oc 6on6 groups
21 Mar 2008, 11:40
anyone wants to switch from premier to second leauge?
msg vib|axel in #vib
msg vib|axel in #vib
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
sNd / inFlux
blurred vision
old teams are leaving, new ones are coming
but well, there was a time when the oc prem. teams were more skilled indeed :/
u realize that skill evolves, don't u?
yesterday I got a fine example of that again when an oldschooler (horus) played against us in 3on3 and was dead serious calling us haxers when he got owned big time :p
i agree that skill evolves.. the current top teams would bash the old dignitas/dsky/gunslingers, but horus is not a good example
on the other hand i do believe that the old top teams would still be at top if they would have continued playing
btw, it's not my fault if he uses a ballmouse or not... I'm not saying how bad he was, but stating the point how eagerly he accused us of cheating (saying he has never seen such aim etc. crap)... so obviously none of the good ppl in the ol' good times did have the aim an average high skiller posses today.
Ofc, there are some ppl that are more talented and might stay above others (like maus) although he isn't oldschooler.
One part of the skill evolve is also the developing hardware which enables the "rapid" skill evolution.
Basically, I'm saying that someone who used to be good in the beginning, would be kinda bad atm (although he would reach his previous skill level kinda fast).. I don't think skills disappear anywhere during breaks (one just needs longer warmup to hit something).
You can see a good example if you watch some old demos like ins or even dsky playing, and you see their aim is at what we call max med skill nowadays
ps. I'm not a fanboy of maus, and I also think his skill level evolves
but well, i already played some cod4 wars, and they suck tbh...:/
now what should 2-nd divi winners do? YES, go one league up....
but maybe we will swap with someone to get in the 2nd league : )
beter als onterecht in premier!
wij verdienen ook 2nd meer niet :)
maar goed jij met je ego he ;)
dus niet zo egocentrisch..
wil binnenkort wel 6on6'je tegen jullie dan zullen we is kijken hoe goed jullie echt zijn , ben benieuwd
dus klaar mongoloid
wij hebbe maar 1/6 offi's met echte lineup gespeeld, mij hoor je ook ni whinen :-)
en fostrum speelde ook maar die speelde praktisch voor de 1e keer mee wist dus plekken niet goed uit zijn hoofd etc etc :)
en etbot gecrashed ? not rly , just banned from nC
ten 2e me nick is me achternaam gewoon omgedraaid dit is me ander account, als je ziet heb ik die al bijna 2jaar dus plz stfu en die gebruik ik genoeg net als me oude nick
ten 3e jaloers op jullie hahaha grapje zeker ?
owja en ik kan 5etbot's per week kopen als ik wil dus np ;)
2. sure alsof je hem niet meer gebruikt, ik zag comments van mense die al aan whinen waren dat je overdreve wh'd
3. als je niet jaloers was was je niet aan whine gelijk een klein kind.
gelukkig gedraag ik me alleen zo tegen mensen die ik niet boeiend of niet nuttig vind fuctioneren.
als ik gebanned ben van nC beni k alles kwijt van me etbot? of snap je dat niet , jij was toch ook zo'n hacker...
whinen?kleinkind? prima kerel wat jij wilt
internet hero
edit: hm, you are right, I forgot about this year’s EC invites ...
I'd like officially state that I'm looking for new team now and anyone interested should pm me here in xfire.
2nd: I watched savak playing 2 days ago and they are really not that good
just they are hackers :DD hi2u mss , prawie jak , revol , etc
Premier Division - Group G
#display - Team xLy
I have the information from the portuguese ET comunity that xLy team disbanded, and should be replaced
GL for everyone, and Have Fun!
once again, thank you CB & crew for the cups and the hard work :)
Blast can go take rennie
#uQuk is former #retro4u.de
since we fucking active zijn verdienen we die plaats egt wel grapjas