pstarz website v2 BETA released

my design, pzyko's coding :) still needs adverts added, bugs fixing and some sponsor images adding... but please register and help fill it up so i can see what its like complete and I can make any design changes and pzy can make any coding adjustments.

yes the website is slow at the moment, but new webserver soon.. for now.. please bear with it whilst its in BETA stage :)


**EDIT** girls coming tommorow! <3
its slow at this moment, new webhost is coming in.
slow server
i like it
pr1mo-esports :D
banner is kinda simple but nice anyways :)
Holy jesus mother of christ
i like the old with the naise chicks much more!!
we can add some girls :P any preference as to whom!? (:
dunno just smth like the oLd page had (black&white ofc)
yeah i liked the old also
but this new one with the bloody pstarz logo and chicks would be awesome
its coming back.
these chicks are necessary for a cLan called pstarz!! :]
I know, no worries there is coming back enough porn :D
yeah i liked the old also
but this new one with the bloody pstarz logo and chicks would be awesome
Pretty nice but I hate those kinds of designs ;) good job!
Gaming powered by announced soon

[flags are gay]
i dont like it
not bad but i prefer the old 1
I like it!
very nice site
need a pink page(maybe header) + girlZZZZ! :)

WP till yet :)
better than the old page
girls incoming tommorow morning!
:D Yay

image: LEFFA

Those please :F
I approve of this content.
link to full plz!!!
nnnnnnnneeed full link there hot :D
Generic multigaming site, good, but then again, most of the multigaming sites look alike.

one minor thing, the "comments" under news is invisible.

re-play had the worst site ever, now they seem to have redesigned it a bit, still confusing.
2nd that, but its the most effective way to reach sponsors. its overall a nice site and u can find everything on it :x
1 suggestion

change something on hovering of the menu

put an underline or wotever
image: hot-cropped-300x

/journal obviously
I usually don't like what you do as much as this, the only thing I could complain too much about would be the whole fragvisionthingy beeing too small and that the team/achievements page have the regular "boring" scripts to list players and such. Other than that it looks slim and sexy >:D

Edit: It look like tek9's website >:O
nice work pzyko! <3

but add some more girls/porn n stuff !
wat willst du
verpish dich yetz dat sein meine letze wurten
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