arnis bncs

arnis vhost rebootet this night for some reason and sbnc happened to crash on this occasion. Since arni is on vacation right now (without inetz, omg) I was there without irc the entire night :'<
Fortunately I got him on the phone and he told me the pass. So everything is restored now.
While you might wonder why anybody here would care; arni hosts bncs for quite some users (which are most likely here on crossfire) so if you have a bnc from arni, its working again now. Tho it might not if you got your bnc after feb 13th; if so, pmme, should be easy to fix (still have your settings)

image: 632661167_l
ye if u don't have arni bnc u don't have irc u fuck
ya, thats how the world works!
Pure bnc's > all nP. <3 h3ll.
nice hacking arni's root pw...
irssi shell's > bnc's

fucking need one yo'
Can i have arni bnc ? ^^
who cares?
just connect to quakenet normally then ffs
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