The polish Lan

Out of all the players who do you think can't perform offline as he does online and do you suspect of hacking.

my list

Poland Naga
Poland zmk
Poland Dolar
Poland Templar
Poland dvk3
Dolar & dvk3? :DDD are you serious? :D

actually naga is playing atm in final like he is playing usually
well... you have your own opinion... but it sux!
hillAs xD
Must be the worst hack ever!
MA ALEEEE you really care about them huh? try to find the /ignore mode:O
templar played rly good dunno what u want

*edit* but wiesiek didnt
hmm btw

how many cheaters has done a fragmovie? :o (not that im defending wiesiek or nothing like that, but I replied to you so I dont need to do journal :XD)
i dont say hes cheating, im 100% sure that noone of them was cheating in the last time or ever, its just true that wiesiek didnt play good and templar did but still wiesiek doesnt get mentioned
wiesiek was so uberhigh at many lan games but nobody can be hero every day :) he played well though imo
ye i know he played good especially at pga
too bad Poland pacman isn't on this lan, he was _so_ ownage. too bad he is a netcoders admin :(
too bad u were so SHIT @ cdc and had to quit games before they finished not to show ur out-fucking-standing skills :D too bad u get busted , too bad jokes about ur brother will be funny even after the game dies :D its just too bad ...
wiesiek. well dont think he is hacking online, but he sux on lan :D
Poland wiesiek
Poland naga
all met my expectations
i don't trust any polish guy
wiesek busted imo gG
hanging around with pulZa must be hazardous to your braincells
yupyupo :D
i haven't seen one lan game but people keep saying "omGay wiesek 20 acc, omG no heAdsh0ts"

why are you so sure he's clean!? has he played better at another lans? (I really dont know)
and dont' come with "known people dont cheat", known people are just more clever than the mid+ retards who even such with hacks
he has played another few lans (cpc2 + some more) and he was far from being suspicious there to me. plus besides his really good aim he never makes very weird actions which can't be explainable
try to make better acc on ~20fps, he was playing very good e.x. on supply + he didn't sleep 3 days + sometimes you can have bad day, don't you ?
dialer & krein, major skilldrop

what comes to others in your list, templar is clearly the best player on FF side and tbh other 4 you mentioned aint any good online either no point of call em hackers.

vila, what was your reason not to attend the lan?
2 LANs in a row?
That the moneyprize dropped to half of it so it wasn't profitable anymore to go.
polaks are just med skill without their laggy connections :(
i saw zMk playing well against nvm on grush and naga having lowest dmg!(or almost)

so wtf

naga gtfo
is bimbot allowed at that lan?
Don't know who's worse offline than online because I don't care about guys I don't know but I certainly can say that sosn4 and wiadro played even better than online!

And adman's panzerfaust is better offline, too. Maybe he didn't make any multikills but the fact that he didn't vaporize himself in most actions is very important and different from his online performance!
imo diAler & krein tbh, from high to mid/+ fosho, naga could do better but isnt doing that bad considering his positions most of the time

wiesiek = wtf? wheres the aim
got busy with real life...didnt watch ettv
zmk - clean
naga - clean
nightkiller - fucking pro
perfo - fucking right! :D
There's more skill in a polish lan than in a whole online eurocup.
Poland = lan only
rest of the world = online only (especialy Italyvegeta)
what a tard :D
looks like you were watching not ggt but some other lan
You were the one who dodged the lan +_+
The Lan's own fault , they pm'd us telling the moneyprize dropped from 6000 PLN to 3000 PLN thus making it not profitable anymore to go there.
this is what danone said also
If i was as rich as abramovitch i would attend 4 sure
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