland :D ?
poland joke, thats original
sure am! i even played for the team "Legend" !
who cares the dutch education sucks donkey balls anyway, better come to a belgian uni/college for a decent graduation
i'm going to ScotlandStrathclyde next year :) Come with me ;)
im actually only halfway my first year.. the study abroad is in third year :D hf with the scousers though :)

it does seem like a nice place to study btw :)
ga naar het mondriaan LOL
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