Never a dull moment

This is a 'back from teh culb' journal with a difference as it goes on to the next day aswell!

Courtesy of CDC4 & ESL Masters I hadnt had a good night out in a while and last night I managed to get myself in a royal mess in the lovely city of Leeds. Other than the fact the music was class and I was just in that perfect drunken happyness mode the night was not journal worthy until after the club.

Running to catch the last train back to York in a very drunken fashion, (we didnt even need to run) my housemate decided to take on a taxi and managed to get himself run over. 'Man Down' was the scream, he managed to take the front corner bumper off the taxi, the taxi managed to take his ability to put pressure/weight on to his right leg which is now swollen all over the place. Never the less hes fine, but it certainly was scary and now absolutely comical.

Got back around 5/6am and I got 3 hours sleep before my landlord arrived this morning for his inspection. This is the first time ive ever met the landlord, however I've had several arguments with him on the phone about unfixed problems and generally i think hes a twat and he thinks similarly of me.

Still drunk I went for the jugular with him, when he wouldnt replace the broken microwave I just let loose and called him all names under the sun and proceded to have a 20 minute argument with him about his failings. Despite my love of e-wars im actually very unconfrontational, so to have a face to face argument with this guy was actually really fun.

He now is playing the 'i'm going to evict you card' and I 'should be expecting my notice through the post' his notice would be 30 days, which would take me up to 10th of April or so....My final assignments are due for the 1st weeks of May but my tenancy is supposed to run until July, even though neither I nor my housemates will be here. (You get a 12 month contract even thought you're only at uni for 8/9 months) - so he evicting me would cost me 3 weeks of annoyance having to finish uni from London (3 hours away from my university) but for those 3 weeks, I would save 3 months rent on a property I wasnt even going to be in, saving me around £800!

To put it lightly, things couldnt be any better!
edit club so nobody knows !
his is a 'back from teh culb' journal with a difference as it goes on to the next day aswell!
You do too much, stop it and stay put behind the computer!

leeds is a shithole for clubs... walk about is like the only good one.

come to bradford xD an even bigger shithole with a few good ones!
Oceana on a student night is class, last night there were probably 20 men in the club everyone else was female!
Is that a good or bad thing? ;)
As we're talking about UK, I wouldn't be so sure :)
well they are talking about Leeds or Bradford...ask yourself why?? there are only 20 men in a club..xD
Because there are people living with extraordinarily well-developed taste liek Meez! :)
made my day :D
Leeds is a class night out wtf
leeds was one of my favourit premier league clubs like 4-5 years ago when viduka smith and co were still there :-(
lold, nice story
my mate got ran over by a taxi which he dint pay for

but sounds like u got a gd deal by screwing with ur landord lol
wats your predictions on tonights game?
inter vs liverpool ?

liverpool win 1-0 torres goal
I'm going for 2-1 Inter...which is enuff to see us through....
they dont have mattarazzi

i dont see them beating us
i really shud start putting money on these types of things
I told u last time......u are spooky as fook
hahha, is he arab or british ?
british....geordie so its bad
only thing worse than a geordie is a mackem
lesson learned: ALCOHOL IS UR FRIEND!
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