german journal - admins beware!

good thing of the week: week is almost finished! found a nice online-shop: source

unfortunately the page is down atm so u cannot buy this:
image: 0,1020,1108199,00
other products would be: Jeeps, Taekwondo-Suits, Viagra and other madical stuff. Pretty nice portfolio imo :)

but what i rly wanna spread is:
Quote by solYou have been banned from Crossfire.
Reason: 4 day sol on holiday ban

No, its not me (surprise)...its about mighty Germany stiff and allmighty Germany pumu. since every xfire-user has 37 accs the punishment is rly cruel and the reason is very comprehensible.
How small must a penis be, to get satisfied by such a actions in a internet community that is famous for beeing not mature, flaming 24/7 and full of cheaters?!?
"Leben und leben lassen" we say in german, dunno what prob Ireland sol has with germans, maybe his grandpa was jewish...maybe he doesnt like the colors in the german flag...anyway pretty sad story bout a pretty unmature admin!

waitin for delete from Enschede

german news for discussion:
image: klose-von-pagenburg-vor-der-foullinie-gefoult-mfbq-8679103,templateId=renderScaled,property=Bild,height=225
Buhuuu, we r Bayern, everyone is ugly to us...buhuu the referees alway r against us...fu Hoeneß (3 weeks ago his words)!
couldn't be there an mature admin for german journals only?
liek liek ... ME ?
hehe, nice journal!! I appreciate your work
bigtony > *

they are to busy to delete it :>
admins and busy? pls..
jo der hurensohn
fattony ruleZ.

fattony for presidenT.

achtung german:
"sol" der allmächtige hat überhaupt keinen penis! der ist eine verkappte tussi und hat seine tage.... egal, ich bin mal gespannt ob er (sie) meinen text mit google "sprachtools" übersetzt und mir auch einen ban gibt.

engl.: 4 sure ;-)
<3 4 ubermixes! pm me verlorener Soldat :)
<3 u 2

kk, der verlorene soldat findet sich da mal ein.
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