razer diamondback dpi...

once again, technical question:

using the new, old razer diamondback now (my alltime favourite mx300 finally broke).

i'd like to know, if and if yes how i can reduce the dpi to 400? in the driver options i'm apparently only able to set wether 1600 or 800. before i search on, probably someone of u knows instantly!

2nd question: is there a "best" amount of hz for that mouse and ET?

thank you and have a nice day

random stupidity:
i took off 1 week of work to learn for the exam of today.. bad news: i didnt sign for the exam - so its useless. thats why i can bother about mouse settings and stuff atm -_-
800hz are best
400 dpi - 500hz (though the 400dpi can only be set by using OLD razer drivers, prob the ones on your razer cd, cause the new drivers only support 800-1600dpi)
ok, gonna try that...or search for old drivers ;-)
if you don't find them give me a pm I will upload mine.
thx m8, i got driver version 5.09 now - and theres wether 400 or 1600 dpi ;-)

ok then, 400dpi + 500 hz
yeah that's the one i'm using aswell, never experienced any problems etc. (btw something like windows sens 8 + random gamesens is mostly used with 400dpi and 500hz but you'd have to figur that out yourself...)
ye ill figure that out...atm winsens is 6, but its too slow idd :s
1800dpi,250hz[:/]@db 3G
LoL @ rapture, the same thing happened to me, now i have to do the exam again next year =/
i can do it at the end of april, but its just fucking frustrating. i was studying today morning the last 10 pages or smth when i just wanted to check how many guys signed for the exam (wanted to get a feeling how full the room will be). and then i recognised. phoned @ university, but no way i can take part of it.

just silly, i mean i took 1 week off from work ffs. i could have imagined better "holidays" though :D
i spent the whole semester reading that shit subject i forgot to sign up for (biology of plants, uber boring and difficult to remember shit).

at least you can remember what you have read, april is 1 month from now, its not a really long period tbh. I will forget everything ive read about my subject in a week or two... whine :'(
yes thats true and my script is like 250 pages, but the core is to understand, not to replay the things exactly...:)

gg hellhammer :D i find it funny that im not the only loose student ;-)

GL for the future :D
lol thx u2 :D
i'm having mine for smth like 3 years now, played 4 lans with it and never broke or anything :D
Old drivers ;)

Edit: don't get a diamondback...mine broke after 1/2 year =(
logitech ftw, iam using my old mx510 for over 2 1/2 years now :o
i have a mx518 now, i love it and you have to say that it just has an awesome quality!
idd, mine's so worn even the little stands on the bottom are worn off and the writing has gone....
i really dont understand how its possible that the mouse breaks!
i have my mx510 over 3 years, mx518 over 2,5 years, copperhead very long and they r all good
mine is almost 2 years old now and i never had any probs with it :>
well my mx300 was alive the last, lemme think, 6 years! its just the materials that give up after such a period of intense gaming - mousefeet aint fine anymore - sensor lags sometimes - buttons get loose etc... its still working though, but not the way i want it to work :D
To have an equivalent of 400 dpi, put your mouse @ 1600 DPI in drivers and 3rd sensitivity notch @ windows (= sensitivity 4 in regedit = ratio 1/4 = 1600/4 = 400 DPI) OR @ 800 DPI in drivers and 4th notch @ windows (ratio 1/2)

About the hz: 500 should be fine. (It doesn't handle 1000).
maby ur wanking on it but I am using it already for 2/3 years and don't have any problems with it ( did take a break with the mice got I had a g5 but that was 6 month's or smth ) so 2 years :)

Santa.new mouse 2005/10/27
razer to teh win
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