Byebye EDiT

Hereby i declare EDiT fully dead , thx to lio's ban , we'll see if it gets lifted , if not it's over for us.

I'd like to thank Spain doneX , maybe the smartest guy on clanbase to get him banned.
Not for 6 months but for 12. He selfhandedly destroyed Belgium EDiT and Belgium Team Belgium.

Congratz , i hope your happy now, i wish you would go back inactive , 35 years old and still acting like a kid of 12 year. I hope your happy now.
Maybe in the future you should try doing something usefull instead of banning proven players (that get kicked for a bug). Instead of investigating it you just ban.

Cu shithead.
i still dont get it why doneX is the cb super ET admin is he doing anything beside bitching around from time to time ?
ban donex
arent you playing the pity-card now vila? should be possible to find another guy, ec is not around yet.
We are not just a clan , we are friends , we meet a lot in rl aswell , i don't want to play with some tard i don't even know. Furthermore he is our ingame leader + best player
well not everyone is a tard :)
i understand what your saying Vila - your ment to be a laugh in RL.

I get ya' its good that you don't see a replacement in future days.

GL man - hope this pulls through and that the retard that thinks he knows anything about ET is pwnt.

what a twat.
:( now thats not very nice
he just did his things,

he will unban lio when proven innocent doh
thats nonsens, in law you dont put someone in prison till his innocence is proven neither.
Its up to them to prove his guiltyness. As long as the situation is not clear no ban should be done.
except in taxes, when taxes are involved it's the other way around. You have to prove you're innocent :o)
yes but this is not matter of civil law (tax) but criminal law because he "committed" some kind of criminal offer and here counts the principle:
in dubio pro reo

I make law studies btw ^^
gj doneX, only right decision against cheaters
It's fucked up it should have to be comfirmed by like 50% or 40% or admins or something like that cos this is just unfair really :\
wait, why are you telling this to us?

tell it to donex you idiot
ooooooooooooooooh i cry now fo reeeeel
doneX = hitler
you mean lioco is a jew?
bb edit
Cheats or not..since when have console screenshots been valid proof for a ban? I'm sure Bulld0g has some voice to reverse this.
Bulld0g quited CB
I remember him saying.. but his name hasn't been removed from the clanbase admin page yet, this could be his parting gift to the community :D
this is a quote from a pm and column where i was discusiing this earlier:

QuoteIts a difficult one tbh, i think they both clean and its a bug of some type. The problem being CB have to be seen to act on it. They are both very well known for different reasons :D If its proved a bug they will lift the ban simple as that. It can be done just as quick as it was placed.

They were kicked during a CB NC match and CB has no other option but to ban. What sort of message would it send out if they didn't? People see the match on ETTV and say did those guys get banned. Everyone says no they said it was a bug and got off with it. See my point?

So either way CB had no option. The players need to annoy evenbalance until its sorted and this is just what they need to motivate them :)"

its all a great shame! but dont all blame Donex! blame pb!
I think I will blame doneX just because the guy is a complete twatbasket and I'm just in that kind of mood today :) C'mon.. even you can admit he's a tit.

Nice to see you agree this stinks though, but with evenbalance remaining silent over this it could be some time before they admit to yet another fuckup.
there are more proofs. Read the journals.
crossfire journals aren't proof either

There are links. How stupid can you be ?

in case you cant read : PBbans entry + yawn.
Incase you can't read, the OFFICIAL evidence (thats another word for proofs yo.) submitted for the CB ban is a console screenshot.

Go sit in the stupid corner, reprobate.
Pbbans is the proof. And the screenshot is from the NC game. So you cant say that it isnt a valid proof.
I'm not arguing the pbbans at all, not even slightly. See my post below regarding the screenshot.
I'm in no way saying lio is or isn't clean, just ripping apart the ridiculous CB ban system and doneX's inability to behave like a normal human being.
Console screenshot? Everyone who was in ETTV saw the situation so wtf are you talkin' about screenshot?
I'm not claiming it didn't happen, I'm just saying the CB ban procedure doesn't accept evidence in that form because it can't be used to inarguably link anything to a registered player's IP address. Atleast thats what they told me everytime I tried to submit serverlogs with high profile players getting kicked by PB as evidence.
pathetic post
I hope it's really a bug and you can proof it somehow, BUT at the moment it's a clear situation.

He got kicked for Gamehack, there is no proof that it's a bug and the only way to deal with it, is to ban such a player before the ec starts and give them a chance to proof it wrong until it really starts.

The other way would be to wait and wait and wait .. which is no real option imo.

GL lio & edit
this isn't fair, donex is getting way to popular! :<
Rhand needs to be ET sup again!

doneX is just a big fuck-up with great engrish skills
Oh please this whine is getting stupid now, He got kicked for pbhack ffs, you have no proof whatsoever that it was a bug, your only defence is he played well at lan, and he's a nice guy on vent, If this was anyone else i.e a randomer no one would be believe it.
intelligent reply.
he got kicked for pbhack... you dont have any proof that it was a bug and "lanproven" means nothing.

this ban is deserved, especially because youre belgian.

fucking stupid..

another famous ET team dies - where does this leave us?

another 6 players away from the community + the WC..

i find it so sad that someone would do this over a error.

I hope it gets lifted - but i doubt it...

so gl edit - gl

a sad day for ET imo..
Every admin on CB would have approved the ban. There's no reason to flame DoneX for it - a pbbans record for gamehack with matched IP is an instant 12 month ban. If it's in a CB game it gets fasttracked, hence why it was relatively quick.

As I commented in Lio's journal, hope it he's proven innocent and you guys come back!
Every admin? He is just doing this out of spite for his own mistakes last night in our match vs Poland.
CB has very clear policies on cheating. It's notoriously difficult to get a ban approved (although Bulld0g streamlined it a little), but a PBBans entry with IP match is accepted proof and would be accepted proof by any admin for a 12 month ban. If it's a ban in a CB game then it gets rushed. Nothing to do with DoneX or yesterday's game (for the ban to be up today it would have to have been in the system well before yesterday's game - you know how slow CB anticheat can be).

EDIT: And yes, the game yesterday was screwed up, from what I saw pretty much everything that could go wrong did, and a large part of the responsibility probably lies with the admins, but everyone makes mistakes.
He has been admin for several years and should not be doing any mistakes anymore... He's just incapable of running a league and to place his own feelings aside
think the same! but he believes that he did the right thing which is simply wrong
sorry but no mistakes like this ...

I know the NC rules , but apparantly doneX doesnt know his own rules...
game supervisor can't make mistakes this big, and if he does he should step forward and admit his mistakes.

and cause of this wasn't HER first mistake, he should really step down and let someone else who is capable to do this job. he is the worst supervisor in all gaiming I have ever seen
+1 :> btw update lio's ban with the pbbans link ( ), looks unclear
It is really sad that egomaniac DoneX is allowed to be part of CB staff, he has proven numerous times in the past of being incabable for the job. He doesn't even have the common trust from ET scene.
gl @ offline poker
mss graakt ge nu is in BE
kzal uwe goeie vriend donex is een pmke sture sgoe
kem er al 20 gestuurd
kijk, die gast haat heel edit, prolly om het verleden van flamers etc, die heeft zijn eigen eigenwijze mening, en daar gaan een paar pmkes nix aan helpe, die gast amuseerd zich te pletter nu

dus ne unban van lio.. da kunde wel vergete denkik
is belachelijk want ge weet evegoe da die nooit heeft gecheat
rofl, you blame him? he banned someone for cheats(not sure if it is or not, but unless no proofs he must ban him) and you blame him that he destroyer edit and belguim :DD
2 weeks
tell him that
so AlexL & lio got banned coz of that bug(?) ?? Great stuff.
i dont think its bug, gimme proofs-
why should I give you some proof if you dont think its not a bug ? :D

Since I kinda asked already if its a bug or not, but nvm.
i thinks that faq axel cheat he is a noname, 2 months and wnb highm i know that you have been playing over 3 years, and i know that you know tha you are clean. this is for PROTEIN, or added ingredient aLEXXXXXXXXXXX
=DDD drunk I suppose =) How's it going there at the all mighty KOTKA city ? =d

gj donex
well i got banned aswell and i can only say more low to CB only beacuase a multihack witha clear hax entry code is 6 m onths only instead of life ban... lio should get a guidspoof and make a comeback like half of newtalenty busted players do
did he ban alexl?:D

gamehack = 1 year

multihack = 6months

cvar = 3

public or war doesn't mean anything

Pubcheat 6 months
CB official cheat 12 months
but as someone said earlier, screenshots has never been working as evidence @ clanbase so either they need to change the evidence (take his "pub-bust" and give him 6months) or just appeal the ban.
Guess which 2 options wont be choosen at all? :D

Not saying that its wrong to ban him.. but the whole procedure has gone crazy :)
Spijtige zaak =/
nice killing your own clan!
want him unbanned? make PB state that it actually is a bug, otherwise his ban will not be lifted
lio isnt a hacker..
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