Decisions to be made

Help me to choose:

watch "Michael Clayton"
watch "There will be Blood"
write an ec article with my craplolenglish
writing an ec article with my craplolenglish
Michael Clayton
Michael Clayton
There will be blood of course

Michael Clayton is a waste of about 1hour and 30minutes of your lifetime, most boring movie I've seen so far.
There will be Blood
There will be Blood
write an ec article with my craplolenglish
Michael Clayton!
If you want to waste your time watch Michael Clayton it rly sux :D
dl out for justice
There will be Blood
There will be blood, easy choice
3rd option, obviously.
There will be Blood ofc
Didnt like There will be Blood
Same, I thought it sucked.

Sling Blade and No Country For Old Men I liked :)
Sleep?! imo
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