well that sucked tbh

i just joined
Server NameeLemenT'FragLand
Server IP

and i got this lol'ing kick

"your GUID key is too new try again in 1 day"
L M F A O :( sucks to be me eh?!

ps: i had a fresh re install of ET due to that whole F up with my mouse thing,.. didnt expect summat lik thatto happen tho :D
your membership is too new try again in 1 day
membership? O.O what member ship ive played there before and didnt have that problem >:(
Member For: 2 days

That's what he ment.
owww i see my bad lol see told you im noob :D
Ye dobber' :D
:O!!!! How can you know that word!!!!!!! like omg omg omg !!! i thiought only scottish people knew that insult ! <3
ye cunto , sniff meh fanny.

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahha amazing <3 got me in stiches in here... keep going man this is quality
It's just I have a few fellow scotlanders in my team :D

And as they keep going out of temper ingame , I , as the french one , get all the scot' insults , lovely :D
aww man,, that is honestly amazing :D us scot's can be right bad tempered gits im trying to cut down on my whine/temper :D struggling but working :D

some classic insult you've said there mate honestly
Lol , I'll always remember : Geh back to yer maw , dobber

Gotta love scots and their accent :D
hahhahhahahahh i aint heard that one since high school !!!!

Anyway , I'm gonna play some CS:S (Cba playing on ET's pubs =P) , so if you got Xfire , add me , my id is dahbitch :D

Cu soon , Scott'
idd sucks, but the server is hit so why would you like to play there?
we need this feature on every warserver!! or some connection with the yawn acc database!! :D
a good thing could be a server side yawn application which let the players use the /yawn command even when they don't have yawn running.

but the guid thing is just retarded, if u uninstal ET and instal it again you'll have a new guid (if you forgot the save the old one).

and some people do a format every week before they always fuck up their PC.
i am not sure but afaik just the pbguid is changing after a reinstall. the ETPRO guid just change if you get new hardware!!! at least i wasnt talking about the guids i was talking about the yawnaccount which is connected to the cF database! (the yellow triangle)
but the element server is using the pbguid for their system, etpro guid doesn't have a date it's just a code which get generated each time you join a server with etpro running.
cause i r bored and wanna play et no one on for war at my lowbie low/low+ skill to war with :D
awh poor lil scotty if only they let you play they would see no problem with your GUID :XD
lol pansy,. to be hoenst i dont even know wtf that means lol ! goes to show how muc i actually know about this game eh :D
bless so innocent :'(
We added this feature to handle some problems with obvious pub-cheaters, random low---- newbie polish and with some idiots who kept deleting their key to get new stats in our stats system.

So, in conclusion: Yes, it sucks to be u..
lol i see the point in it.. but :( i need to start playing more activly cause im sick of being low/low+ lol doing ma heed in
You will be able to play on our server when ur PB-Guid is 3 days old, I think...2-3 days.
ooo okies :D so its not like a perma kick thingy then ? :D

i r noob i know's
Nope - that's why there's written: "Try again in 1 day"

cybergames@ laggy as F for my scottish person :( i refuse to paly there cause i find everyone un hittable (allthough its no doubt that i cant aim hahahahha)

Grr i suck at this replying to the right person thing ><

and pansy :o you should know me im scottsih im a class a ++ A hole ill insult anyone >:)~

Hmmm, another noob question time hahaha /yawn = ? :D
your reply skills are about as good as your insults :D <3
we will go pubbin np show those kiddies how pr0 your new guid is fo shizzle
yawn = http://yawn.be/findPlayer.yawn?gamecode=ET&etproGuid=280B0B8E3AA9C7B5CBC6C2F714CE1562479CC075
? old one anyway ;)
rofl at your killerboy to be honest... its people like you that give ET players everywhere a bad name "noobs" cannot get better at the game if not given the chance imo...
Why giving the chance on our server?
That's why Fragland >>>> Cybergames. :P
oNLy LNA_1on1 makes fragland > cyberspace!!! :DD and the location ofc! (for a german)
U mean eLemenT'Purefrag...which is tbh skillwise our lowest pub server. :P
like i care about skill on a pub :DDDD

but the map just oWnZ!
Check out our new map on this server:

"purefrag_b2" - even better imo :)
hey mate,, i posted new comment any chance you could give a read and see if that could be it? :)
lol again pansy im a failure in life et and now cross fire :D what a thing to be proud off :D :D
hmmm,, ok guy's ive just spoke with someone and found out that im noob (which i kinda llreayd knew)

but could it possibly be that i had my sisters hard drive in my pc so i could format and put windows back onto it for her (its no logne rin my pc tho)

or could it be that i finally got round to sorting my dvd writer so my pc actualyl reads the F'er is installed cause ive been told that a re install of ET wouldnt change my GUID key...

so do ya think that could be why my key changed?
ET has 2 different types of GUIDs. The ETPro-GUID, which should be hardware specific and should only be changed with a new HDD or motherboard or w/e it depends on, and the Punkbuster-GUID, which is the ETKey in ur ETMain-folder and which can ONLY be changed by deleting this file and get a new one.

The ETPro-GUID isn't reliable, it can be faked and changed however the user wants, if he knows what to do. The Punkbuster-GUID is afaik unfakeable and more or less trustwothy. Our system works with this PB-GUID.

The reason why u got a new one is that u reinstalled ur ET. U got a new ETKey/Punkbuster-GUID.
ahh kk, so it got nothign to do with that... If say i had a back up copy of my old etkey that i hadb efore i re installed it should allow me on the server if i just copy over existing one (thats if i can remeber where the F i put my back up copy of etkey lol)
Yep, that's how u can do a reinstallment of ur ET w/o getting a new PB-GUID.
Yay !!!!! i found it copied it over and the temp ban is gone :) ty for the help matey and everyone else
hahahahaa yer dumb!
:( i know's this dont need to be reminding by an inversnechian ><

(spelling ftfw !! haha :D )
You tell that bitch :)
rofl .. dont gang up lil poor nooblet me :( have mercy
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