job interview /new mouse?

good morning, since im not satisfied with my actual job, im having job interview today at zerofilm. its a movieproductionscompany, my job would be financial accounting. wish me luck!

but now my question.... my habu and my copperhead broke(usb), now i found my receipt(after half year). any recommends pls. i liked my old one, good for lil hands. so rup, tell me ur suggestions and have a nice day.

thx in advance, greeetz......

random music:
1) gl
2) deathadder
good luck with the interview, ive had the diamondback, G5, MX518 and Copperhead, and im most satisfied with the Copperhead. Im off to bed, NN
good morning you mean? :D
just got back from work, so daytime means my night :P
2 bad :< same for my father. He works during night and sleep during day xD gn mate. Wish me good morning! :D going to uni soon.
buy the same again :)
and gl
gL!! izi4u!
Intelli 3.0 is really similar in shape to the Habu, go get. :P
good morning, schneeee...

good luck with ur job :) and if u really were satisfied with ur copperhead, buy it again!
good luck kleine
mx518 no doubt
"good morning, since im not satisfied with my actual job"

w00t ?

ok this means punishment for u from ur BOSS ! :D
still not paying enough although i had a discussion allrdy about it :pp
u don't get my joke do u ? :)
i did but its nothing to read for cf community ;)
gl for ur interview & try it with mx518. cheap and easy to handle
intelli 3.0
HF being shy during the interview

as for the mouse, get what you were used to and liked most.
accounting sux ;(
gl schnee, nice working @ a movieprodutionz company :]

i'd say he deathadder is the best mAus atm, im using the G5 wich is very good to, but it isnt that small
luck and intellimouse 1.1 optical
you wont get the job :-)
lol u have little hands
normal for a girl isnt it?!
go for deathadder <3
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