Accounts under 2 years should be banned!!

So, I was just browsing the Journals yesterday when I came accross this:-

Quotephate]users with an account younger than 2 years shouldnt even be allowed to post anything on here...


according to Germanyphate "I dont only want ppl with an account of less than 2 years to be disallowed to post here, I also want them to be excluded from competition".

So it appears to him, that anyone with an account with less than 2 years is either a kiddy or a cheater :((
oh the drama
i dont get it
hes right!
at least 2 years of nolife is expected!?
well, I understand why he says that although I do not agree of course :)
seems reasonable enough, good bye.
he is right most of times!
why again? you already stated your opinion yesterday.
It's not like it's gonna happen anyway.
cuz I wanted to see if people agree with him. Like I said, I agree with his aspirations but how would removing all accounts under 2 years solve the cheater issue?
My account was 2 years old untill i was banned and removed , now im going for a year and some months again :D
banned cause u were to kiddylike?
that pic says it all.....:x)))
ET - seriouz businez
hello castro's hidden grandchild
you dont get it nvm
no, i just regret even replying to someone who s nicknamed "HellHammer" ^^
can't agree more fucking 2006ers 2007ners !
need poll!
if the <2 year old accs wont be allowed to give their voice you will lose :DD
xD, they will already be banned....
if you lose, ban the >2 accounts?
afaik he didnt say ban all <2 y accs he just wanted to make them unable to post!! (and not allowed to paly at CB)
so for regular crossfire users, thats the same as ban
I've a '06 account while I started playing end '04, so just retarded.
do you somethink heard about: cheaters allways win! =)
engrisj mister
crossfire is our entire life!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111
Time on Crossfire != Time Gaming
true!! i was playing the game around 4 month before i found cF and it took around 1 month until i registered to post my first comment!

btw i got cF birthday 3 days ago wooohooo
ur leet anyway tho oki bibuy :XDDDDDDDDDddDdddD
2years 5month 13days for me ... np
It would rid Crossfire of this Belgium RhandtArd.
1 more month :). STALL imo
hf with killing a Community
I dont think excluding all the noobs and cheaters would make this community any worse.
oh yeah and BiBUY ET:QW and COD player :D
Member For: 1 year and 2 days

fuck you.
I still think I'm right.
It's quite users are either too unimportant to care about (there are aready enough of them) or they are cheaters and should be banned anyway.


this is like trying to stop a dangerous disease from becoming epidemic (?), you have to sacrifice a few 'clean' people who might be infected (potential cheaters who are actually clean) to keep those who matter away from the danger (cheaters).
You clean guys that would ve been baned, you d be heroes!
isnt that smth great aswell?
you still dont seem to understand your own words. To stop people playing competitions (they might have started et in 2003), just because they registered on some gaming community website 2 weeks ago is totally naive and retarded...

edit...rofl, that kind of thinking started ww2
Jesus christ...THIS WILL NEVER EVER I thought it wont be necessary to go into detail...if you can prove to be playing the game since forever, np, really...I dont get why ppl make a big deal out of it anyway, CUZ IT WONT HAPPEN, and because noone really cares what i am saying anyway.
i do care :(
at least 1! ^^
plain bullshit...the reason for ww2 is completely different from this.
not are talking about removing innocent people arent you?
i would love to read a explanation about your connection between ww2 and this case (and the innocent people [i know there were killed thousand of innocent people but what the hell have this to do with exclude newschoolers?])
rofl you are missing the point the fuck can a guy whos got an account here for 1.5 years and been playing all the online games since q2 be classed as a "newschooler" he should also be discriminated against?
and where is the connection between ww2 and this? tbh there are quite less people like you mentioned out there!
if you compare removing someone from xfire with killing someone, you are sick.
Besides, I didnt say "remove zem all!" i just dont want them to post here.

and...I d rather be the allied force in your lil ww2 comparison there:
kill the nazis, while sacrificiing a small amount of innocents.
It's not a good thing, but its necessary.
Wealth for the majority may require sacrifices for the minority.
As I said before, "collateral damage" is a quite good word for the few new clean ppl.
grow up, life s hard, online-life too.
youve confirmed that reasoning yourself...remove thousands of innocents for your own ideas?? Its just utter bs dude.
thousands?! pls..
well I'd really like to know how many <2 yr accounts there actually are. I'd also like to know how many of them enjoy being accused of being cheaters or kiddies..
playing a game 2 years without any knowlegde about a community and suddenly apearing is such...unusual!
their are loads of gamers out there who concentrate on the game and don't care about gaming community website...there are new gamers, there are people starting on new games..
are you talking about player who still playing 2.55? new gamers? = cheater?
not really...but I do know 3 nice guys in real life who started playing online with cod4...I think they registered here..
well i agree with the problem that we got a lot new faces from ET:QW and COD!! at least phate admit that it isnt possible but he still got a point that the most guys who are playing ET and being registerd here for 2 years are kids, cheater or both!
if they dont care, I dont see any problems with not allowing them to post on here at all.
naise argument!
Dont agree at all, Just check players yawn. If they are from 2006 let them play, above 2006 = ban.
Member For: 0 days.... did you start playing et today also?
NO SHIT, they keep banning me.
what if someone buys new comp? your retarded
you can prove yourself with your almighty yawn history :D
true but still its tarded
Why do you think I start about yawn? U fucking dumbass.
QuoteDont agree at all, Just check players yawn. If they are from 2006 let them play, above 2006 = ban.

but ofc, when your busted hacker like you, you can always spoof a guid that hasent been used for long time and claim to come back to the game lolz!
Just get skill and stfu please.
i have more skill than you do mr. busted hacker :D
Member For: 2 years, 3 months and 29 days
oh may goad you are save!! :D
yez, im so happy im saved from the phate law yezyez i can post stupid things here haha!
your welcome!!
phate is a good example of a retarded old schooler who gets owned in a 3on3 and thinks the opponent is cheating cause he is too low skilled now a days

they should ban people like phate and you if you ask me
it s funny how ppl like you keep calling me oldskool, even i am newskool, you are just babies.
Member For: 3 years, 6 months and 17 days

and you called me newschooler in 3on3
I dont care about that particular 3v3 or you.
cant remember everyone i played against.
u r oldschool!
shut the fuck up retard :D
its freaks like you are the reason I stopped using my first account in the 1st you are proving phate correct...
gg and you are proving the english retardness
It's true about 80% of ppl with an account < 2 years is a kiddy/cheater and for dutchies mostly both.
If spending 2 years on crossfire doesn't make you retarded, then you're exceptionally strong.
you ppl dont seem to understand that I used Xfire as an easy example on how to find out who s new to the scene and who isnt, there are many different ways...but again, this wont happen anyway...
what you dont understand is that people here with newer accounts have done a lot to help bust and shame cheaters anyway...
and got busted 2 weeks after!
wanted to say that too, tho it doesnt seem to get into his head...this community is sick of newskool cheaters.
if he have been here for a longer time he would know that you are talking the truth! its always the same! some new face apears is playing superB he got busted!
yep agreed, and the people with <2 yr accounts are also part of this "community"
not to me.
those <2 yr accounts are just potential cheaters, nothing more.
another class quote...well done...
I consider starting playing et in 2006/07/08 being an "infected (time-)zone".
wtf has the crossfire account to do with starting et?? I started et in 2003 from RTCW. Still got a yawn from 2003! and registered on cb 2005. So my crossfire account is less that 2 years (my 2nd one)..ffs open your eyes man you are really sounding like u need help...
wow, eventho i said it countless times by now, you still manage to get it wrong...I AM TALKING ABOUT THE MAJORITY!
Do you know what that word means?
thats just so untrue!!! and your talking about removing the rights also of the so called "minority"..this aint just about me, its about the countless innocents that are being accused here.
what exactly is untrue?

and btw, I dont just accuse you, I have good reason to think you are a cheater (eventho i ve never seen you play), because it applies to 80-90% of the new ppl on here, ok?
ever heard about probability?
hes just an egotard who thinks hes better than everyone because hes been on crossfire for sooooooooooo long
so he thinks ever1 who started playing et in 2007 is a cheater or a kid ?( and btw if you won't let them post gg nice killing a comm...
i r playing et for 4 months and 13 days, who wants to teach me how to play?
So my crossfire account is under 2 years of age, yet my yawn dates back to 2005... I must be new to this game than. Or a cheater or even a kiddie.
I never registered to crossfire for the simple reason i don't rly like forums (this changed over time), and i could read all the news just fine without an account. You sir are a mong thinking that ppl with <2 yr accounts are new to this game. + you overlook the fact that still new ppl start this game every day. How the fuck can they get an older account if you won't let em on? Did you not at the beginning start with a 0 day account? You're a hypocrit and an ego selfcentered bastard.

time changes, my friend, but i guess you are to newskool to remember what ET was like in the past.
That's the problem with you guys are just used to all the cheaters.

oh and:

Quotephate on 25/02/08, 16:27:21

Jesus christ...THIS WILL NEVER EVER I thought it wont be necessary to go into detail...if you can prove to be playing the game since forever, np, really...I dont get why ppl make a big deal out of it anyway, CUZ IT WONT HAPPEN, and because noone really cares what i am saying anyway.
hahah You say i'm too newschool for ET? You know very little m8
I've been around from just after the start of things. That's my point, my crossfire reg. date says nothing bout the fact how long i've been around. I remember the Stazi Plan-B old dignitas days everything. Just shows how silly your theory is doesn't it?

FYI, I started round the same time as ppl like tekoa only i didn't register straight off funny aint it?
no, because - and this is what you ppl tend to overlook aswell - i am talking about the majority of the new users.
There s always exceptions, never said there werent.
And you should probably read everything again before argueing with me.
You shouldn't tell me i'm new school when i clearly state my yawn dates back way longer (fyi 2005 is the earliest year yawn goes back).
I just think drawing a line at a 2 yr reg date is like seeing everything black and white. why draw the line at 2 yrs? why not at 1.5?
Also have we not seen many instances where cheaters have hacked older crossfire accounts? I get your frustration with the fact there's too much damn cheaters around, and that ET is nothing like it used to be. Every1 is an unfriendly dick during a war and they're almost all kiddies. But still drawing a straight line like that is bound to rub ppl the wrong way, seeing you always exclude some right ppl and include some wrong.
finally someone who s not as stupid as the rest...
this wasnt really meant to be a serious suggestion, more an expression of my frustration...
I liked the community how it was when i started playing et, i dont need anyone else...this is completely subjective, ofc!
but i didnt ask people to take this any further than noticing my frustration, tho i still believe im right, most of the time.
thats where the 2 years come from anyway...just picked a date pretty randomly..
apart from that. there d be alot more things needed to be taken into consideration if someone would want to make this idea come true.
he's retarded, leave him alone.
Member For: 1 year, 6 months and 14 days

^_^ HA
you're younger than me, haha kid heheh3h3h3
you're more banned than me, haha nusk00ler heheh3h3h3
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the jealousy, i can taste it <3
myummy, tastes good huh?
almost too good. hf with the ban mwhahah ^^ image: happy-emoticon
phhh, I will !
fuck you all
stupid cheaters and kiddies
oh arent taking this serious enough...
:D I would apply Godwin's law, but seeing as it has been applied to much here already, I will keep my mouth shut.
haha xD
i so regret not keeping my mouth shut tbh :D
perfo goes flame!
ja gibs ihnen!!!! :ppp
ey kiddie, halts maul!! :d
schnauze du cheater :pppp
agree with phate!
rly need a poll xD
i agree with the " cut t nuts of the cheaters" part
so ppl who started late with et r not allowed to join this community??
that doesn't reach out enough! imho we have to ban all people who are not 21 yet, as everyone knows that people under 21 years are more likely to be cheaters and retards.
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