The i-net has failed me once again!!

I tried to find some registry fix for this problem but google has failed me..
I am not using any drivers for my razer diamondback, however I have fixed my registry for no accelaration and now I want to change 1 more thing....
Basic layout of mousebuttons on the razer:
image: buttons
this is a pic from the razer drivers but the windows standard driver layout is the same, mouse button 4 @ leftside front and mouse button 5 @ rightside front... but since I only use the leftside I would like to change this (also because ET only binds up to mouse5) so that I have 4 and 5 on the leftside..
Razer drivers sux because of the accel issues etc.

btw tried to hax it myself but I failed.

Plse PM me if you have any idea + for more info's if u want to help me out.
Or just comment if you are sure I cant fix it this way.

Another challenge for nC... hax my mouse (won't give you any money though.) xD
[19:39] Supa stylin': flame my journal!!!
these are the old drivers:/
plz read my post... I said I use no drivers.. I need a reg fix not a comment about the pic. thnxuverymuch.
btw you can use macros...i.e i have
BIND O of the keyboard macroed on MOUSE :=) i find it easy :)
had that aswell but I play diff games aswell and using no drivers so being able to just bind my mousebuttons is very handy. + razer drivers sux donkeyballs.
This shit looks gay.
Get a deathadder .
hai fake anim! :<
hai2u 2.. my nick is as old as I am.. used it since 2005 and never knew someone had the same back then.
to fail someone

I fail someone
You fail someone
he/she/it fails someone
we fail someone
you fail someone
they fail someone
your point being?
Present perfect in the title and simple past in my post

You sir, failed to flame!
something doesnt fail someone
something simply fails
now I'm unsure.
lets ask perfo! xD
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