14 Mar 2008, 17:57
Great job Mr.Donex. You are so right, lio is a cheater. Oh dear, lio was so bad at CPC 1 CDC 2 CDC 3 and especially CDC 4... He was one of the worst players out there, therefor he was in a need of a GAMEHACK. Cmon man, don't make any illusions, YOU don't even follow the ET scene anymore, do you even know what the top 3 of CDC 2 was ? I doubt you do.. If you can't handle your job, just be a man and take a step back of ET...
Thanks for killing a team which has been together for almost 4 years and played at every Crossfire LAN, and played nearly every eurocup.
Flame On!
Thanks for killing a team which has been together for almost 4 years and played at every Crossfire LAN, and played nearly every eurocup.
Flame On!
So in your opinion, just because someone played on LAN they shouldn't be banned ever?
Let's get Perfo's ban nullified!
Thanks for killing a team which has been together for almost 10 months and played at PGA and CPC2, and played every EC which it signed up for.
Flame On!
flaming and ranting Donex for doing his "job" eventhough Lio played equally good online as offline ( everybody knows that ) wont help your cause. If you really want to get it fixed, do something about it instead of making journals :/
gl though
cuz i think everybody knows that he shouldnt be that stupid to start cheating...
wp community
been to a lan or not doesn't matter ...
donex did what he had to do,
a BAN.
Quite sure it has done that before
4 years ago u were playing for rvL and the rest was playing OC div8 with dtk
gl though, :p