OC groups...l;l

welll what do you guys think about it?

i think its pretty good but i prefer to c my inFlux team in premier, players like phate chry scatman. Also i think vib is premier worthy. Who the fuck are reveal.et , TTD, secunda doping in PREMIER? who are these teams :/ Kolorowe Kredki seriously whatttt? CHECK PREMIER group G, looks like a weak group. GROUP D and E are pretty hard groups, nice matches to c.

WHO WANTS TO CHANGE FROM premier to 2nd, pm inFlux`Frenky on #inFlux ! ty

About the mappool, i rly liek it but they need to ban braundorf_b4 , i dont like it anymore :< karsiah is cool, i rly like that map.

6 polish teams in premier, ET is dead
karsiah sucks
it owns, u dont remember wCm's fullholds there? :DD
let's whine!
wheres the oc groups
lolz VIB in 2nd = easy win
klick auf readmore
ban karsiah
there always were that many pl teams in premier league
gl to all \o/
toupparit > all
shit mgplasacheaters in premier...
snd/influx/Gamedivision and shrapnelz -> Premier

roYality e-Sports/reveal.et/cdap - black/menTiz/aZe -> second/third
are u kidding?
we almost won last years premier /rY
You still suck or at least you're not as good as influx, Gamedivision or shrapnelz.
Can't rate the other teams in Premier since I don't know them.
rofl fucking bastard shut the fuck up u mongol
rofl'd, der nächste bitte
who the fuck are you rofl? some random pubhero? haha
You were really close to get an EC qualifier
It's a joke that we didn't anyway...but care now.
I am talking seriously
Wow your ignorance and retardness really reached a new level. And btw we have owned the shit out of every your listed clans.
cant wait for OC 3on3 groups !
The OC groups in CoD4 are a bit strange, but hey... 900+ clans, they are bound to make mistakes :)
The didn't add #wicked.et GRR
What a fucking joke, why would you put us in 2nd leauge?

Most of the teams in oc premier are a joke.
People like jokes, jokes make people laugh, laughter is good for you.
banning ppl makes them crying, ppl dont like crying, crying is bad for ppl
Idd, I lol'd hard :-D.
you dont know reveal?
damn u must be really lowskilled...
Damn, Necroraisers not adde :O, and only because we cant play last premier ! , i hope doneX will change his mind :X, We are pretty preparing for OC and now this :((
sounds like u whine just for the sake of whining... I think this year CB admins made kinda fine job with OC groups

but, what happens to teams that lose EC quali... surely some of them would like to play OC?
arent they placed into the OC premier?

The groups in premier have only 4 teams per group atm so i think there is still room for the EC quali losers.
I think that they will add them into premier league [ 8 groups ,8 quali -> loser join to OC ! )
They will be added later. Premier will be 8 groups of 5 clans, one of each group proceeding from qualifiers.
because your lineup is 1 day old?
not 1 day and your team sux
week geleden spelde scatman nog in massacre en 4 blijft mijn hoogste bod
die waren niet actief, was toen al trial bij ons
go play with your etx and stfu.

b4 > karsiah anytime
ksnap al die whine over b4 niet zo :<
same here, good map.
clans who applied for EC aren't added imo. and its only a preview so dont whine Frenky!! :PP
kolorowe kredki @ premier xd ok
^cuz u are 2 week team biatch
4 really good teams in one group [D].. thats nice..
Finland TTD aka Teuva Total Dominating
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