oc 6on6 groups

anyone wants to switch from premier to second leauge?

msg vib|axel in #vib
Because they deserve it.
disko is good.
Groups online?
Give a list on who should be there instead please.
Belgium vib
Europe sNd / inFlux
United Kingdom Shrapnelz
Poland blurred vision
Thats it? and you complain ?
You gD & probably team massacre.
and #wicked.et ofc ! but they forgot to add us :\
United KingdomTeam-Entity
et is dying tbh
old teams are leaving, new ones are coming
but well, there was a time when the oc prem. teams were more skilled indeed :/
The teams playing EC quali this season whould have played OC1/2 some years ago :D
thats true...
and who should play EC then?
u realize that skill evolves, don't u?
yesterday I got a fine example of that again when an oldschooler (horus) played against us in 3on3 and was dead serious calling us haxers when he got owned big time :p
agree, oldschool is overrated
well horus was always a whiner lol
give the guy a break.. he hasn't played actively for years, he has a new pc, he uses a ballmouse now and he was only good because he could use prone like noone else
i agree that skill evolves.. the current top teams would bash the old dignitas/dsky/gunslingers, but horus is not a good example
on the other hand i do believe that the old top teams would still be at top if they would have continued playing
horus was just first guy that came in my mind because I just played vs him last night... ofc there are others as well :)

btw, it's not my fault if he uses a ballmouse or not... I'm not saying how bad he was, but stating the point how eagerly he accused us of cheating (saying he has never seen such aim etc. crap)... so obviously none of the good ppl in the ol' good times did have the aim an average high skiller posses today.
that's true
how old school?
well a lot of the old but not so old players do fine in nowadays ET even with everyone being a lot more skilled individually
If skill evolves, also the players playing evolve, that containing the oldschoolers as well. Let's say any oldschooler that used to be pro and is playing constantly, could still be pro because he gets better all the time. Afaik there's no limit for one's skills, is there?

Ofc, there are some ppl that are more talented and might stay above others (like maus) although he isn't oldschooler.
One part of the skill evolve is also the developing hardware which enables the "rapid" skill evolution.

Basically, I'm saying that someone who used to be good in the beginning, would be kinda bad atm (although he would reach his previous skill level kinda fast).. I don't think skills disappear anywhere during breaks (one just needs longer warmup to hit something).

You can see a good example if you watch some old demos like ins or even dsky playing, and you see their aim is at what we call max med skill nowadays
I disagree ET is quite a skill capped game the way weapons work, spam, spread, crouch it means that most players level off at around the same point where you can really no longer improve individually.
Well, I think ET is more skilled than last year at the same time, and clearly more skilled when we count several years. Maybe there is a skill cap and we are slowly reaching the limit soon, and therefore the changes aren't so visible compared to recent times, but are kinda clear compared to times when mystic was the only one really with the command of aiming. It might be true that some day we can't get anymore better, but still there are likes of maus (again him, bah) to show us that it's possible to shine from the masses with his aiming abilities. Whether he is "a prodigy" or it could be possible for others to reach his skill is irrelevant but at least it prooves that it's possible for a human to be that good an aimer and maybe others might reach his skill level some day with a lot of practise.

ps. I'm not a fanboy of maus, and I also think his skill level evolves
Yes i know, that was just a constatation.
cod4 is the future sir
well, i know, and i think cod4 is a nice game, but i just love et too much to leave it before absolutelly all servers have been killed :(

but well, i already played some cod4 wars, and they suck tbh...:/
hmm Afternite aka Stargåte would rape ur whiny ass bitch
Someone should think about replacing that weird hacking Poland clan Kolorowe Kredki
Add #wicked.et aswell..!
All the groups which are placed in the premier league are just fucking big jokes, I mean, what is S-Crew doing there? As well as diSko and Reveal.et? These teams have been around for quite some time but they cannot cope with premier league skills (well to be quite honest with you they can cope with the current skillz in the premier league :S!)
Well they got up to third or something in the 6on6 ladder so im pretty sure cb would have took that into consideration. They've got some cracking players too and a bunch of great guys.
disko won last OC 2-nd division

now what should 2-nd divi winners do? YES, go one league up....
disko.et won 2nd division last time
but maybe we will swap with someone to get in the 2nd league : )
dunno, lol
they deserve it you dont deserve it. cheater.
Your team has no history with that lineup, maybe that's why.
Last year we also played oc premier and lost in the 1/8 finals with the onemove tag.
Can't see onemove in OC premier fall / spring 07.
you weren't in onemove, right?
who wanna switch from 5th to 4th? contact me or Rhand @ #kkc.et
ttd gl pro's , KIPEHEHEHE :D
thats really as weird as the oc groups!
whine whine whine, just let them be.. its always the same whine about groups..
take nkNn away from premier...np we kicked their ass with #riots.et aka riots mixu....
:XD ? You are ?
you are? :DDDD riots.et are low+/med- mixed without taxs.
And :XD Cant even remember the name so proablly you are dreaming or proablly we played with a mix 2 years ago so
u got ur ass kicked by riots-mixed HAHAHAHAha
1) Rlly dont know who the fuck you are ?:XD 2) And practise says all think :XD
HAHHAHAHA owned by a mix! HAHAHA

beter als onterecht in premier!
wij verdienen ook 2nd meer niet :)
maar goed jij met je ego he ;)
als je verliest van cdap verdien je inderdaad nie btr nee wij hebbe denk in alle offi's laten zien da we wel goed kunnen spele en in tegenstelling tot sommige clans denken
cdap, was zonder jua en mij dus totaal andere line up :)
dus niet zo egocentrisch..

wil binnenkort wel 6on6'je tegen jullie dan zullen we is kijken hoe goed jullie echt zijn , ben benieuwd
wij hebben gewonnen van cdap, jullie niet. einde discussie. c0bra
de line up speelde niet
dus klaar mongoloid
ajaaa maar in die practise wil zeggen dat iedereen van ons speelde weet nie maar we spele hier en daar gewoon met 3 mercs en als we dan nkNn gebruiken dan wil da zeggen dat die allemaal in nkNn zitten logica van ezels hebbe mensen hier
ok mister i know it all
ja en wij speelde wel met DE line-up? XD ga paaseieren schilderen voor zondag.
wij hebbe maar 1/6 offi's met echte lineup gespeeld, mij hoor je ook ni whinen :-)
en stond gy ni bij backup? dus als DE lineup ni speelde sucken jullie want dan speelt gy? :XDDDDDD nu snap ik hem, etbot gecrashed? :( of weet je pw niet meer?
ik speel de laatste 2weken vast in lineup omdat nick constant 999 heeft, die hebben ze laten spelen die match dus om de 1 a 2 min had hij 999, dus was een beetje useless :)

en fostrum speelde ook maar die speelde praktisch voor de 1e keer mee wist dus plekken niet goed uit zijn hoofd etc etc :)

en etbot gecrashed ? not rly , just banned from nC
nja stop gwn met lame excuses te gebruiken.. we hebbe 6/6 offis gewonne 3/6 tege OC div 1 clans dus ik zie geen reden wrm ge whined
imo spelen jullie gewoon onterecht premier, mijn mening en die mag ik nog altijd uiten kanker faggot, of kun je meningen niet respecteren en ben je zo'n faggot waar het altijd volgens zijn eigen inzien moet lopen
nja als je je mening uit kom dan met bewijze of iets anders ipv gelijk een 12 jarige mongool te schelde met kanker, stom hengkop
dus ik moet dingen gaan bewijzen omdat ik me mening geef? wtf dude, ga aardappels schillen met je verlepte oma
ga kaas eten stom kaaskop, als je zegt dat we onterecht div 1 spele zeg dan wrm? ipv te whinen met whine die nergens overgaat retard.. maarjah kan jij niet aan doen dat je leven zo slecht is; dat je moeder in afrika ergens in de sahara ligt weg te rotte met 750 negers die elke dag op haar kop spuiten en dat uw pa u elke dag verkracht en dan enigste wat ge te eten krijgt uw oma haar baarmoederkoek is.
wrm, jullie zijn noob
je bent gwn jaloers dat je zoveel geld hebt moete steke in je etbot, van naam verandert bent nog steeds suckt en div2 moet spele
ten 1e heb geen etbot meer
ten 2e me nick is me achternaam gewoon omgedraaid dit is me ander account, als je ziet heb ik die al bijna 2jaar dus plz stfu en die gebruik ik genoeg net als me oude nick
ten 3e jaloers op jullie hahaha grapje zeker ?

owja en ik kan 5etbot's per week kopen als ik wil dus np ;)
1. ik snap ni wrm tetsuo enz met u speelt want ge zijt de dikste retard die ik ooit ben tege gekome
2. sure alsof je hem niet meer gebruikt, ik zag comments van mense die al aan whinen waren dat je overdreve wh'd
3. als je niet jaloers was was je niet aan whine gelijk een klein kind.
mooi bedankt! fijn om te weten!
gelukkig gedraag ik me alleen zo tegen mensen die ik niet boeiend of niet nuttig vind fuctioneren.

als ik gebanned ben van nC beni k alles kwijt van me etbot? of snap je dat niet , jij was toch ook zo'n hacker...

whinen?kleinkind? prima kerel wat jij wilt

internet hero
ik was banned met een bot die detected was van het begin op een public serv, ik ben niet zo een mongool die hax nodig heeft om zich de man te voele,
volgens mij ben je al mongool genoeg als je weet dat een hax detected is en er dan nog er mee te spelen..
euhm ik had mn guid en pb guid verandert enz wisti k veel dat da ook met ip's en shit werkte, maar jij weet blijkbaar genoeg van h4x
ja ik speelde en khad 1000 damage op alle rounds ofzo en 20 acc als rifle
ja ok daar zeg ik nx over want ik heb u zien laggen in die laatste 3v3 mah die retard begint te whinen over domme dinge die nx met ons te make hebbe
lol @ kredki
maybe be more active and stable next time ? you think that you will make some uber-pwn-highskilled-2-weeks-team and then you i'll get spot in the highest divs ?

edit: hm, you are right, I forgot about this year’s EC invites ...
remove secunda touppinki plxplx
emagine should be in 1st as well!
that's what I wanted to say! ^^ thx :)
cant see o2.et but nP
QuoteDivision 1: 8 groups of 5. 1 clan proceeding from the EuroCup Qualifiers will be added to each group.
why is nknnn in it too then ? imo they should play EC :x
we got Belgium Witje ...
so ? they got [fag=nl] loAzis too.... 8X
ey maat, zo gaan we ni beginnen eh!
blurred vision would like to switch to premier league as well, pm me
velerion !!!!!!!!!!1111111111
"Where are the teams that lost their Qualifier?"

QuoteDivision 1: 8 groups of 5. 1 clan proceeding from the EuroCup Qualifiers will be added to each group.
idd and dont get all the whine its aslo a preview so anything can still happens
soooo true. But without achviements or stable canhis, you can't get OC premi.
nähää finaaliis
and me ( chmpp ) will leave your clan because of that

I'd like officially state that I'm looking for new team now and anyone interested should pm me here in xfire.
#aze ! were in premier !
btw we need the 3v3 groups !
lol at group D
tough group but Hungary infinity & Sweden J.Lindeberg will go further
tough group but Poland Savak & Sweden J.Lindberg will go further. **
1st: make your own sentence

2nd: I watched savak playing 2 days ago and they are really not that good
I heard rumors that J.Lindeberg won't play 6v6 OC :-)
i hope so ^^
they wanted EC, not OC. but I guess they will play 3v3 oc still, dunno
ok nice for #velerion then !!
Quoteofficial statement:
YA we will get ass fucked!!!
np 4 velerion.
uquk would own ur clan
Teh OLD retROACtive would own..
duh tha smokezor own da shit>3
like u played vs. them
Uhm, I'm playing in vib??? So don't expect us to be owned!
afternite > all
fu, DnC > afternite
team entity needs OC prem :X
ec4,influx,vib 4 prem
loll dont even know one of the teams in our group :d
placid aka w3st.et!
ec4,influx,vib 4 prem
Estonia diSko won 2nd league in last OC
im lold! Poland kredki in premier league XD
just they are hackers :DD hi2u mss , prawie jak , revol , etc
Cause a team liek xLy that plays with same lineup for more than a year deserves oc premier more than a team that was built just before oc or cant keep same lineup kk?
Portugal blast (<6s> [Second place ET 6v6 OpenCup Fall 2005 Winner Ultimate PT ET 6on6 (hosted)] ) 21 Mar 01:16 Reply
Premier Division - Group G

#display - Team xLy

I have the information from the portuguese ET comunity that xLy team disbanded, and should be replaced

GL for everyone, and Have Fun!
once again, thank you CB & crew for the cups and the hard work :)
We decided to keep together any problem?
Blast can go take rennie
u were looking for a clan 2 weeks ago ...
so? now we decided to keep the team together something wrong or smt i should warn you?
well its not really stable if your cless for quite a while
if your clan is together over an year you are not supposed to take a 2-weeks break from playing? idiot
they were apart way longer and i doubt there good enough for premier. but u got a point
and why should you play there?
Because we're better than oc 2nd league?
kaas! kom OC meespelen :p
geef maar een belletje of pm ofzo als je me nodig heb
pm ff je CB id dan, dan voeg ik je toe
wtf lul jij nu gare
#uQuk is former #retro4u.de
since we fucking active zijn verdienen we die plaats egt wel grapjas
Would be nice if you could talk english to him since he's from Sweden/Finland and he won't understand the Dutch language.
guys wtf #uQuk--> former retro4u we where number 3 in 6v6 ladder and like master active aldo some other teams don't deserv it imo
tbh, Vib deserves OC prem, so does SND/ influx.
Thanks, gl in EC ; - )
btw gl axel
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