koto is back

image: kotoig8

i rly <3 this community
Finally, I waz missing meh buddy <3
Welcome back insane owner.
low+ skill max now, like before =)
I still remember my 1st match for team portugal, koto was crying because of r1co shooting headshots n stuff :XD http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/5935/lolui2.jpg (he got the hax at the next season.. as u can see there he had low damage n stuff)
kmt zecatone hit koto iur sharpple and other hackersji playing with the tag back to the back xxxxx or playb0ys xxxxx
koto is clean, please...
i saw jesus today in my toilet and he shaked my hand
just because your getting owned, doesnt mean hes cheating, you got killed by pure skill face it!
asslicking 4ever
Are you a real person dude ? your lan performance was AMAZING now i understand how you can be a friend of those morons....
which lan performance?

Back and still obvious.
that looks more like what i like
gotta love the portuguese fanboys the most :)

they made it to the national team due to only be 10 people left in the country playing ET and now they think they're eurocup material :)

who in the xfire community has actually seen ag0n play?

ag0n... asslicking highskilled players on xfire won't make you EC material man... it just leaves an aweful taste in your tongue.

ps: haven't seen you in any of the 2 lans we had in portugal where we beat all you low skills senseless... ag0n for CDC5??
That's funny, I can see your words but when I try to read them all I get is 'cheating asshole', strange.

P.S. If it's true that you're playing with them I'll seriously consider banning the whole team from this site.

Yes, do that please :)
i sort of agree ;o
Have you ever noticed your own ridiculousness?
arent you a cheater? you should talk about other peoples skill not even about ag0ns :X
blablabla but you are not more that med+ max without hacks. And you never played that good, i mean you had the aim but your brain still sucked a bit.. Anyway i think that people from crossfire dont doubt that you (and kmt and iur ) are bad players.
this is my last reply i won't bother to feed the trolls anymore.

if you have anything to say, i think you know where to find me. unlike some people I don't need to prove anything on a forum, much less my et skill or lack of it. this is a game that sometimes entertains me, when i stop having fun at it i'll stop playing it like i did before.

to agon:

you could try and "insult" me in many ways... but i assure you attacking my inteligence is not the best way.

@ cupper... thanks for quoting me. i hope you read that and understand it for what it really means

peace. out
Its not a attack to your inteligence but a attack to the lack of experience, and you know that its true. Aim is a bit overrated nowadays. Some experienced player, with brain and straf skills can easly win 1v1's against a good aimer.
med+ LOL they hacked against low+ random mix's who da fuck can some one being med+ doing that
better show a ss from a match where he played as much time as the rest of the team ? (hello DR ???!)
old info
yes we CaRe
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