is that the right choice! :<

Today my good friend and schoolmate died. :<

He killed him self becoz of lot of problems. Nobodey wasnt expecting that he would do such a thing.

He was always funny and friendly. All school loved him. Nobodey couldnt help him becoz he never told anyone about his problems. He was hiding problems deep in side him.

Luka Flajs R.I.P (14.4.1991 - 18.3-.2008)

in b4 shitstorm

edit: Crossfire 3.0 - A Goth Community
why do people post stuff like this on crossfire.

anyway i feel sorry for you

@b1bub4bu go out to your friends and spent time with them it will help you come over that mess

rip :(
because for some people its a way of telling others about their (as you put it, "pathetic") problems without speaking of them to IRL friends, something which this poor guy found it too difficult to do, which for normal people is perfectly understadable.

its people like you who talk shit to others online and think they are God that could have made his friend have no-one ATALL to speak to, it wouldnt suprise me if he did speak to you because you have no sympathy atall, I'm not saying crossfire is the right place or not for such talk, but have some kind of human response... and not just "your pathetic".. its like saying, dont tell me you are thinking of killing yourself because im playing ET war.. i dont have time for you, which is fair enough, this is an ET site, but why be an idiot when someone does post this?!


im sorry to hear about your friend, best wishes b1bub4bu
maybe fix your own problems first, if you got offended by my comment and you should grow up, looking at your immature insults.
lol you are a sincere prick. please gtfo!
You are truly a fucking retard..
If you read all comments, you should understand why zerender is posting this, and he is all over right. Proved by retards posting nonsense.
sorry, but this is not the right place for things like this :<
I have a lot of problems too (as everyone else), and the only thing why i would never kill myself is: hurting those people who love me...

selfkill is so 98... anyway no more bad words.

Rest In Peace Luka!
and the only thing why i would never kill myself is: hurting those people who love me...

thats so true.
It's so 2007/2008 if you live in Wales Bridgend
Saw it on the news X)
Yeah, mass suicide retards :>
its why u never sk and gets full spawn every fucking map???
that sucks so much... i hope you and your mates family would try to understand his solution though...
i dont see the point of killing urself irl.

rip anyway
sorry, but this is not the right place for things like this :<
you sir are a retard (and i hate that insult)
man you are 17 years old use ur brain
OMG are u serious bastard?

he is sad and maybe crying like a baby...cause he loved his friend and u have nothing better to do then make some jokes about it

ur definetly not human..
no comment about that.
How emotional and sad story.
Your post was almost as funny as the killerboy .avi's
thats sad :[

so is life, what can one say, not much.

I feel for you, having no friends, so u cant actually imagine how it feels to suddenly lose one....


Any iPods involved?
hahahaha man first the spree thing now this ur fucking funny
why dont you go after him?
Very very sad :/


R.I.P Luka!
Sorry to hear that. Hope theres really an afterlife and he's
enjoying the unconditional love and bliss that he didn't get
to feel in his short life.

I feel sorry for ur loss.

If u feel to post it HERE then it is the right place.
This is the moral of nowdays, run away from your problems! Only the toughest and fearless human can face the problems of nowdays. But it's a fact that an idea of "what is problem" has changed during decades. Nowdays problem, is something or much more something what it used to be. So the solution is to run away from your problems and be a 'coward' and make a suicide. Well I can see that sometimes suicide is nice thing, especially when you call it an 'euthanasia'.
Sometimes I hope myself that some person should die. Sometimes I want to kill myself too. Maybe that's normal nowdays ? Maybe in future there are coming more and more suicides becouse people just don't think about it, they just DO it..
what was his problem ?
QuoteNobodey couldnt help him becoz he never told anyone about his problems
yep, but after he died 'maybe' we know then
well prolly only gonna be speculations anyway. Maybe it's better if noone knows. Don't know the guy, but I kinda feel for him cuz I've
known alot of people struggling with problems that were created by a world thats getting more cruel everyday... :/
feel sorry for you :/
feel sry 4 you, but i think this aint the right place for this
Omg Luka. I knew him too.
I cryed all night yesterday. I'm asking my self hole day: why didn't he say anything?!
God ... :'(
Luka Flajs R.i.P. </3
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